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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Summary & Study Guide

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever by Jeff Kinney

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Summary & Study Guide Description

“Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever” is a young adult novel by Jeff Kinney. It is the sixth installment in Kinney’s “Wimpy Kid” series. “Cabin Fever” follows the misadventures of Greg Heffley as his attempt to earn money for Christmas gifts gets him in trouble at school just as a massive blizzard sets in. When the novel begins, Thanksgiving has just passed, and Greg is panicked about being as good as he can so that Santa Claus will bring him many gifts. Greg spends much of his free time playing the game Net Critterz online. Greg needs cash to buy his virtual pet Chihuahua various items, but his mom says she will not give him any money. Further, she reveals that Greg will have to earn his own money to buy gifts for others this year. Greg asks for money to be left behind the church in an envelope request on the church’s Giving Tree, where people help one another out anonymously.

Greg immediately sets to work trying to come up with ways to earn cash. His attempts at shoveling snow end in failure as he tries to use water to blast away the snow –which in turn causes a sheet of ice to build up instead. Greg and Rowley decide to have a Holiday Bazaar like the school does, and will sell concession snacks, offer games, and sell gifts. Greg and Rowley discover it is too expensive to advertise in the local paper, and the local paper won’t cover their Bazaar as they deem it to not be newsworthy. Greg and Rowley decide to then create their own paper to advertise their Bazaar, but Vice Principal Roy will not let them hand it out at school. Greg and Rowley decide to advertise for their Bazaar by creating signs and taping them to the school wall. When rain begins falling, it causes the signs to run – and green ink to stain the bricks. Greg and Rowley then flee when a teacher nearly catches them.

The newspaper carries a story about the vandalism. At school, Roy addresses the student body, demanding that the guilty parties, or anyone with any information, come forward. Rowley submits an anonymous note saying he and Greg are responsible for the vandalism. Greg refuses to identify Rowley as the co-conspirator, meaning that Greg must now clean the bricks alone. It takes him several hours, but he manages to do it. At home, Greg learns the police have paid his house a visit, but with no one home, have merely left a note. Greg is panicked and angered that Roy has brought in the police.

That night, a terrible blizzard sets in which rages all weekend and prevents the police from returning. Greg’s dad takes a hotel room near work since he cannot make it home. That leaves Greg, his mother, Rodrick, and Manny at home alone. Greg quickly gets bored, as there are only so many things that can be done. When Manny breaks their mom’s glasses, Greg is the one who must help his mom care for Manny. When the basement floods as a result of all the snow, Rodrick, whose bedroom is in the basement, must share Greg’s bedroom upstairs which annoys Greg even more. As Christmas Eve rolls around, Greg’s dad is able to return.

Greg is sent to drop off a toy donation at the Toy Drive bin outside the police station. Greg does this in a ski mask so the police do not identify him. He then swings by the church to see if anyone has left cash for him, shoveling the entire parking lot to make sure, but there is nothing there. The newspaper carries a story the next morning of an anonymous do-gooder who shoveled the school parking lot, enabling the soup kitchen to open. Greg considers publishing a second edition of his own newspaper to name himself as the do-gooder.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever

  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid series
  • Books With A Special Disney+ Cover
  • View history
  • 1 Main Characters
  • 3.1 November
  • 3.2 December
  • 4.1 Original
  • 4.2 Revival
  • 5 Inspiration
  • 6.1 Goofs/Errors
  • 7 Sneak Peek
  • 10 References

Main Characters

  • Greg Heffley
  • Manny Heffley (Main Antagonist)
  • Rowley Jefferson
  • Rodrick Heffley
  • Susan Heffley
  • Frank Heffley

See minor characters

Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the prime suspect. But the crazy thing is, he's innocent. Or at least sort of. The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise blizzard hits, the Heffley family is trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts, he's going to have to face the music, but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holidays?

Maybe you would've gotten more presents if you hadn't pinched your brother last week

Greg's on the Naughty List for hurting a demon?

Worrying about the holidays, Greg writes in his journal that he has to change his behavior to not get bad presents for Christmas. He complains that kids whose families who don't celebrate Christmas don't have to stress out and that he has a few friends like Chirag Gupta who act more like jerks just because they can. He is also creeped out by the fact that Santa knows when he is sleeping and when he is awake.

Then he also complains about a toy Susan brought out, Santa's Scout . To Greg, the toy doesn't let him repeat any of his usual antics to find out what his presents are and makes him be extra good when he's in the room with Santa's Scout, so it doesn't report anything bad to Santa back at the North Pole, but it probably doesn't matter anyway because Rodrick is constantly feeding bad information about him. Whenever Greg wakes up Santa's Scout is in a new place which he thinks is supposed to mean he traveled to the North Pole but he's starting to think it's just Rodrick moving him.

The next day, while putting up the Christmas tree, Manny throws a huge tantrum when he finds out that they were decorating without him, the reason why he was upset was because someone hung his favorite ornament so Susan gave the ornament to Manny but he wanted it first on the tree and that's what happens in his house every single year. Greg then recalls how before Thanksgiving Break his school had a contest to create posters in order to get rid of bullying.

This makes Greg remember how he and Rowley were chased with a stick by Nasty Pants , but only to find out he's just five to Frank 's disappointment. Greg can't help but notice how the adults at his school had trouble paying for insurance for the playground equipment after noting that the school took away all of it. First, they lost the swings and seesaw, next they lost the monkey bars and finally they lost the balance beam. The reason they lost all of the equipment was because people got hurt, the same goes for most games like Freeze Tag (someone was hurt after getting shoved from behind) and that banned running or touching, even after making up Air-Tag it is not the same. Greg points out that adults these days are getting too obsessed with safety with all kids especially since the kids wear bicycle helmets to Manny's peewee soccer game.

Greg decides to create his Christmas wish list as to not repeat what happened a few years ago. Since he didn't write a wish list, Susan got him a doll named Alfrendo while Susan was pregnant. He soon grew to love the doll but misplaced it so he was devastated but also afraid he wouldn't be trusted to look after Manny. Greg drew a face on a grapefruit and wrapped it in a dish towel but soon developed a fear that the doll will return to exact his revenge. Missing the feeling while he had taken care of Alfrendo, Greg turns to Net Kritterz to fill the hole. However, he grows too addicted, so Susan makes him invite Rowley over.

Spotting the two playing video games, Susan tells them to do something else and they play Wacky Sentence, but they get in a fight over the spelling of volleyball. They then play Hide-and-Seek, but Greg finds Rowley easily because Rowley thinks that if he can't see you, you can't see him. Greg decides to spend some time by himself by committing a dare to see who was braver, each one of them had to go in the woods and write down their name on a fort they built and who ever chickened out was wrong about volleyball and had to call the other guy sir for the rest of his life. Greg came up with the dare because he wrote his name on the fort last summer, when they built it, so he went inside the front door made himself a bowl of ice cream and relaxed for a while. He then later walked around his house, rubbed dirt over his face and clothes and tricked Rowley which made him back out, and the rest of the night was argument free. Rowley accompanies the Heffleys to Church , as Rowley's family doesn't go to church that often, so he doesn't know the rules, he thought that peace is with you was actually the vegetable "Peas" be with you and gave a kiss to a woman instead of handshaking, Greg and Susan were glad when they dropped him back.

Greg tries to ask Susan to loan him money, but she won't give him any. She tells him he could shovel his neighbours' driveways the next day. Greg finds a customer but turns his driveway into ice after melting the snow with water and spends his $20 on rock salt to melt his driveway. Frank reminds Greg about using "poor judgment." The same thing he said about an incident with a Student of the Week bumper sticker. Instead of going to church, the Heffleys head to the Giving Tree where Greg places a note requesting cash.

The school starts telling students to eat healthier as a way to improve their Phys Ed ranking. Greg asks Mr. Underwood if he can finish his sit-ups as homework, and he agrees as long as he gets proof. Greg paints fake abs with mascara on his chest, and many other boys follow the suit, Greg also states that many of them are awful artists. However, their ploy is ruined when the mascara runs because of their sweat. Susan tells Greg that he has to start buying his gifts with his own money, which he usually does at the Holiday Bazaar . Greg decides to sell his signed graphic novel, but it is revealed to be a fake signature and realizes his mother must've signed it because she got tired of waiting. Greg forgets that he had to get a gift for his holiday buddy, but Susan manages to get him one at the last minute.


Greg stocking up on Drummies . With that much drumsticks, he'll become the new drummer of Loded Diper.

