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Graduate Medicine Personal Statement Examples – Warwick (Laura)

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Welcome to our collection of Medicine Personal Statement Examples! We’ve searched far and wide to find personal statements from successful applicants all around the UK and asked them to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their work for your own inspiration. Today’s subject is from Laura, who studies Graduate Medicine at the University of Warwick.

Laura had previous studied medicine at university before applying for graduate-entry medicine at a variety of UK med school. She had accepted her offer to Warwick before even receiving interview invites elsewhere!

Let’s read the personal statement that got her a place at the University of Warwick, or skip straight to her feedback to learn what made her personal statement a success!

Please be aware that these examples are meant purely for the sake of inspiration, and should absolutely NOT be used as a model around which to base your own personal statement. UCAS have a rather strict system that detects plagiarism .

Warwick Medicine Personal Statement Example

Whole personal statement.

Whilst exploring the area of transplantation in biology, I opted to do an EPQ on the subject and managed to organise work experience shadowing an anaesthetist. I watched various procedures including a tumour resection from the abdomen. I was impressed with how the multidisciplinary teams worked together and how the different departments combined to provide quality patient care from admission until discharge. However, I did become aware of the number of cancelled elective operations; it was a shock to see the number of patients turned away due to shortages. This showed the importance of not only good medical care but time management and the ability to work under the pressures of an under-resourced NHS.

Alongside A levels, I volunteered at a school for children with additional needs, studying for their GCSEs. With some patience and clear communication, I was pleasantly surprised how rewarding it was to help them understand maths and see them progress. In my gap year, I shadowed a consultant psychiatrist diagnosing and treating hospital in-patients. Having read ‘We are our brains’ by Dick Swaab, I had a better understanding of the impact and causes of different neurological disorders, such as dementia. Spending time in these settings reinforced my desire to study medicine and taught me the value of empathy.

During my degree, I have enjoyed learning about disease, diagnostics and therapeutics, as well as genetics and cellular biology. In anatomy I created a website featuring a 3D model of the heart with augmented reality, showing how prosthetic heart valves can be used as a treatment for stenosis. I was also challenged to carry out an RCT, choosing to focus on the link between mobile devices used by healthcare workers and hospital-acquired infections and, more specifically, examining the efficacy of disinfectant wipes on removing bacteria from mobile phones. Through this I learnt not only how to synthesise information and use statistical software, but how to collaborate effectively as a group. To further improve my critical analysis, I opted to volunteer on a summer research project, where I was invited to co-author a paper regarding the failure of psychological and behavioural interventions for children. This improved my ability to critically appraise scientific literature and understand what can be learnt from ‘failed’ interventions.

Last summer, I volunteered at a care home and saw first-hand the effects of Parkinson’s, a disease I had studied previously. During this period, I observed a resident struggling to walk during the ‘freezes’ in which she could not seem to initiate movement and I could sense her frustration when struggling to control her dyskinesia. I shadowed a GP later that week, which demonstrated the diversity of daily work and how within a short space of time, the ability to problem solve, diagnose and treat is needed. The week finished with visiting a care home, I saw how end of life care was provided and although very sad, it gave me an understanding of the impact this part of the care process has on the patient and their relatives. 

Outside of my studies, I have been involved in athletics for six years, both competing and coaching. I was recently elected track and field captain for the university club which involves organising teams and competitions, as well as arranging weekly training sessions. Another hobby of mine is powerlifting, in which I recently finished third at the British University Championships and have taken on the role of women’s team captain. Additionally, achieving a martial art black belt gave me a good foundation for both physical and mental strength. These experiences have enhanced my leadership, teamwork and confidence, essential skills when working in healthcare. Working as a fitness advisor allows me to show people how exercise can improve wellbeing and I would like to follow a career path where I can continue to use my knowledge of health and disease to improve others’ quality of life.

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Warwick Medicine Personal Statement Example Analysis

Now, let’s go section by section and see what Laura has to say about what she wrote:  



The statement starts immediately with something that is unique about me and that I have physically done, setting me apart from other applicants. It also shows that I had an early interest in the subject. Of course, buzzwords like “multidisciplinary” are good to include, but I was able to include them with an actual purpose instead of just being hollow. Addressing the honest truths of medicine is also a good idea, like I had done when talking about canceled elective operations. It shows that you are looking at the industry realistically, without rose-tinted glasses.

However, I think I could have started with something more “impressive”- i.e. something related to my previous degree as in theory they could judge the whole statement off of this. My EPQ, whilst showing an early interest, is something that many other applicants will have. In addition, it may have been a better idea to go a bit further into my past and discussing where my interest first developed. It’s something that most applicants do, so it could seen as a bit generic, but it’s a great way to showing what kind of medical student you are by looking honestly at your origins.

Paragraph 1

This paragraph clearly links together multiple strengths of my application including work experience, volunteering and independent reading into a topic I have a particular interest in. This helps it to flow and make it unique, as many applicants will write in a certain order and separate each of these into their own paragraph. By demonstrating that you understand the links between everything, you are proving that you gain much more from your experiences than what is simply stated on the page.