At the store, Greg spots Drummies and decides to create his own Holiday Bazaar. He and Rowley soon make a cardboard makeshift of the Pac-Man game. Rowley is supposed to control the ghosts with pencils glued to the cardboard ghosts, while the person outside moves Pac-Man with a popsicle stick. After two hours making it, Rowley asks Greg what happens if he needs to use the bathroom. Greg hands him an empty 2-liter soda bottle. Once they were done, Greg cut the grooves for where the popsicle stick and pencils would go. However, much to Greg and Rowley's dismay, as soon as Greg cut the outer border, the whole maze fell into the machine. Greg concludes that they won't make much money unless people would pay a quarter for Rowley sitting in a box.

After being rejected for an I.O.U, Greg is dismayed that the news can't write about their Holiday Bazaar. But he gets an idea: to make their own newspaper for the Bazaar. He and Rowley name the newspaper " The Neighborhood Tattler " and wrote their front-page story. They also then made a comics page, featuring " Stinky Sebastian " by Greg and " T.G.I.F. " & " Ned the Napkin " by Rowley. Another addition is their advice column, "Ask Greg", where people could send questions about problems they had. But instead of waiting, the two make up a few "sent" questions. Rowley goes around the neighborhood for another story for the paper.

Soon, they hang posters advertising their Bazaar at the school, but it starts to rain, and the color is attached to the wall. Someone spots the two, so they take off. While the witness didn't get a good look at them, the fact that they made the front page makes them criminals. Greg admits this isn't the first time this has happened; one time he and Rodrick helped an old lady by taking her to the grocery store, but it turns out they took her to a store that was far from Leisure Towers and sadly the lady didn't want to go back in the van with them and he and Rodrick were on the news. The school starts to spread rumors and investigate who was responsible. Rowley turns Greg and himself in, but only states Greg's name. Greg decides to take one for the team and scrubs the dye off. The police leave a note stating they'll be back to Greg's house. However, a huge snowstorm hits the town, Greg cannot believe it happened, whenever Rowley watched a Christmas special which was taped, he called Greg about the report. While Greg did seem concerned when he heard, he stopped believing Rowley when he watched the special in the middle of summer. Due to the storm the entire family, except Frank, who had to stay in a hotel due to the weather, are trapped inside the house.

Manny manages to hack Greg's Net Kritterz account and spends all of his tokens and points in that game. He even somehow figured out how to change the password for the tv. To keep the boys entertained, Susan brings out some board games to keep them occupied. Greg plays a magic trick on Manny that there's a hole in the table. Manny tries that with Susan's glasses and breaks them. Susan, being nearly blind without her glasses, then tells Greg has to take care of Manny and to feed him. Manny throws huge tantrums on how Greg is not serving the food the way he wants, but Susan backs Manny up much to Greg's dismay. The next morning, Greg heads into the basement and finds out that it was a foot underwater, ruining most of their stuff. The four spend the day clearing the water out and Susan has Rodrick sleep in Greg's room for the time being. Greg heads back to the basement to salvage stuff and is reunited with Alfrendo, which Greg figures Frank hid. Greg notices the food was starting to dwindle down and decides to survive on a jawbreaker. The electricity cuts out and then powers off.

Manny hides in his room while the three huddles together to keep warm. Greg misplaces Alfrendo again and is forced to shower. Following that, Rowley asks Greg if they want to build a snowman, but Greg asks how his family is living without power. Rowley tells Greg that the electricity is back, and his house is the only one in the street without it. Greg then gets curious and goes and checks the fuse box, he finds that Manny fused all lights except for his room's. Greg reports to Susan, they investigate Manny's room and find a heater, lights, toys, and food. Susan questions him, but Manny starts bawling it's because he doesn't know how to tie his shoes. Greg then goes downstairs to turn the power back on. The snowplow arrives and clears the snow and Frank comes home with food. Susan has Greg head to the police station and deliver their gift. Greg hides his face, thinking he's wanted, and delivers the gift. He then remembers he had asked for money and shovels snow off the driveway but finds nothing.

The Daily Herald 2

Newspaper showcasing Greg "clearing" the church driveway.

He returns home when suddenly the police show up. Greg freaks out and assumes they are here to arrest him, but instead they ask for last-minute gifts for the Toy Drive. Greg tries to give them Alfrendo, but the cops after looking at Alfrendo said that they won't accept used toys and quickly left. Greg wakes up at Christmas morning with no presents downstairs, but Susan says they did get gifts and they were wrapped in trash bags since the blizzard messed up Santa's schedule. Greg got his first signed the signed Tower of Druids book for real and by Kenny Centazzo . Susan asked him to write: To my biggest fan, Greg. But Kenny did not hear Greg's name carefully, so it wrote: To my biggest fan, Craig. That made Greg wish that he will find a rich man and sell it to him that was named: Craig. Rodrick got a drum and some drumsticks. Manny got a lot of toys, like every Christmas. Susan got Manny sneakers, but Manny prefers that his mom tie his laces even though he knows how. Greg, Rodrick, and Manny got V-neck sweaters, then they had to go to church, Greg wore his pajamas also inside the sweater and when he came back, he was so sweaty that he had to take off his shoes and get the water out into the sink. Returning from church, Greg sees the newspaper which thinks that he selflessly cleared the snow so homeless people can get food from the soup kitchen. He said the newspaper didn't get the story right, but he won't complain, the article has inspired him to put out a new version of the Neighborhood Tattler and Greg says he bets they can sell a ton of copies.

Film Adaptation

In December 2012, Jeff Kinney announced that he was working on an animated adaptation of Cabin Fever to air around Christmas 2013. In August 2013, Kinney stated it would be a half-hour television special, and would air on Fox in late 2014.

On September 8, 2023, Disney announced they were going to be releasing a film adaptation of Cabin Fever for Disney+ on December 8, 2023 called Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin F ever .


"I'm very excited to be writing the sixth Diary of a Wimpy Kid book, which features the Heffley family being snowed in,” says author Jeff Kinney . “Having just experienced an epic winter in New England, I've had plenty to draw about." [1]

  • Many fans consider this book to be the best one in the series. Mainly because of the fact it's main focuses are on Christmas and snow.
  • This book is likely set in either 2013 or 2019, as it is revealed that Christmas Day fell on a Wednesday.
  • This was the last book to have major scenes from the online version in a book, which shows Greg buying " Drummies ".
  • There was going to be a little to know movie special of the movie it is based on when Jeff Kinney stated at one of his Wimpy Kid 2012 events, that the third one will be the final one (until the not-well received Wimpy Kid 4th movie), and also said stuff about the special named Cabin Fever. After the Hard Luck cover release, he still stated the Cabin Fever movie special, with it will be on FOX, that owns the 3 movies, and will be released in 2014. Sadly, it was scrapped and canceled, with no footage of storyboard or plans retrieved to this day.
  • On-Page 175, the book makes a Harry Potter reference when Greg complains about the way Manny likes his mustard on his hot dog, and he claims: "See, this is the kind of nonsense I'm dealing with right now. I've seen a lot of movies where a kid my age finds out he's got magical powers and then gets invited to go away to some special school. " Greg is making a reference to the book/movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone. He then claims that if he does get an invitation like that, this would be the perfect time to get it. It also shows an illustration of Dumbledore , instead of Hagrid, handing him the invitation to Hogwarts .
  • A Scholastic book order would get you two free bookmarks when you pre-ordered it, and when the book itself came, it was in paperback and a note was in it, complete with Jeff Kinney 's signature.
  • It was revealed in this book that Greg won a contest to see how much a goat's kid weighs. He won a goat but Frank wouldn't let him keep it. A similar idea was used in The Long Haul when Manny won a pig after finding how much a hog weighs, but unlike the goat, the Heffleys had no choice but to keep the pig.
  • The paperback version officially came out in the UK on 30th January 2013 and people could also send Jeff Kinney some photos when you're ordering it and he will give one which has the photo you sent on the cover instead of Manny and Greg . In addition to this, Wimp Wars had new questions based on Cabin Fever.
  • This is the third book to contain a Christmas entry in Greg 's Diary . The first being Diary of a Wimpy Kid , and the second being mentioned in The Last Straw .
  • This the fourth time Greg 's Diary was not mentioned.
  • On-Page 58, Rowley closes his mouth for the first time in the book series and third overall, including the two times he closed his mouth in the online version. Rowley would also go on close his mouth two more times in the book series: on Page 166 of The Third Wheel and Page 29 of Hard Luck .
  • This is the first time a branded video-game ( Pac-Man ) is seen.
  • It is unknown why Rowley didn't have the pimple from Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth because it ends in November, this one starts in November only. It is possible he or someone else might have popped it.
  • This is the second book to have another character (in this case, Manny ) on the front cover with Greg . The first was Rodrick Rules , which featured Rodrick .
  • This is the first book that only covers two months. The Third Wheel , Hard Luck , Old School , Double Down , and The Meltdown also cover two months.
  • On Page 112, Susan is shown holding a picture of The Cat in the Hat.
  • Two actual events in history; the first Thanksgiving and the Boston Tea Party are referenced in the book.
  • This is the third book where the color of the cover bears a resemblance to the story, the first and second being The Last Straw and Dog Days , respectively. The book's color is turquoise/cyan, which may be because it's mostly winter, and turquoise/cyan is often associated with winter.
  • The part where Greg hides under his bedsheets when Frank knocks at the door are most likely a reference to the famous film Home Alone in which, the main character, Kevin, hides under his bedsheets because he was scared of the knocking, not knowing it was a police officer.
  • This is one of the few books where Greg's selfish actions are limited.
  • In some versions there is a note at the beginning about how the book was published. According to the note, the book was created between two storms.


  • On Page 70, it says Greg is going onto Prentice Lane . However, on page 72, it says he is going to Prentice Street . This was fixed in a reprint.
  • On Page 68, Greg mentions how he, his father, Rowley, and Manny all met his new neighbor on Halloween. However, Rowley and Greg were having a fight and wouldn't have gone trick or treating together (because Halloween took place during Ugly Truth). It also couldn't have taken place on any previous Halloweens because the Snellas didn't move out until the summer before Ugly Truth.
  • On-Page 20, Greg and Rowley are shown too tall, and Frank is shown too short.
  • On-Page 109, while Greg is waiting in line to get his graphic novel signed, Manny is seen in a pram as a baby. However, Greg mentioned that the comics convention took place the year before Cabin Fever, so Manny wouldn't have been a baby by then and instead be a toddler. (That's because the comics convention took place between the first book and Rodrick Rules.) Greg is also seen much shorter.
  • On page 110, Greg says that when he had kids, they would be mad that he sold his graphic novel. The sentence should say, when I have kids, not when I had .
  • On a UK copy the Puffin logo is duplicated.

Page 1 of the book.

See Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever/Gallery


Diary of a Wimpy Kid- Cabin Fever by Jeff Kinney


Diary of a Wimpy Kid- Cabin Fever Trailer

  • ↑
  • 1 Rodrick Heffley
  • 2 Greg Heffley
  • 3 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hot Mess

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Diary of a wimpy kid: cabin fever, common sense media reviewers.

book report on diary of a wimpy kid cabin fever

Snowstorm tale lacks some punch but stays funny in 6th book.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Poster Image

A Lot or a Little?

What you will—and won't—find in this book.

Like the other books, this one is a reminder to ki

As usual, readers learn the lessons that Greg neve

Greg is a magnet for kid trouble and, as always, a

Kids get mildly bullied -- arms twisted and gettin

Parents need to know that the sixth installment in the extremely popular Wimpy Kid series is the mildest yet. There's almost no violence except for a few barely bullied kids. And a couple of cartoons show Greg in the bathroom with his underwear on. Parents will probably be more concerned with Greg's behavior…

Educational Value

Like the other books, this one is a reminder to kids that keeping a journal is actually kind of cool. In this one, Greg and Rowley also start a local newspaper and try to create their own arcade games. There's also a send-up of sites like Webkinz and MyePets that may make kids think about what they're really getting.

Positive Messages

As usual, readers learn the lessons that Greg never seems to get, especially owning up to mistakes and working hard to get what you want instead of always looking for the easy way out.

Positive Role Models

Greg is a magnet for kid trouble and, as always, a funny example of what kids don't want to do. He's a reminder that it's better to own up to mistakes than live in fear of getting found out and that the easy way out isn't the best way to go. His parents mean well but also make some mistakes. Greg's mom makes him stop playing on his computer nonstop and have a friend over. She's also always quietly encouraging Greg's creativity and big ideas, like starting his own paper.

Violence & Scariness

Kids get mildly bullied -- arms twisted and getting chased. Someone slips on ice, and a kid hits another in the rear with a BB gun.

Did you know you can flag iffy content? Adjust limits for Violence & Scariness in your kid's entertainment guide.

Parents Need to Know

Parents need to know that the sixth installment in the extremely popular Wimpy Kid series is the mildest yet. There's almost no violence except for a few barely bullied kids. And a couple of cartoons show Greg in the bathroom with his underwear on. Parents will probably be more concerned with Greg's behavior. As usual, he's not owning up to his mistakes, but he usually pays the price in excessive worry and/or (fair) punishment from his parents or the school. Parents may like the jabs at sites like Webkinz that get kids to hit their parents up for money -- a worthy topic of discussion -- and the safety restrictions at school that are so excessive that all of the playground equipment is removed.

Where to Read

Community reviews.

  • Parents say (10)
  • Kids say (49)

Based on 10 parent reviews

Cabin Fever ☃️

What's the story.

It's November, and Greg is already worried about making Santa's naughty list. To get info directly back to St. Nick, Greg's mom enlists the help of an elf doll that she calls Santa's Scout. That doesn't stop the mischievous misadventures, though, as Greg ices over someone's driveway (thinking a hose would be faster than shoveling) to make money to feed and clothe his online pet, pretends to use his mom's exercise game (but just sits and presses the buttons instead), and accidentally defaces school property with posters that stain the walls (and there's no way he's owning up to that ). But when a blizzard strands Dad comfortably at a hotel and the rest of the family is stuck with limited food and no electricity, that's when the Christmas holidays really get interesting.

Is It Any Good?

Fans of the Wimpy Kid series could definitely do worse than having CABIN FEVER handy during cold winter weather. Greg's still up to no good in his own cluelessly funny way. Seeing how his family handles being stranded in a snowstorm is the highlight of the book. On the other hand, flashbacks about Greg's strange doll and the president's physical fitness test aren't as engaging and are too big a departure from the main story. As always, there are reminders that being a kid is so different today. Parents reading along will laugh about the sad state of Greg's playground (all the toys are removed for "safety reasons"), the kids sneaking energy drinks when the school soda machine is removed, and that Greg gets rewarded with cybercash for watching his online pet watch commercials. While the later volumes in this series lack a little punch compared with the early ones, there's still plenty to laugh at and discuss with young readers.

Talk to Your Kids About ...

Families can talk about online games that encourage kids to spend money . Do you play any of them? Are they as addictive as the game Greg was playing?

Talk about the Wimpy Kid movies vs. the books. Which do you like better? Is the movie version of Greg the way you imagined him in the books? What about the other characters?

Discuss creativity and writing. Does this series encourage you to start your own journal or newspaper?

Book Details

  • Author : Jeff Kinney
  • Illustrator : Jeff Kinney
  • Genre : Humor
  • Book type : Fiction
  • Publisher : Amulet Books
  • Publication date : November 15, 2011
  • Publisher's recommended age(s) : 8 - 11
  • Number of pages : 224
  • Last updated : July 19, 2018

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  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever is the 6th book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series . It was released on November 15 th , 2011. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever succeeds Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth and precedes Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel .

  • 1 Main characters
  • 2.1 November
  • 2.2 December
  • 4 Inspiration
  • 7 Names in other languages
  • 8 References

Main characters

  • Greg Heffley
  • Manny Heffley
  • Rowley Jefferson
  • Rodrick Heffley
  • Susan Heffley
  • Frank Heffley

Worrying about the holidays, Greg writes in his journal that he has to change his behavior to not get bad presents for Christmas. He then complains about a toy Susan brought out, Santa's Scout . To Greg, the toy doesn't let him repeat any of his usual antics to find out what his presents are. The next day, while putting up the Christmas tree, Manny throws a huge tantrum when he finds out that they were decorating without him. Greg then recalls how before Thanksgiving Break, his school had a contest to create posters in order to get rid of bullying. This makes Greg remember how he and Rowley were chased with a stick by Nasty Pants , but only to find out he's just five to Frank 's disappointment. Greg can't help but notice how the adults at his school had trouble paying for insurance for the playground equipment after noting that the school took away all of it and the kids wear bicycle helmets to Manny's peewee soccer game. Greg decides to create his Christmas wish list so as to not repeat what happened a few years ago. Since he didn't write a wish list, Susan got him a doll named Alfrendo . He soon grew to love the doll, but misplaced it so he developed a fear that the doll would return to exact his revenge. Missing the feeling he had taken care of Alfrendo, Greg turns to Net Kritterz to fill the hole. However, he grows too addicted so Susan makes him invite Rowley over. Spotting the two playing video games, Susan tells them to do something else and has them play Wacky Sentences, but they get in a fight over the spelling of volleyball. They then play Hide-and-Seek but Greg finds Rowley easily so he decides to spend time to himself by committing a dare. Rowley backs out, and the rest of the night is argument free. Rowley accompanies the Heffleys to church, as Rowley's family doesn't go to church so he doesn't know the rules, he thought that peace be with you was actually the vegetable "Peas" be with you and gave a kiss to a woman instead of hand-shaking, Greg and Susan was glad when they dropped him back.