It’s not perfect though. I could have gone into more detail reflecting on the work experience I took part in, for example explaining exactly what I learnt about psychiatry and how I felt about the experience. This is challenging to keep within the limit, so my advice would be to try and keep the word count proportional between your most important experiences, so you avoid under-developing one while dragging out another.

Paragraph 2

I think this paragraph had a lot of unique experiences packed into it which, like I have said previously, sets me apart from other applicants. It also shows how diverse the skill set I have is and providing evidence for this while fully explaining my personal role. You do need to be careful about balancing quality and quantity, but in my case I believe I’ve handled this well. Some areas are more explored than others, which is perfectly fine to do. I said before to make things proportionate, but that’s only with the most important talking points; smaller experiences are worth mentioning too but don’t need to be fully explored if you can summarise it in one or two sentences.

This paragraph has quite a big focus on research skills which I could’ve spoken about in more detail, as well as exploring why this is good for medicine. It’s not obviously clear why this would be very helpful when compared to the clinical experience. I could also have added a small explanation of how some of my skills had been improved through my experiences, such as when I mention my critical appraisal skills.

Paragraph 3

I think I did a good job reflecting upon this voluntary work and specifically speaking about the patient experience and how this relates to the job of a GP/elderly care consultant. I was able to really explain how this is important to see and practice talking about to demonstrate empathy and communication. This also links back to discussion of multidisciplinary teams and shows my desire to have varied skills.

Perhaps I could have related the sentences within the paragraph to flow into each other more, as it just seems like a recount of the week rather than explaining the deeper impact that it had as a whole. For example, I could have explained that as a GP, the diversity of work means you need experience in many skills, while expanding that it won’t just be diagnostics- it will involve communication skills with people from all walks of life. While the person reading this likely already knows that, it’s good to demonstrate that you’re aware of requirements in good medical workers.

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As the concluding paragraph to the personal statement, this paragraph displays the range of extracurricular activities I had been involved with and outlines not only all the skills they require but why this would make me a good student and doctor and that I have other interests/outlets for stress. This is always important to include, especially when you effectively discuss how the skills from these activities carry over to medicine.

I’d say this is the weakest of the paragraphs however. It reads a bit like a list so I potentially could’ve re-written this to flow better and less like I am trying to fit all of my experiences into two- three sentences, although this is challenging! The most important thing I missed here though is to link it back to medicine in a meaningful way, instead describing everything mentioned in a fairly broad way. Although difficult to achieve in the word count, you should try to explain how each example has impacted you individually, as it’s unlikely that everything mentioned has had the exact effect. Sometimes it’s the mindset you display that is more important for the reader rather than actual achievements.

But the biggest issue I have with this paragraph is it’s abrupt ending. While a personal statement’s conclusion shouldn’t have a tonne of words describing everything you’ve just discussed, it’s still important to tie everything together into one statement that exemplifies why you should be given a spot at this university. If you’ve run out of words, then go back and trim some fat from the rest of your writing, because ending it on a high note is essential for a top-quality personal statement.

Final Thoughts

The biggest strength of my statement is the diversity of experiences I included throughout the previous few years, including reflecting on multiple work experience’s, volunteering and extracurricular activities, as well as explaining why that would make me a great student and doctor in the long run. 

Granted, the diversity itself isn’t so much a strength of the personal statement but of myself as an applicant, as I was the one to actually go out and learn from these things. However, when writing your personal statement, it’s important to make the most out of any experience you have, no matter how much or how little. The experiences themselves are only as valuable as what you had taken away from them.

I think the biggest area for improvement would be the flow and writing style. Although there’s lots of great experiences in there I think it lacks the ‘wow’ factor and could do with some re-arranging and restructuring of sentences to make it a more stimulating read. Including the most impressive parts at the start and end might have helped this stay in the mind of the reader. On top of this, I could have done a much better job of tying all of these experiences together in relation to both medicine and myself as an applicant, especially with the introduction and conclusion.

So there you have it! This personal statement helped Laura get a place at Warwick Medical School! Everyone has different experiences and abilities, so you may not be able to relate to everything that was said in this personal statement. However, the information and advice provided by Laura is universal and will help any applicant write a better personal statement!  

Be sure to check out more Medicine Personal Statement Analyses to see advice from all different kinds of applicants, including Ali Abdaal himself! Or if you want to get started on your own statement, check out 6med’s Personal Statement Bundle for all the support and resources you’ll ever need! If you want full support on every part of your application and a guaranteed place at med school, the Complete Bundle will be perfect for you.  

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Warwick University Personal Statements

These UCAS personal statements have been kindly provided by students applying to The University of Warwick. You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place.

You can also view our entire collection of personal statements or view personal statements for application at other universities .

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Personal statement

You will need to submit a personal statement of around 500 words, outlining your academic history and relevant experience.