Greg tries to ask Susan to loan him money, but she wont give him any money, and tells him he could shovel his neighbors' driveways the next day. Greg finds a customer, but turns his driveway into ice after melting the snow with water and spends twenty bucks on rock salt to melt his driveway. Frank reminds Greg about using "poor judgement." The same thing he said about an incident with a Student of the Week bumper sticker. Instead of going to church, the Heffleys head to the Giving Tree where Greg places a note requesting cash.

The school starts telling students to eat healthier as a way to improve their Phys Ed ranking. Greg asks Mr. Underwood if he can finish his sit-ups as homework, and he agrees as long as he gets proof. Greg paints fake abs with mascara on his chest, and many other boys follow suit. However, their ploy is ruined when the mascara runs because of their sweat. Susan tells Greg that he has to start buying his gifts with his own money, which he usually does at the Holiday Bazaar . Greg decides to sell his signed graphic novel, but it is revealed to be a fake signature and realizes his mother must've signed it because she got tired of waiting. Greg forgets that he had to get a gift for his holiday buddy but Susan manages to get him at the last minute.

At the store, Greg spots Drummies! and decides to create his own Holiday Bazaar. He and Rowley hang posters at the school, but it starts to rain and the color is attached to the wall. Someone spots the two, but they take off. The school starts to spread rumors and investigate who was responsible. Rowley turns Greg and himself in, but only states Greg's name. Greg decides to take one for the team and scrubs the dye off. The police leave a note stating they'll be back to Greg's horror. However, the family, except Frank, who had to stay in a hotel, due to the weather, are trapped inside the house.

Manny manages to hack Greg's Net Kritterz account and spends all of his tokens and points in that game. He even somehow figured out how to change the password. To keep the boys entertained, Susan brings out some board games to keep them occupied. Greg plays a magic trick on Manny that there's a hole in the table. Manny tries that with Susan's glasses and breaks them. Susan then tells Greg has to take care of Manny and to feed him. Manny throws huge tantrums on how Greg is not serving the food the way he wants, but Susan backs Manny up much to Greg's dismay. The next morning, Greg heads into the basement and finds out that it was a foot underwater, ruining most of their stuff. The four spend the day clearing the water out and Susan has Rodrick sleep in Greg's room for the time being. Greg heads back to the basement to salvage stuff and is reunited with Alfrendo, which Greg figures Frank hid. Greg notices the food was starting to dwindle down and decides to survive on a jawbreaker. The electricity cuts out and then powers off.

Manny hides in his room while the three huddle together to keep warm. Greg misplaces Alfrendo again and is forced to shower. Following that, Rowley asks Greg if they want to build a snowman but Greg asks how his family is living without power.Rowley tells Greg that the electricity is back and his house is the only one in the street without it. Greg then gets curious and goes and checks the fuse box, he finds that Manny fused all lights except for his room's. Greg reports to Susan, they investigate Manny's room and find heater, lights, toys and food. Susan questions him, but Manny starts bawling because he doesn't know how to tie his shoes. The snow plow arrives and clears the snow and Frank comes home with food. Susan has Greg head to the police station and deliver their gift. Greg hides his face, thinking he's wanted, and delivers the gift. He remembers he had asked for money and shovels snow off the driveway, but finds nothing.

He returns home when the police enter, but instead of asking for Greg, they ask for last-minute gifts for the Toy Drive. Greg tries to give them Alfrendo, but the cops get freaked out by looking at Alfrendo and say that they won't accept used toys. Greg wakes up Christmas morning with no presents downstairs, but Susan says they did get gifts and they were wrapped in trash bags since the blizzard messed up Santa's schedule. Greg got his signed Tower of Druids book for real and by Kenny Centazzo . Susan asked him to write: To my biggest fan, Greg. But Kenny did not hear Greg's name correctly, so he wrote: To my biggest fan, Craig. That made Greg wish that he would find a rich man and sell it to him that was named: Craig. Rodrick got a drum and some drumsticks. Manny got a lot of toys, like every Christmas. Susan got Manny sneakers. Greg, Rodrick and Manny got V-neck sweaters, then they had to go to Church. Greg wore his pajamas also inside the sweater and when he came back he was so sweaty that he had to take off his shoes and get the water out in the sink. Returning from church, Greg sees the newspaper which thinks that he unselfishly cleared the snow so homeless people can get food from the Soup Kitchen. He said the newspaper didn't get the story right, but he won't complain, the article has inspired him to put out a new version of the Neighbor Tattler and Greg says he bets they can sell a TON of copies.

  • On Page 70 it says Greg is going onto Prentice Lane . On Page 72, it says Greg is going to Prentice Street .
  • On Page 68, Greg mentions how he, his father, Rowley, and Manny all met his new neighbor on halloween. However, Rowley and Greg were having a fight and wouldn't have gone trick or treating together (because Halloween took place during Ugly Truth). It also couldn't have taken place on any previous halloweens because the Snella's didn't move out until the summer before Ugly Truth
  • On Page 20, Greg and Rowley are shown too tall, and Frank is shown too short.
  • On Page 185, Gramma wasn't crossing her arms properly when her grandsons, Greg and Rodrick, were sitting on her plastic-covered couch.


"I’m very excited to be writing the sixth Diary of a Wimpy Kid book, which features the Heffley family being snowed in,” says author Jeff Kinney . “Having just experienced an epic winter in New England, I’ve had plenty to draw about." [1]

  • This was the last book to have major scenes from the online version in a book. (the drummie scenes)
  • On Page 175, the book makes a Harry Potter reference when Greg complains about the way Manny likes his mustard on his hot dog, and he claims: "See, this is the kind of nonsense I'm dealing with right now. I've seen a lot of movies where a kid my age finds out he's got magical powers and then gets invited to go away to some special school. " Greg is making a reference to the movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. He then claims that if he does get an invitation like that, this would be the perfect time to get it. It also shows an illustration of Dumbledore ,instead of Hagrid, handing him the invitation to Hogwarts .
  • A Scholastic book order would get you two free bookmarks when you pre-ordered it, and when the book itself came, it was in paperback and a note was in it complete with Jeff Kinney 's signature.
  • It was revealed in this book that Greg won a contest to see how much a goat's kid weighs. He won a goat but Frank wouldn't let him keep it. A similar idea was used in The Long Haul when Manny won a pig after finding how much a hog weighs.
  • The paperback version officially came out in the UK on 30 January 2013 and people could also send Jeff Kinney some photos when your ordering it and he will give one which has the photo you sent on the cover instead of Manny and Greg there and in addition to this Wimp Wars had new questions based on Cabin Fever.
  • This is the third book to contain a Christmas entry in Greg ’s Diary . The first being Diary of a Wimpy Kid , and the second being mentioned in The Last Straw .
  • This the fourth time Greg 's Diary is not mentioned.
  • On Page 58, Rowley closes his mouth for the first time in the book series and third overall, including the two times he closed his mouth in the online version. Rowley would also go on close his mouth two more times in the book series: on Page 166 of The Third Wheel and Page 29 of Hard Luck
  • This is the first time we see a branded video-game ( Pac-Man ).
  • It is unknown why Rowley didn't have the pimple from  Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth because it ends in November, this one starts in November only. It is possible he or someone else might have popped.
  • This is the second book to have another character (in this case, Manny ) on the front cover with Greg . The first was Rodrick Rules , which featured Rodrick .
  • Wacky Sentences is a parody of "Mad Libs."
  • This is the first book to take place over two months, the second is The Third Wheel , the third is Hard Luck , the fourth is Old School , the fifth is Double Down and the sixth is The Meltdown .

Greg shakes the presents under the tree.jpg

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book report on diary of a wimpy kid cabin fever

Book Review

Cabin fever — “diary of a wimpy kid” series.

  • Jeff Kinney

book report on diary of a wimpy kid cabin fever

Readability Age Range

  • Amulet Books, an imprint of Harry N. Abrams Inc

Year Published

Cabin Fever by Jeff Kinney has been reviewed by Focus on the Family’s marriage and parenting magazine . It is the sixth book in the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series.