Your personal statement is an important part of your application: it will help selectors to decide whether you are a good match for the programme you have applied for and, just as importantly, whether the programme is right for you.

Areas to cover

Your personal statement gives you the opportunity to outline your academic history and relevant experience in order to demonstrate that you are a suitable candidate for the programme you have applied for. 

You should also use your personal statement to outline your motivation for your chosen area of study. Try to answer questions such as:

  • Why are you interested in studying at Edinburgh?
  • Why have you chosen this particular programme?
  • If you are studying for career development, what are your career plans and how will your studies support these?

If you have any other relevant experience, for example paid or voluntary work experience or additional qualifications not stated elsewhere, then please include this information in your personal statement, or you can add it to the “Relevant knowledge/training skills” field in the application form.

If you are applying for more than one programme you should write a tailored personal statement for each of your applications. This enables you to refer to the specific programme you are applying for and to highlight how your academic background and skills make you suitable for this particular programme.

Remember that your personal statement is an opportunity to tell us about yourself. The information you give us must be true. Copying information from elsewhere or asking someone else to write your statement, including the use of AI apps such as Chat GPT, could be considered fraud.

Length and writing style

Your personal statement should be no more than 3,500 characters (approximately 500 words) in length and should be written in formal English, using appropriate grammar and punctuation.

It is a good idea to ask a friend to proofread your statement for you before you submit your application.

  • The University of Warwick

Perfecting your personal statement

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Your personal statement is an essential part of your UCAS application, providing you the opportunity to highlight your skills, experience and future ambitions. However, getting your personal statement right isn’t always easy so our Undergraduate Recruitment Manager, Danni, shares her advice on how to make yours stand out.

Preparation is key

Start by creating a plan and remember that you can only write one personal statement as part of your UCAS application, so avoid mentioning any universities by name. Look at the descriptions of the courses that you are interested in and identify the key skills, qualities and experiences that are mentioned within the course description as this will help you to make a list of what to include. Make sure that you explain the reason why you are interested in that particular subject area and think about how studying that subject will fit with your future career aspirations. You could have excellent skills, qualities and experiences to share but if they’re arranged in a poorly written statement the impact will be vastly reduced. A well written, clearly structured personal statement will not only make the information stand out but will also evidence your ability to structure written work, a crucial skill for university.

Evidence your passion

We want to know what drives you, so make sure you show your enthusiasm. Begin by explaining why you are applying for the course and what interests you about the subject. Include examples; as Danni says , “don’t just say that you like a subject, demonstrate how you have an interest for that subject” . Are you enthusiastic about the subject because you have completed extra studies, obtained work experience, or written blogs? These key examples are crucial. Danni mentions that “much of your university work will need to be based upon evidence, so it’s useful to demonstrate this in your personal statement. We do understand you have a word limit so keep your examples clear and concise.” For example, if you mention work experience, talk about a particular day or challenge that taught you something rather than stating 'I did work experience, it was good’.

Identify skills you’ve developed

You can also mention activities outside of school that will help to support your application. “It’s good to include what extra-curricular activities you have done as this can demonstrate that you are a well-rounded individual,” says Danni. So when you talk about the sport you take part in, the instrument you play, or the Saturday job you have, explain the skills they're helping you develop. Team sports teach resilience and communication. Music requires patience and application. Any job demands ambition to be good at it, and your experience can teach you how to work well within a team. We’ve also all been impacted by Covid-19 this year so don't be afraid to refer to the pandemic and include any hobbies that you have picked up during that time or the skills that you may have developed. All these points help to provide a well-rounded picture of you.

Create a flow through a clear structure

If you only take away one thing from this blog, it should be to make sure that your personal statement has a clear beginning, middle and end. Try to aim for a punchy opening line but don’t spend days worrying about those first few words. “Don’t overly stress about having the perfect opening line,” says Danni, “it doesn’t necessarily need to be a bold or outlandish statement. It should flow nicely into the main body of your personal statement.” Think about your closing paragraph in the same way. Your conclusion should nicely summarise what has been mentioned previously - if it does that, it has done its job.

Proofread your statement

Finally, it’s also important to remember the basics. Spell check what you’ve written and read over it a couple of times before you submit it – typos can easily happen! We would also suggest getting someone else to read through it –  they may spot something you’ve missed or have other examples you could include that you may not have considered. It’s always worth discussing your personal statement with others; what you think may not be worth including could be considered really interesting by someone else.

Discover more about our range of   undergraduate courses , and how you could start your journey at Warwick Business School.

Discover more about our range of  undergraduate courses .

Personal statements for postgraduate study

A personal statement is a standard part of applying to postgraduate courses. It's used to convince an admissions tutor that you want and deserve a place on the course to which you are applying.

Some institutions ask you to follow specific guidelines when writing your personal statement. Otherwise, you can consider the following general advice.

Structure and content

Your personal statement should match the course you are applying for, so you should create a new one for every application you make.


The introduction should quickly communicate that you are enthusiastic about applying to the course. It should show that it's worth the admissions tutor’s time to keep reading.

The body of your personal statement should include why you are applying and why you should be selected, with a paragraph on each topic.

Why you are applying

You should explain both why you are applying for postgraduate study in general and why you are applying to this course specifically. You should discuss your academic and career interests and plans, and how the course will help you explore and reach these.

Show your motivation for the course by explaining what you have learned about the course content in your studies so far and why you want to explore it further.

If you want to pursue a career outside academia, you should show an understanding of the sector you are interested in and how the skills learned through the course will help you.

If you are considering an academic career, avoid simply stating that the course is the first step to achieving this. Instead, show a detailed understanding of academic career pathways and how you see this course helping you.

You should also explain why you are applying to this specific institution or department. You could comment on:

  • specific academic staff you want to research with or be taught by
  • how your interests align with the interests of those who already work there – say whether you’ve read any of their work, and cite your sources
  • how it would differ to where you did your undergraduate degree, such as being larger or more specialised
  • networks of contacts it can provide
  • facilities and resources that it offers, such as research equipment and libraries.

Why you should be selected

You also need to explain why the admissions tutor should admit you to the course. Show evidence of your skills and knowledge, mentioning your achievements. Outline how undergraduate study has prepared you for postgraduate study.

You could comment on:

  • your academic strengths and interests
  • high grades you’ve received for specific modules, essays, projects and dissertations
  • academic prizes or bursaries you’ve received
  • experience of attracting research or travel funding
  • work experience or extra-curriculars that have prepared you for the course
  • research activities you’ve been involved in, such as working alongside academic staff during vacations
  • how you can successfully balance academic study with other commitments.

Address any significant weaknesses in your application, such as poor performance in a module. Try to give good reasons for why these weaknesses exist and what you have done about them. This suggests that these problems are not typical of you, and shows that you can confront setbacks in your academic and professional life.

Your conclusion should briefly bring what you have said together and reiterate that you believe you are well suited to the course.

Your personal statement should be no longer than one A4 page, and your font no smaller than size 10 and no larger than size 12. Use a modern and professional font, such as Arial, Aptos, Calibri, or Times New Roman. 

Your personal statement should also be well written.  Admissions tutors will reject applications with poor spelling or grammar, so revise English grammar rules . If applying for courses in the UK, ensure you use British English .

If you use English as a second language, the University's  Academic English Service offers one-to-one English tutorials.

Additional resources

  • Perfecting your postgraduate personal statement (Careers360)
  • Personal statements (Prospects)
  • Postgraduate personal statement library (The Student Room)

Postgraduate taught

Personal statements

A personal statement can be included as part of your application. For some courses it forms a part of the assessment process.

Unless stated otherwise, your personal statement should be between 500 and 1,000 words. It must be in English, and be your own work. You should tell us:

  • why you're interested in and suitable for the course
  • about your relevant background experience
  • how this course will benefit your career plans.

Departmental requirements

Details of what to include in your personal statement will be provided during the application process. To help you to prepare before you apply, you can find out about course-specific requirements below. The  course pages  will also give you some ideas about what to include in your statement.

Got a question about applying to York? Email our friendly Admissions Team for advice and support.

If you've already applied to study at York please use You@York to upload any documents. Please do not email documents to us.

[email protected] +44 (0)1904 322142

Related links

  • Supporting documents
  • Written work

Outline the reasons why you are suited or well-qualified for this course, your motivation for applying and how you will benefit from the course. You should also add any other information that you feel will help us to assess your application.

Supply a personal statement of approximately 1,000 words which explains:

  • your interest in the course
  • how your previous studies or current interests intersect with the course
  • why you are attracted to an interdisciplinary course
  • what you expect to gain from the course.
  • how your previous studies or current interests relate to the course

Provide brief details of why you are interested in the interdisciplinary study of the Renaissance and Early Modern period, and of your aspirations following the degree.

You may wish to comment on the range of modules you're interested in, and/or on prospective dissertation topics and supervisors, though this is not compulsory. You should also give details of any relevant experience beyond your academic career.

Write one to two pages about your background, why you are interested in the course you are applying to, any relevant experience you have and any other information you feel is relevant to your application.

If you are applying for the MSc in Data Science,  describe your scientific interests and experience, and explains in which field(s) you would be most interested in carrying out a research project and why.

Write a short statement detailing your motivations for studying the course, your previous experience in this area, and how you meet the entry requirements.

Course-specific requirements

  • PG Cert in System Safety Engineering
  • PG Dip/MSc in Safety Critical Systems Engineering

These courses are intended for students with considerable practical engineering in an industrial setting. Please highlight these elements of your experience in your personal statement.

MSc in Psychology in Education

Please enclose a personal statement with your application. This should be between 300 and 400 words in length, and cover:

  • how the course you have applied for suits your needs and your academic interests
  • how it fits into your future plans
  • details of relevant work or voluntary experience.