Plot Summary

In his sixth cartoon-filled diary, middle schooler Greg Heffley prepares for the holidays and endures winter snowstorms. He writes about his family’s Christmas traditions, such as the creepy stuffed elf that sits on the mantle and supposedly reports everyone’s behavior to Santa. Greg talks about his school’s extreme measures to prevent bullying and injury. The school removes all playground equipment and forbids toys. The kids are no longer allowed to run at recess, but they’re also banned from sitting because it isn’t active.

Greg describes his efforts to take care of something other than himself. He had grown to love the doll his mom bought him in preparation for his new little brother. Then the doll vanished. He moves on to fulfilling every desire of his virtual pet Chihuahua, buying it mansions, pools and outfits, until he runs out of money. He recalls different fundraisers he’s seen in the past and decides to shovel snow to support what Mom calls his Net Kritterz “habit.” He ends up icing over driveways in his efforts to speed up the shoveling process. Dad makes him spend more money than he’s earned to buy rock salt to fix the problem.

Greg’s school tries to create a healthier lunch program and forbids energy drinks. Many of Greg’s classmates go through withdrawals and buy the drinks on the school’s black market. Greg talks about his school’s gift exchanges and holiday bazaars. He and Rowley decide to have their own holiday bazaar to raise money, but end up staining a school wall when their neon announcement signs get wet in the rain. The boys lie low as police look for the vandals who damaged the school. Rowley inadvertently rats out Greg, who gets stuck cleaning the walls alone.

A blizzard strands Greg, his brothers and his mom in the house for several days while Dad is “trapped” at a nice hotel. The basement floods, they nearly run out of food, and they experience what they believe to be a power outage in freezing conditions. A few days later, they learn Greg’s younger brother, Manny, has flipped all the breaker switches except for the one to his own room.

Greg puts his name on the Giving Tree at church, asking for a sponsor to leave money for him under the recycling bin. He shovels the walk at church in a ski mask to dig out the bin but is disappointed to find no one has left cash. The newspaper later reports that a mysterious do-gooder cleared the church parking lot, making it possible for the soup kitchen to open.

Christian Beliefs

Greg’s family attends church regularly. Rowley goes with them once and is confused about when to stand, sit and kneel. He thinks it’s funny that congregants say “Peas be with you” to one another before they leave. Another time, the family attends the folk service. Mom urges Rodrick to join the band. He imagines himself as a drummer but gets stuck playing maracas. Greg says he, too, was duped into joining a church-related activity once when he signed up for the pre-teen club. Since they were lax on their age requirements, the club ended up being full of little kids.

Greg puts his name on the Giving Tree for needy families, asking that someone leave money for him under the recycling bin behind the church. He pities people whose birthdays are too close to Christmas because sometimes they don’t get separate gifts. He says it’s probably been happening for thousands of years. He includes a cartoon drawing of the apostles giving a wrapped package to Jesus and telling Him it’s both a birthday and a Christmas gift.

Other Belief Systems

Authority roles.

Dad is patient with Greg, even when the boy does thoughtless or destructive things like using steel wool to clean their new sports car. He often scolds Greg for using poor judgment. Greg’s stay-at-home mom gives Greg fundraising ideas and tries to help him solve his problems.

Profanity & Violence

Sexual content, discussion topics.

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Additional Comments

Immodesty: The book includes some mild bathroom humor and a few non-graphic cartoon drawings of Greg sitting on the toilet or standing in his underwear.

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Cabin Fever

Diary of a Wimpy Kid book

In  Cabin Fever,  book 6 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney, Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the prime suspect. But the crazy thing is, he’s innocent. Or at least sort of. The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise blizzard hits, the Heffley family is trapped indoors. Greg knows that when the snow melts he’s going to have to face the music, but could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holidays?

ISBN: 978-1-4197-4191-3

  • Published: Nov 01, 2011
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Price: $14.99

Where to buy

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The Wimpy Kid Series.

Famed for laugh-out-loud humor through words and cartoons, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books follow Greg Heffley as he records the trials and triumphs of middle school. More than 290 million copies have been sold around the globe!

Click or scroll through the books

01. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

02. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book Rodrick Rules

Rodrick Rules

03. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book The Last Straw

The Last Straw

04. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book Dog Days

The Ugly Truth

06. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book Cabin Fever

The Third Wheel

08. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book Hard Luck

The Long Haul

10. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book Old School

Double Down

12. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book The Getaway

The Getaway

13. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book The Meltdown

The Meltdown

14. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball

15. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book The Deep End

The Deep End

16. Diary of a Wimpy Kid book Big Shot

Diper Överlöde

book report on diary of a wimpy kid cabin fever

More from the Wimpy World.

Get ready to see the Wimpy Kid world in a whole new way with the Awesome Friendly Kid series, written by Greg Heffley’s best friend, Rowley Jefferson. And don’t miss the Special Disney+ cover editions, The Do-It Yourself Book , boxed sets and more!

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book Collection: Special Disney+ Cover Editions

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Cabin Fever (Special Disney+ Cover Edition)

Rodrick Rules (Special Disney+ Cover Edition)

Rodrick Rules (Special Disney+ Cover Edition)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: (Special Disney+ Cover Edition)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: (Special Disney+ Cover Edition)

The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Blank Journal

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The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary: The Next Chapter

The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary: How Greg Heffley went to Hollywood

The Wimpy Kid Movie Diary: How Greg Heffley went to Hollywood

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Special Cheesiest Edition

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Special Cheesiest Edition

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Best Friends Box

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Best Friends Box

Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Book Box

Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Book Box

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Awesome Friendly Book Bundle

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Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Spooky Stories

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Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Adventure

Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid: Rowley Jefferson’s Journal

Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid: Rowley Jefferson’s Journal

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'Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever': Review

Cabin Fever , the sixth installment ( available today ) of Jeff Kinney’s massively popular Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, won’t disappoint fans of Greg Heffley and his misadventures. Like the five volumes that came before, Cabin Fever is a smart, thoroughly enjoyable read densely packed with laugh-out-loud gags for the kids and keen insights for the parents.

I’ll throw up a light spoiler alert for those of you who want to know absolutely nothing about Cabin Fever before you read it yourselves. Our hero Greg, once again, is up to his usual mischief. Addicted to an online game Net Kritterz (think Neopets), Greg, desperate for cash to keep his Kritter alive, pulls his best friend Rowley into a series of schemes to earn quick money — until one scheme gets way out of hand, and even the police are on Greg’s tail! But before the authorities can bust him, a sudden blizzard hits, delaying Greg’s run-in with the cops but subjecting him to another, possibly worse form of punishment: being trapped in his house with his family for the holidays.

Kinney’s books have always captured middle school angst with incredible authenticity, and Cabin Fever is no exception. Greg can often be a self-centered jerk (who isn’t at 13 years old?), but we still root for him as he navigates a confusing, frustrating world of siblings, school, and adults. We see the senseless bureaucracy of public schools at work — the playground equipment at Greg’s school is removed out of fear of lawsuits — and Greg’s parents, as loving as they are, are not perfect purveyors or wisdom and authority: his mom can be overly indulgent and downright childish; his father is sometimes distant and overly punitive. Greg’s entire world rings true to kids and reminds adults of how it felt to be old enough that your actions can have real consequences, but still too young to feel in control of your own life. Plus, the book is really, really funny. Rowley, Greg’s hilariously daffy, Ralph Wiggum-like best friend, is back in rare form, and a doll named Alfrendo will make you laugh out loud. Whether you’re Greg’s age, his parents’ age, or even Rodrick’s age, you’ll find something to love about Cabin Fever .

Follow Stephan on Twitter: @EWStephanLee

‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ author Jeff Kinney on new book ‘Cabin Fever’ and the series’ future

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Literature / Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever is the 6th book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney . Releasing in 2011, the book focuses on Greg Heffley, his family, and his friends like the rest of the series. As you can tell by the series' title, it seems that nothing goes right for him.

In this book, Greg gets in trouble when he inadvertently vandalizes the school while putting up posters for a holiday bazaar. As if the threat of being sent to jail wasn't bad enough, a snowstorm traps his family inside their house. With Greg's little brother Manny on the loose, what could go wrong?