MA in Social Justice and Education

Your personal statement should be between 300 and 400 words in length, and cover:

  • relevant details of your academic and education background
  • details of relevant activities you have undertaken, like designing teaching materials, or organising short courses
  • how the course you have applied for suits your needs and what attracts you to it
  • how it fits into your future plans.

All other MA courses

Your statement should be 300 to 400 words and tell us about your academic interests and your reasons for applying to the course.

Please include any additional information about your academic background, work experience and why you are applying to study for this course.

Supply a personal statement of approximately 500 to 1,000 words which explains your interest in the MA, how your previous studies or current interests intersect with the course, and what you expect to gain from the course.

MSc Sustainable Business: Leadership, Innovation and Management

Students who will be most successful on this course are those who are able to demonstrate the following skills and attitudes:

  • keen to drive change towards a sustainable future
  • highly motivated and independent learner
  • willingness to fully engage with a range of different learning activities
  • collaborative approach to working within a team
  • ability to be creative and help generate solutions to real-world business challenges
  • interest in developing a global perspective.

Please provide a short, 500 words, statement providing evidence to demonstrate that you have the skills and attitudes to be successful in this programme.

Provide a brief summary outlining your reasons for choosing your course.

Your personal statement should be 500-1000 words in length. Please tell us why:

  • you wish to study the course
  • how your previous studies and experience have prepared you for it, and
  • what you hope to gain from the course.

Please also include any other information that you feel will help us to assess your application.

We are keen to hear about your academic and other experiences, which may or may not include previous study of the history of art.

You should explain your interest in the subject, which may include approaches as well as periods or artists.

Finally, explain what has attracted you to the course at York and what you would like to do here.

Your personal statement should be no more than 500 words.

Your personal statement should be 500 to 1,000 words in length.

It should include clear information about how much (if any) linguistics you have previously studied.

If you're applying to a specialist course you should explain why you have chosen this course, and why you believe that your background is suitable.

MA in Interpreting, Translation and Applied Technologies

Your application should include a 500-700 words personal statement describing your background, relevant information about your language background, relevant personal, academic and/or professional experience, and why you want to study this programme. At the top of your statement, you should specify the languages in your language combination with which you intend to study.

A personal statement of no more than 500 words should be submitted, explaining why you want to study for this course at York.

Your statement should be no longer than 500 words. It should include:

  • an explanation of why you want to study the course
  • a discussion of any previous work experience which may be relevant to this course
  • what you hope to do with your Masters degree upon completion.
  • MSc in Clinical Anatomy
  • MSc in Clinical Anatomy and Education
  • MSc in Pharmacology and Drug Development

Your personal statement include information about your academic background, relevant experience and motivation for undertaking the course.

MSc in Physician Associate Studies

Detail your previous grounding in Chemistry, either through your degree or A Levels, and explore your motivation to undertake the role of a professional Physician Associate.

All other courses

A personal statement should demonstrate your motivation for undertaking the course at Hull York Medical School. You should provide information about your academic or clinical background and your current clinical role if applicable.

Your personal statement should be as specific as possible, telling us for example:

  • what engages you academically about the middle ages
  • what are the main questions or scholars that inspire you

You might also draw our attention to anything else that might demonstrate your commitment to study (work experience, relevant extracurricular activities) and any additional skills or abilities (for example, language skills).

Please tell us in your personal statement about your music studies/experience to date, your plans for the future, and why you think the course is the right choice for you.

Outline the reasons why you are suited or well-qualified for this course, your motivation for applying, how you will benefit from the course and what you hope to bring to the research group. You should also add any other information that you feel will help us to assess your application.

The statement should be 500 to 1000 words in length, in English, and your own words.

Your personal statement must demonstrate your enthusiasm for the course you're applying to. For example, you might explain your intellectual passion for the subject, or show your interest through discussing practical or work experience you may have gained.

MSc courses

Supply a one to two-page statement describing:

  • why you would like to take this course
  • your relevant background experience and training
  • your plans for the future.

Your personal statement must demonstrate your enthusiasm for the course you are applying to. For example, you might explain your intellectual passion for the subject, or show your interest through discussing practical or work experience you may have gained.

MSc Social Media and Management and MSc Social Media and Interactive Technologies

In your personal statement you should use the course information available and tell us what you hope to learn and where the degree will lead to after graduation.

MA in Film and Television Production with Sound

Please provide a personal statement in the form of a recorded video 'self tape' lasting no more than four minutes, with you directly answering these questions:

  • What is it about sound for Film and Television that interests you?
  • What filmmaking experience do you have working in sound?
  • What qualities do you possess that you feel would make you a good sound engineer?
  • Why do you want to come to study the MA with Sound at York?

Your self-tape must be presented in one unedited piece to camera, and show your face clearly in a suitable, balanced mid-shot or medium close-up frame. The quality of the sound, camera or lighting is not important, provided we can hear and see you at all times, but you may wish to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your creative and technical skills in sound as part of this submission. Again, the quality of the edit is not important, but your answers to the questions asked are.