Cabin Fever provides examples of:

  • Accidental Hero : After Greg asks for money in an unmarked envelope left underneath the church recycling bin, he shovels the entire front of the church looking for the bin while wearing a ski mask. The next day, the newspaper declares him a hero for clearing the way to the church's soup kitchen so poor families can reach it on Christmas.
  • One of the features is having your pet watch at least two hours of ads to gain only 25 coins.
  • All-Natural Fire Extinguisher : Greg had a bedwetting problem when he was younger and remembers having a dream about putting out a house fire with his pee because the firefighters' hose had broken.
  • Ambiguous Ending : Did Manny knowingly endanger his entire family, or was he just genuinely unaware of the danger he was putting everyone in? Greg tries to pass it off as the latter, but the fact that Manny had to have manipulated the circuit breaker heavily suggests something more sinister....
  • Annoyingly Repetitive Child : Greg plays a Mad Libs -esque game of "Wacky Sentences" with Rowley, who simply says, "LOL" to all his jokes , and Greg notes that this makes the game a lot less fun.
  • Author Tract : The book mocks games like Webkinz that involve taking care of a virtual pet and require real money to keep a pet happy.
  • A Weighty Aesop : Greg gets hit by this when his school starts promoting good eating habits and replacing all the junk food with healthy food.
  • Big "NO!" : Greg has one when he comes home and sees Manny messing with his Net Kritterz account and ruining it.
  • Bizarre Taste in Food : Greg mentions that back when Sweetie (their dog from Book-4) was still living with them, the family sprayed all their furniture with "Bitter Apple Spray" to prevent him from chewing on it. Manny, for whatever reason, loves the taste of the spray and puts it on almost anything/everything he eats.
  • Greg is addicted to an online game called Net Kritterz , a parody of online pet games like Moshi Monsters and Webkinz .
  • Greg and Rowley play a Mad Libs-esque game called Wacky Sentences .
  • Averted with the fake Pac-Man arcade cabinet. The game's (fake) appearance was licensed from Bandai Namco Entertainment themselves, hence why it doesn't get this treatment like the others.
  • Blind Without 'Em : Susan can't see well without her glasses—when her youngest son, Manny, breaks them, she can't get a new pair until after the storm passes.
  • Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick : Rowley brings some home videos and suggests that he and Greg watch some. They're titled "Rowley's 5th Grade Play", "TRIP TO [obscured by another DVD]LIA", and... "Rowley's Birth."
  • Buffy Speak : Embarrassed to say the name "Drummies" out loud, Greg orders them at the Bazaar by calling them "those chicken leg thingies."
  • Central Theme : Confinement. At first it's in the sense of Greg worrying about being sent to jail, but then the blizzard caves him and his family (minus his dad, who's out of town on a business trip) in at their house.
  • Christmas Episode : Christmas approaches as Greg fears that he will be arrested by the police for "vandalizing" the school, and he hopes that he doesn't have to spend Christmas in jail.
  • Commercial Pop-Up : One year during the holidays, Rowley's parents recorded a Christmas special, and at the time it was recorded, there was a snowstorm warning at the bottom of the screen. Whenever Rowley watches the special, he calls Greg to tell him that a storm's coming—Greg claims that he used to fall for it, but when Rowley happened to watch the special during summer vacation , Greg stopped listening to him.
  • Constantly Lactating Cow : Greg mentions that his dad wouldn't let him take home a goat that he won from the state fair. Greg thinks that the goat would be able to give him milk whenever he wants, despite the fact that the goat wouldn't have any kids if it's the only goat that he would have.
  • "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot : When the bystander caught Greg and Rowley next to the defaced school wall, Greg admits it probably would have been better if they had just explained what happened rather than run away. Confirmed to be the case when the vice principal catches Greg. He clarifies the whole thing was a total accident, and Vice Principal Roy only gives him the reasonable punishment of cleaning up the mess he made.
  • Creepy Doll : Greg's lost Alfrendo baby doll. Things went From Bad to Worse when Greg found it again.
  • Darker and Edgier : Cabin Fever has a far more serious and realistic tone than the rest of the series, with Greg and his family facing the genuine threat of freezing to death in a blizzard.
  • Greg's school replaces the soda vending machine with a bottled water machine as part of its effort to get its students to eat healthier. Where do they put it? Right next to the water fountain.
  • Greg tries to make a homemade Pac-Man machine for his and Rowley's Holiday Bazaar, in which Rowley sits inside the box operating ghosts glued to pencils while the person playing the game maneuvers Pac-Man from the outside with a popsicle stick. But when Greg starts cutting out the groove where the popsicle sticks are supposed to go, the maze ends up falling inside the box. Greg: So I guess we're not gonna make a lot of money on Pac-Man unless people are willing to pay twenty-five cents to see Rowley sitting in a box.
  • When he and Rowley make posters to advertise their Holiday Bazaar, Greg picks the bright green poster board so the posters can be spotted a mile away. Unfortunately, it starts to rain just as the boys are hanging their posters, and the rain causes the poster board to bleed.
  • While shoveling a guy's driveway, Greg tries to find a way to speed up the process. First he tries using a lawnmower to remove the snow, but the lawnmower barely removes any snow, and eventually starts making funny noises until its engine dies. Then Greg tries to melt the snow with a hose and a sprinkler. This works...until the water freezes, turning the guy's driveway into an ice-skating rink.
  • In a flashback, Greg wins a "Student of the Week" bumper sticker and Manny sticks it onto the door of Frank's car. Greg tries scrubbing it off, but barely makes a dent. So he tries scrubbing it off with steel wool, which he figures will work since the car is also made of metal. After removing the sticker, Greg proceeds to scrub the bugs and bird poop off the car, too. But when he rinses the car off, he realizes that the steel wool scratched the paint.
  • Susan decides to forge the signature of the author of Greg’s graphic novel while her son is in the bathroom because she couldn’t be bothered to wait in line. Except she never thought of the possibility that Greg would eventually try to sell it, with her son being very displeased at her for what she did upon finding out through the comic book store owner.
  • Greg talks about an incident that happened when he was 8—at the supermarket that his family usually shops at, there's a program called the "Cupcake Club" where kids under-8 can have free cupcakes. Greg kept taking cupcakes even after he turned 8 but was worried about getting in trouble every time he did. Then one day, an alarm went off just as Greg bit into a cupcake, and he made a run for it thinking he was going to get arrested. Looking back on it, though, Greg thinks someone might have just accidentally set off the alarm and he had nothing to do with it.
  • Manny warps up the password to Greg's Net Kritterz account, messes up the family's TV's parental controls, cuts the power to the rest of the house save his room, and steals the Heffleys' food and a space heater, all because no one taught him to tie his shoes.
  • Manny throws a tantrum at Greg just because he poured the milk into his cereal bowl first and later didn't put the mustard on his hot dog in a straight line ACROSS it like he wanted.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything? : After Greg's school stops selling an energy drink called Rowdy Riot, several students who have been drinking several cans of it on a regular basis start to suffer from withdrawal.
  • Eating Pet Food : When the family runs out of food, Greg has become so hungry that he's tempted to have some of the dog treats that his family still have from when Sweetie was still living with them.
  • Embarrassing Nickname : Greg talks about a kid named Cody Johnson who accidentally stepped in dog poop at recess all the way back in Kindergarten and ever since then everyone has called him "Dookie" (even the teachers and the principal). "Congratulations to Dookie Johnson for getting straight A's in the third quarter!"
  • The Heffleys own a Christmas ornament that depicts toddler Greg and Rodrick bathing in the sink. Greg says that he has tried to throw that one out multiple times, but Mom won't let him.
  • A picture in a scrapbook is of young Greg crying while on a pony, captioned "Help!" and "Gregory isn't happy on his first pony ride." Rodrick always makes fun of Greg and says that he was scared of the pony, but Greg says that he was actually scared of the guy handling the pony (who looked rather ugly and had a nose piercing), who got cropped out of the picture.
  • Enfant Terrible : Nasty Pants, a five-year-old who chases Greg and Rowley with a stick every time they pass by his house.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep" : "Nasty Pants". It's implied that that's actually his name , however, as Greg calls his mother "Mrs. Pants". Or Greg simply didn't know his name himself.
  • Faint in Shock : In a flashback, Greg passes out ( with X's for eyes) when he finds a puzzle box full of crickets.
  • Forged Message : Greg tries to sell his autographed graphic novel in order to obtain money to buy Christmas gifts, only for Susan to desperately try and stop him by saying he should save it for when it is worth more or he'll regret it later. The real reason is that the signature is a forgery made by Susan while Greg was in the bathroom because she couldn’t be bothered to wait in line for the author to actually sign it. A very displeased Greg then mentions that he should have suspected something was up when reading what she had written on it .
  • Fundraiser Carnival : Discussed. Greg recalls having participated in a "walk-a-thon" to earn money for the school and wonders why that even helps. At the end, he is given a "cheap yo-yo" that broke almost instantly and Rowley is given a Chinese finger trap that he gets his fingers stuck in.
  • Gaslighting : Greg believes Rodrick was doing this to him with the Santa Scout by moving it around.
  • G-Rated Drug : The energy drink Rowdy Riot. After Greg's school stops selling it, kids who drank it regularly start to get withdrawal symptoms like the ones actual drug addicts have.
  • Hypocritical Humor : This book shows that there is no playground equipment at Greg's school. Despite this, the kids are not allowed to sit down at recess, and one illustration shows a teacher yelling at a kid for sitting down while doing the exact same thing herself.
  • Karma Houdini : Manny shuts down all power in the house except for his room; steals food, water, toys, and a space heater ; breaks Susan's glasses; and leaves the rest of the family for dead during a blizzard. Despite all this, he receives absolutely no comeuppance whatsoever for his actions. Their mother only gives Manny a which he blames all his brattiness on no one teaching him how to tie his shoes.
  • Lie Detector : Parodied when the school is vandalized. The police come there to question the worst troublemakers, but it's obvious that their "foolproof lie detector" is just a photocopier with a label taped to it reading "Lie Detector". Whenever the troublemaker says something they don't like, they hit a button to copy a sheet that says "He's lying". Predictably, they fail to catch the real culprits.
  • Its Swedish title is "Manny's Maneuver'', which is a Spoiler Title about the cause of the blackout that befalls Greg and his family.
  • The Dutch title roughly means "Don't panic!"
  • In Spain, it's called "No exit!"
  • The Latin American title is "Trapped in the snow!"
  • In Brazil, it's called "House of Horrors."
  • In Portugal, the name is "Get me out of here!"
  • Its Vietnamese title is "Stuck."
  • In Italy, it's called "Save yourselves, anyone who can!"
  • Meaningful Background Event :Towards the end of the book, after Greg asks for money in an unmarked envelope left underneath the church recycling bin, he shovels the entire front of the church looking for the bin while wearing a ski mask, the door behind him reads "Soup Kitchen". This is reported on in the local newspaper at the end with Greg being identified as an unidentified hero who made sure that there was no snow blocking the entrance to the soup kitchen.
  • Misplaced Kindergarten Teacher : When the Heffleys are stuck at home during the blizzard, Susan decides to make sure the boys don't fall behind in their education, explaining that two hundred years ago, all the kids shared the same classroom, and they could do the same at home. Greg: But if I was in the same classroom as a kid Manny's age back in the old days, I would have gone bananas.
  • Mondegreen Gag : When Rowley goes to church with the Heffleys: Greg: (shaking hands with Rowley) Peace be with you. Rowley: No, peas be with YOU! Hee hee hee!
  • Nightmare Fuel : In-universe: Greg explains that he has a phobia of puzzles because when he opened a box of puzzles once, it was full of crickets.
  • One-Episode Fear : Exclusively in this book, Greg is afraid of crickets.
  • Our Slogan Is Terrible : A box of Bac'n Snax has the slogan "Made with REAL animal by-products" printed on it.
  • Perennially Overshadowed Birthday : Greg says that he feels bad for people whose birthdays fall during holidays (meaning they don't get extra gifts) and is glad his birthday is a few months before Christmas so he gets presents for both days. What follows is an illustration of Jesus receiving a gift from someone who says it counts for both Christmas and his birthday, with Jesus disappointedly thanking him.
  • Plagiarism in Fiction : Greg mentions a time where he tried to write his own book, only for Susan to inform him that what he wrote was an idea someone already did. Because of that, Greg decides to rip off one of his favorite childhood books, Geoffrey the Gorilla , and rewrites it as Geoffrey the Dinosaur . Susan sends it to a publisher and is really upset when she learns that Greg plagiarized the book, though Greg points out that it should have been rather obvious since the book was rewritten almost word-for-word and that the dinosaur was still swinging on vines and eating bananas .
  • Poster Patchup : After Greg uses a steel wool pad to scrub off a sticker that Manny put on Frank's new car, the paint is scratched clean off . Greg tries to cover this up by putting a letter he wrote himself (pretending that Susan wrote it) over that spot. Frank quickly takes it off and is furious that the paint job is ruined, but Susan convinces him not to punish Greg.
  • Potty Emergency : Greg and Rowley discuss what will happen if Rowley has one of these while in a box. Greg gives him a bottle, but then Rowley asks what happens if he has to go #2. Then Greg says he shouldn't think about that until it's really time to.
  • Potty Failure : It is revealed that Greg had a bed-wetting calendar when he was eight. He once wet the bed five nights in a row.
  • Restaurant-Owning Episode : A subplot in this episode is Greg and Rowley opening up their own "Holiday Bazaar." They get the food right (microwavable chicken wings), but the entertainment (a cardboard box themed to look like a Pac-Man cabinet) and advertising don't go as well.
  • Right on Queue : Susan is mentioned to have almost zero patience for waiting in line, which led to her secretly forging the signature of the author of Greg's graphic novel with Greg being none the wiser. Greg also recalls how at theme parks his mother will usually cut right to the front of lines to take pictures with characters and just take ones with whoever is currently with them, with the family having vacation photo albums full of pictures of random people because of this.
  • Screaming at Squick : Greg does it upon realizing that he accidentally put on Rodrick's dirty underwear.
  • When Greg talks about how he struggled with coming up with new ideas for books, the illustration shows Susan comparing one of his book ideas to The Cat in the Hat .
  • Skewed Priorities : Greg's biggest fear about being sent to prison is the fact that the toilets are out in the open, meaning he would have to use the bathroom in front of everyone.
  • Taking the Heat : In a surprisingly selfless moment from Greg, he decides to not rat Rowley out and takes the full punishment of cleaning the school walls himself. Downplayed as Greg was the leader of the act, which is part of the reason he took the blame.
  • Technologically Blind Elders : Exaggerated when Susan and Frank ask Greg to show them how the microwave works. This makes Greg wonder if adults should really be in charge.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone : At the end of the book, Greg gets his picture in the newspaper for shoveling out the snow from the church's driveway, allowing the soup kitchen to open on Christmas. Although they couldn't identify him because he was wearing a ski mask, it's still one of the rare times something good happens to him.
  • Totally Radical : The healthy replacement for French fries is called "Extreme Sports Stix" and comes in a cool box, but it is easily seen to be just sliced carrots.
  • Trojan Veggies : When the middle school replaces the unhealthy food in the cafeteria with healthier food, the French fries are replaced with something called "Extreme Sports Stix," but everyone quickly realizes they're just sliced carrots.
  • Vengeful Abandoned Toy : When Greg was younger, he had a baby doll named Alfrendo that he was really attached to, but one day he came home and couldn't find Alfrendo anywhere. His mom had gotten him the doll to prepare him for having a new baby brother, and Greg didn't want his mom to think he was irresponsible, so he drew a face on a grapefruit and pretended that was his doll (but it eventually rotted and had to be thrown out). To this day, Greg has nightmares about Alfrendo coming back and getting revenge on him for replacing him with a fruit. He illustrates his point with a drawing of himself curled up in bed while Alfrendo scratches at his bedroom window.
  • Watch the Paint Job : Greg talks about an incident where he scratched his dad's car while trying to remove a "Student of the Week" bumper sticker.
  • The Holiday Bazaar is never mentioned again after Greg is accused of vandalizing the school.
  • Manny plays on Greg's Net Kritterz account and changes the password, preventing Greg from being able to log in. It's never mentioned again after that, likely meaning Gregory's Little Friend died , or simply that Greg's account was disabled.
  • Xtreme Kool Letterz : The school's healthy replacement for French fries is called "Extreme Sports Stix". It's just a Totally Radical attempt to make sliced carrots cool.
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Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 6)