Your self-tape can be provided as one of the weblinks alongside your project examples in the written portfolio PDF or Word document (see other application requirements), or you can provide a link to the self-tape in a separate PDF or Word document if preferred.

MA in Film and Television Production with Editing

  • What is it about editing for Film and Television that interests you?
  • What filmmaking experience do you have working in editing?
  • What qualities do you possess that you feel would make you a good editor?
  • Why do you want to come to study the MA with Editing at York?

Your self-tape must be presented in one unedited piece to camera, and show your face clearly in a suitable, balanced mid-shot or medium close-up frame. The quality of the sound, camera or lighting is not important, provided we can hear and see you at all times, but you may wish to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your creative and technical skills in editing as part of this submission. Again, the quality of the edit is not important, but your answers to the questions asked are.

MA in Film and Television Production with Cinematography

  • What is it about cinematography that interests you?
  • What filmmaking experience do you have working in cinematography?
  • What qualities do you possess that you feel would make you a good cinematographer?
  • Why do you want to come to study the MA with Cinematography at York?

Your self-tape must be presented in one unedited piece to camera and show your face clearly in a suitable, balanced mid-shot or medium close-up frame. The quality of the sound, camera or lighting is not important, provided we can hear and see you at all times, but you may wish to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your creative and technical skills in cinematography as part of this submission. Again, the quality of the edit is not important, but your answers to the questions asked are.

MA in Film and Television Production with Producing

  • What is it about producing for Film and Television that interests you?
  • What filmmaking experience do you have working in production?
  • What qualities do you possess that you feel would make you a good producer?
  • Why do you want to come to study the MA with Producing at York?

Your self-tape must be presented in one unedited piece to camera, and show your face clearly in a suitable, balanced mid-shot or medium close-up frame. The quality of the sound, camera or lighting is not important, provided we can hear and see you at all times, but you may wish to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your production skills as part of this submission. Again, the quality of the edit is not important, but your answers to the questions asked are.

MA in Film and Television Production with Directing

  • What is it about directing for Film and Television that interests you?
  • What filmmaking experience do you have working as a director?
  • What qualities do you possess that you feel would make you a good director?
  • Why do you want to come to study the MA with Directing at York?

Your self-tape must be presented in one unedited piece to camera, and show your face clearly in a suitable, balanced mid-shot or medium close-up frame. The quality of the sound, camera or lighting is not important, provided we can hear and see you at all times, but you may wish to use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your creative and technical skills in directing. Again, the quality of the edit is not important, but your answers to the questions asked are.

MSc in Digital Design

Please tell us why you are interested in design and the MSc in Digital Design and how this degree might support your career aspirations. Please also include and explain an example of something related to design that you’ve either been involved in, or an existing digital design product or service that you feel is particularly interesting or significant.

Study Postgraduate

Postgraduate certificate in education (pgce) with iqts (primary 3-7 & 5-11) (2024 entry).

This image shows a female PGCE student in a lecture

Course code

X36B Primary*

August 2024

1 year full-time


PGCE with iQTS

Centre for Teacher Education (CTE)

Distance Learning

Explore our Postgraduate Certificate in Education International (PGCEi).

This one-year teaching course is a high-quality programme of professional education designed for candidates teaching outside of the UK, leading to International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS) and master’s level credits. Our course aims to develop you into a highly reflective practitioner, able to adapt and respond to changes in settings and international educational contexts, and able to take responsibility for your ongoing professional development in preparation for future leadership.

*Course code also differs by assessment method, please visit the Centre for Teacher Education website Link opens in a new window Link opens in a new window  for more information.

Course overview

This one-year, 90-credit Post-Graduate course with iQTS (International Qualified Teacher Status) is a teacher training course designed for students embarking on a teaching career internationally with a focus on combining theory and practice across all course aspects through a blended learning programme.

The course provides a well-integrated blend of online and school-based learning opportunities that develop a values-based and evidence-informed approach to classroom practice in an international school setting. The course is designed to fully cover the iQTS Core Content Framework, as appropriate for the Primary Phase, age range 3-7 or 5-11 and will take account of the local context in which students are teaching. 

Trainees will be supported to understand the complexity of evidence and established views on effective learning in schools. Taught sessions and assessments will encourage critical engagement with evidence and the implications for personal teaching practice. 

The Centre for Teacher Education is the University’s global-service provider for high quality teacher training and professional education. At its most recent inspection, the University of Warwick’s Centre for Teacher Education has been awarded “Outstanding” provider status by the British government standard (OFSTED). 

What is iQTS?

iQTS is a UK Government-backed international teaching qualification which will be recognised by the Department for Education as equivalent to English Qualified Teacher Status. 

iQTS is suitable for candidates who wish to train to teach and qualify outside the UK, including:

  • UK citizens currently working abroad who wish to start teacher training or develop their teaching career
  • Non-UK citizens who wish to begin teacher training or build on existing teaching experience
  • UK and non-UK teachers without QTS who wish to improve their employability in England and internationally with a UK government-backed and approved professional qualification

General entry requirements

Minimum requirements.

You must hold an approved Bachelor’s degree with Honours at 2:2 or above, (or) equivalent level.

Primary trainees: At least Grade C or 4 in GSCE Maths or equivalent and at least Grade C or 4 in GCSE Science or equivalent.

English language requirements

Your spoken and written English must be of an adequate standard for postgraduate study. You can find out more about our English language requirements Link opens in a new window .

This course requires the following:

  • Overall IELTS (Academic or UKVI) score of 6.5 and component scores.

International qualifications

We welcome applications from students with other internationally recognised qualifications.

For more information, please visit the international entry requirements page Link opens in a new window .

Additional requirements

A self-sourced 120-day placement in an international school, which is confirmed by the school (your placement school will need to complete a 'Partnership Agreement' that confirms they have carried out the local safeguarding checks that they would perform for any other employee).

You will also be required to provide original documents or attested copies of all your qualifications to evidence that you meet the qualification entry requirements.

If you have ever lived or worked in the UK, you will be required to apply for an International Child Protection Certificate (ICPC). Upon securing a conditional offer, you will be asked to provide evidence of this.

Core modules

Phase Studies (primary or secondary education) 30-credits

You will follow a programme of sessions related to your area of phase and expertise. These sessions are designed to heighten your awareness of the pedagogical approaches related to each subject/phase specialism. This will help you adopt a range of approaches and strategies to ensure your teaching is sufficiently diverse to challenge or support as appropriate in an international education setting.

You will engage critically and analytically with a range of theories and models which underpin effective teaching and learning. You will develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to be an effective teacher. You will understand the impact this has on pupil progress in their subjects, building towards a vision for outstanding learning and teaching in your area of expertise that will underpin your practice on teaching placements.

Professional Enquiry 30-credits

You will engage critically and analytically with a range of theories and models which underpin effective teaching and learning in international educational settings. You will develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to be an effective teacher and understand the impact this has on pupil progress in a range of international contexts.

You will also be introduced to skills and techniques to support your development as a reflective practitioner, gaining access to a wide variety of pedagogic styles and innovative methods for learning and teaching in international settings. Throughout the course, links between critical reflection and your subject specialisms will be emphasised, helping you to embrace the concept of a connected curriculum.

Professional Practice 30-credits

This component consists of a minimum 120-day teaching placement in your specialist phase teaching to groups of eight or more students. The placement will include regular meetings with your school mentor, as well as evaluations of professional practice through mentoring conversations on placement following lesson observations.

Optional modules

There are no optional modules for this course.

The programme will be delivered through a combination of online directed and self-directed learning, with a timetable of ‘Live’ online sessions throughout the year via web-based teaching software, mostly in term time. Regular tutorials and a flexible seminar programme ensure that you are treated as an individual from the outset and are supported to progress according to your ability, taking account of your professional and personal development needs.

Assessment will comprise of a summative 4000-word Master’s level assignment.

There are two components for the assessment of this module both of which must be passed for the module to be completed.

  • Reflections which detail your progress towards the iQTS Teachers’ Standards which are evidenced in the Professional Digital Portfolio (PDP) – equivalent to 3000 words (pass/fail)
  • All practical teaching in the classroom must also be assessed against all the iQTS Teachers’ Standards (pass/fail) – this will either be assessed online or face to face depending on the route you choose.

More information can be found on our Frequently asked questions (FAQs) Link opens in a new window .

Your timetable

Your personalised timetable will be complete when you are registered for all modules and you have been allocated to your lectures, seminars and other small group classes. Your compulsory modules will be registered for you when you join us.

Your career

Upon successfully completing one of our iQTS courses, you will gain 90 credits at Master’s level.

This allows you to fast-track to stage two of CTE’s Master’s degree, quickly progressing your professional development. You will also be recommended for iQTS.

Our vision and ambition for the Centre for Teacher Education (CTE) derives from a commitment to continue the long history of Teacher Education at the University of Warwick where generations of new teachers gain employment in our partner schools to improve the life chances of the children they teach. Our programmes are underpinned by our core values of social justice, intellectual curiosity and creativity.

Our commitment is to ensure we support and develop you as an Early Career Teacher and engage you as part of our alumni community. CTE’s Master's in Professional Education is aimed at practising teachers and school leaders and is designed to ensure the content aligns with an individual’s educational research interest. You will focus your research on an area of your own choice to ensure your studies and learning has real value and impact within your school context.

We pride ourselves on making a difference to our students. We place high-quality teaching and student support at the heart of what we do and recognise that our success is built on the strength of our partnership with our students and schools. Teaching is our top priority and our commitment to our students is paramount.