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Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 6) Kindle & comiXology

  • Part of Series Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  • Print length 224 pages
  • Language English
  • Grade level 3 - 7
  • Lexile measure 1060L
  • Publisher Amulet Books
  • Publication date October 30, 2012
  • Page Flip Not Enabled
  • Word Wise Not Enabled
  • Enhanced typesetting Not Enabled
  • Sticky notes Not Enabled
  • ISBN-13 978-1419741913
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Could any punishment be worse than being stuck inside with your family for the holidays?

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Question: Given all the jobs that you have--game designer, fatherhood, Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie work, etc.,--do you have a certain time that you set aside to write?

Kinney: I still treat writing like a hobby, working mostly at night and sometimes on weekends. But when a deadline looms my hobby time gets extended into the wee hours of the night. It's not uncommon for me to work until 4:00 a.m., and I'm usually back at work by 9:00 a.m.

Q: Did you get to choose which character you would play in the Wimpy Kid films (Mr. Hills)? What do you enjoy most about working on the movies?

Kinney: I never any real desire to appear in the Wimpy Kid films, but one day my wife encouraged me to be an extra in one of the crowd scenes. So I walked onto the set, ready to ask the assistant director to put me somewhere in the back. It happened that right at that moment the director was looking for someone to play the role of Mr. Hills, Holly Hills's father. What I didn't realize was that I'd be front and center in the church scene, and in the new movie, I'm even more prominent. I'm incredibly self-conscious so appearing on-camera was a real stretch for me.

Q: In 2009 Time magazine named you as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World--what’s the first thing you did after you found out?

Kinney: I thought it was a practical joke, so I tried to track down the source of the joke. I eventually reached a voicemail of a reporter who said they worked for Time , and at that point I thought it was just a well-planned practical joke. It took me a while to realize it was for real. It was a big honor, but I don't take it very seriously. I'm the fourth most influential person in my own house.

Q: Would you ever consider making Wimpy Kid into a newspaper comic strip or creating another one? Do you have any favorite comic strips that you currently read?

Kinney: I've considered it. I set out to become a newspaper cartoonist but failed to break in. But I like the freedom books give me, so it would be tough to cram my ideas into three or four panels.

Q: What is (or could be) you motto in life?

Kinney: I was inspired to write by a Benjamin Franklin quote: "Well done is better than well said." But I always encourage kids to "create something great," because the tools to create something original and find an audience are available to them like never before.

Q: What was your favorite year in school, and why?

Kinney: Fifth grade was my favorite year. I had a great teacher, Mrs. Norton, who encouraged me to be funny and challenged me to be a better artist and joke-teller than I was. I liked it that she didn't coddle me.

Q: Kids now ask for a book that is “like Diary of a Wimpy Kid ,” and with this series you’ve created a whole new subset of books for young readers--how does it feel to be the person behind such massive book enjoyment, reaching reluctant readers, and spawning any number of titles that aspire to be “the next Wimpy Kid ?”

Kinney: I'm happy that kids are reading. I think graphical books reach kids who might otherwise see books as work. Books should be fun!

About the Author

Jeff Kinney is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and six-time Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Award winner for Favorite Book. The 11th book in the series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down, will release on November 1, 2016. The first-ever theatrical adaptation of Diary of a Wimpy Kid was staged by the prestigious Minneapolis Children’s Theatre Company from April to June, 2016. It earned rave critical reviews and had sold out shows. Jeff has been named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. He is also the creator of Poptropica, which was named one of Time magazine’s 50 Best Websites. Jeff spent his childhood in the Washington, D.C., area and moved to New England in 1995. He lives with his wife and two sons in Plainville, Massachusetts, where he owns a bookstore, An Unlikely Story.

Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B005CRQ2DK
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Amulet Books; Illustrated edition (October 30, 2012)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ October 30, 2012
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 207737 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Not enabled
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 224 pages
  • #81 in Children's Comics & Graphic Novels (Kindle Store)
  • #134 in Children's Nature Books (Books)
  • #135 in Children's Humorous Literature

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"Cabin Fever"-Diary of a Wimpy Kid- My point of view

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About the author

Jeff kinney.

Jeff Kinney is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of the 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' and 'Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid' series. He is a six-time Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Award winner for 'Favorite Book' and has been named one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. He is also the creator of Poptropica, which was named one of Time’s 50 Best Websites. He spent his childhood in the Washington, D.C., area and later moved to New England where he and his wife own a bookstore, 'An Unlikely Story'.


'Diary of a Wimpy Kid: No Brainer' (book 18) is available now!


'Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hot Mess' (book 19) will be served on 10/22/24!


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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever (Book 6)

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THE ONE WITH THE SNOW STORM The sixth laugh-out-loud, fully-illustrated Diary of a Wimpy Kid book from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney! A global phenomenon with 250 million copies of the series sold worldwide! A snowstorm SHOULD bring nothing but fun. Hours in front of the TV, cuddling up with a blanket and NO SCHOOL … But not for Greg Heffley. Being trapped inside with his family is bad enough, but it’s even worse when the POLICE are trying to track him down. School property has been damaged, and Greg’s the prime suspect. But he’s INNOCENT! Sort of. Is time finally up for Greg Heffley? WHAT’S IN DIARY OF A WIMPY KID? 50% words, 50% cartoons, 100% hilarious! Stories that all readers can’t wait to get their hands on Laughter guaranteed! BRAND NEW DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: THE DEEP END IS OUT NOW! And DON’T MISS an all-new fantasy from Greg’s best friend in Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Adventure, the follow-up to the instant #1 bestseller Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid: Rowley Jefferson’s Journal. ‘Kinney is right up there with J K Rowling as one of the bestselling children’s authors on the planet’ Independent Have you read all the DIARY OF A WIMPY KID series? Diary of a Wimpy Kid Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Roderick Rules Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Double Down Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Meltdown Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Wrecking Ball Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Deep End - the BRAND NEW Wimpy Kid book - out now!!

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The Creative Behind the Book

Jeff Kinney is the #1 USA Today, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series and a six-time Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Award winner for Favorite Book. The Meltdown, book 13, was published in October 2018, and was a #1 bestselling book. Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid: Rowley Jefferson’s Journal, was published in April 2019. Jeff has been named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. He is also the creator of Poptropica, which was named one of Time‘s 50 Best Websites. He spent his childhood in the Washington, D.C., area and moved to New England in 1995. Jeff lives with his wife and two sons in Massachusetts, where they own a bookstore, An Unlikely Story.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever summary and ending explained

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas Cabin Fever 2023 Disney+

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever follows Greg Heffley as he fights to stay off Santa’s naughty list while his family prepares for a major snowstorm. The film is currently streaming on Disney+.

Warning: This article contains heavy spoilers

Plot summary

Greg Heffley tries to make it off the naughty list so Santa comes through with the gift he wants for this year’s Christmas — a new video game system.

His efforts are all buried under snow as a snowman he tries to make with his friend Rowley, ends up rolling down the street, becoming a massive snowball, and crashing into the snowplow lady’s truck.

The lady chases after the kids but Greg and Rowley manage to evade her. Greg ideates dumping their scarves into a bin so they won’t be recognized.

In the following days, Greg tries his best to be a good boy for the gift, as his family contends with a snowstorm that takes out the whole power grid.

Greg is shocked to see his and Rowley’s wanted posters making the rounds and his brother Roderick starts getting close to figuring out what Greg has been up to. Greg finally decides to go to the bin and reclaim the evidence.

He encounters the snowplow lady and she later drops him home. She also finds the truth but she lets him go, seeing how he’s a good-natured kid.

Greg is imbued with the spirit of Christmas and he decides to give back the kindness he was rewarded with, as Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever rolls the credits.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever ending explained in detail:

What do greg and rowley do.

Greg and Rowley are making a snowman but do a pretty poor job at it. The big snowball ends up ruining the lawn and they decide to keep it aside.

The ball falls off the ledge and onto the road, where it starts rolling and rolling into a bigger ball until it collapses onto the truck of the snowplow lady.

She chases them but they escape successfully. Later, they try to get rid of the evidence, by dumping their scarves and earmuffs into the dustbin, which turns out to be a donation box for gifts for the underprivileged kids.

Is Greg arrested?

Greg and Rowley’s approximate faces etched on wanted posters throughout the street start making rounds. He gets anxious but their identifiable articles of clothing are inside the bin, so no big deal.

However, the bin turns out to be a donation box and now Greg must return to the box to retrieve the incriminating evidence since his name is sewn inside of his scarf, and that would lead the police, as he so worries, to him and Rowley.

He takes Rowley with him and goes to the box but soon he encounters the snowplow lady, who gives him a ride home. She tells him about his kid and how she hasn’t been able to give him a gift he’s been wanting for a while now.

She also finds out that Greg is the kid behind that snowplow incident later on, but in the Christmas spirit and after seeing his kind nature, she lets him off the hook. Soon, the police come knocking.

Greg thinks the lady told on him, but the cops are actually there to ask for the donation, which they’re doing home-to-home since nobody could make it to the box due to the snowstorm.

Greg asks the cops to deliver what he has to donate, specifically to the snowplow lady’s home. Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas: Cabin Fever ends with the lady enjoying her time with her son, playing on the same video game system that Greg wanted and got as a Christmas present.

Also Read: The Shepherd review: Charming little Christmas tale

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  7. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever · Books · Wimpy Kid · Official

    In Cabin Fever, book 6 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney,Greg Heffley is in big trouble. School property has been damaged, and Greg is the prime suspect. But the crazy thing is, he's innocent. Or at least sort of. The authorities are closing in, but when a surprise blizzard hits, the Heffley family is trapped indoors.

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    Create New. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever is the 6th book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney. Releasing in 2011, the book focuses on Greg Heffley, his family, and his friends like the rest of the series. As you can tell by the series' title, it seems that nothing goes right for him. In this book, Greg gets in trouble when he ...

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