Learn more about us from our website. Link opens in a new window

Our Postgraduate Taught courses

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Primary (2-7 or 5-11)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Secondary (11-18)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education International (PGCEi)
  • Professional Education (MA)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) with iQTS (Primary 3-7 & 5-11)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) with iQTS (Secondary)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Education (PGCert)

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are payable for each year of your course at the start of the academic year, or at the start of your course, if later. Academic fees cover the cost of tuition, examinations and registration and some student amenities.

Find your taught course fees  

Fee Status Guidance

We carry out an initial fee status assessment based on the information you provide in your application. Students will be classified as Home or Overseas fee status. Your fee status determines tuition fees, and what financial support and scholarships may be available. If you receive an offer, your fee status will be clearly stated alongside the tuition fee information.

Do you need your fee classification to be reviewed?

If you believe that your fee status has been classified incorrectly, you can complete a fee status assessment questionnaire. Please follow the instructions in your offer information and provide the documents needed to reassess your status.

Find out more about how universities assess fee status

Additional course costs

As well as tuition fees and living expenses, some courses may require you to cover the cost of field trips or costs associated with travel abroad.

For departmental specific costs, please see the Modules tab on the course web page for the list of core and optional core modules with hyperlinks to our  Module Catalogue  (please visit the Department’s website if the Module Catalogue hyperlinks are not provided).

Associated costs can be found on the Study tab for each module listed in the Module Catalogue (please note most of the module content applies to 2022/23 year of study). Information about module department specific costs should be considered in conjunction with the more general costs below:

  • Core text books
  • Printer credits
  • Dissertation binding
  • Robe hire for your degree ceremony

Scholarships and bursaries

warwick postgraduate personal statement length

Scholarships and financial support

Find out about the different funding routes available, including; postgraduate loans, scholarships, fee awards and academic department bursaries.

warwick postgraduate personal statement length

Living costs

Find out more about the cost of living as a postgraduate student at the University of Warwick.

warwick postgraduate personal statement length

Find out how to apply to us, ask your questions, and find out more.

How to apply.

The application process for courses that start in September and October 2024 will open on 2 October 2023.

Applications will close on 2 August 2024 for students who require a visa to study in the UK, to allow time to receive a CAS and complete the visa application process.

How to apply for a postgraduate taught course  

warwick postgraduate personal statement length

After you’ve applied

Find out how we process your application.

warwick postgraduate personal statement length

Applicant Portal

Track your application and update your details.

warwick postgraduate personal statement length

Admissions statement

See Warwick’s postgraduate admissions policy.

warwick postgraduate personal statement length

Join a live chat

Ask questions and engage with Warwick.

Warwick Hosted Events Link opens in a new window

Postgraduate fairs.

Throughout the year we attend exhibitions and fairs online and in-person around the UK. These events give you the chance to explore our range of postgraduate courses, and find out what it’s like studying at Warwick. You’ll also be able to speak directly with our student recruitment team, who will be able to help answer your questions.

Join a live chat with our staff and students, who are here to answer your questions and help you learn more about postgraduate life at Warwick. You can join our general drop-in sessions or talk to your prospective department and student services.

Departmental events

Some academic departments hold events for specific postgraduate programmes, these are fantastic opportunities to learn more about Warwick and your chosen department and course.

See our online departmental events

Warwick Talk and Tours

A Warwick talk and tour lasts around two hours and consists of an overview presentation from one of our Recruitment Officers covering the key features, facilities and activities that make Warwick a leading institution. The talk is followed by a campus tour which is the perfect way to view campus, with a current student guiding you around the key areas on campus.

Connect with us

Learn more about Postgraduate study at the University of Warwick.

Page updates

We may have revised the information on this page since publication. See the edits we have made and content history .

Why Warwick

Discover why Warwick is one of the best universities in the UK and renowned globally.

9th in the UK (The Guardian University Guide 2024) Link opens in a new window

67th in the world (QS World University Rankings 2024) Link opens in a new window

6th most targeted university by the UK's top 100 graduate employers Link opens in a new window

(The Graduate Market in 2024, High Fliers Research Ltd. Link opens in a new window )

About the information on this page

This information is applicable for 2024 entry. Given the interval between the publication of courses and enrolment, some of the information may change. It is important to check our website before you apply. Please read our terms and conditions to find out more.


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  4. Personal Statement

    warwick postgraduate personal statement length

  5. Personal Statement Length Tips

    warwick postgraduate personal statement length

  6. How to Write a Personal Statement for University

    warwick postgraduate personal statement length


  1. Discover our postgrad STEM courses

  2. #AskingQuestions: Describe Warwick in one word

  3. Reading My Personal Statement

  4. #AskingQuestions: What are your ambitions after Warwick?

  5. #StudentLife: Walking around campus for the last time as a final year student 💜

  6. #AskingQuestions: Describe their experience in three words or less


  1. Guide to writing your personal statement

    You may use your personal statement to address any gaps in your knowledge and how you have or plan to address them. Make sure your personal statement has a clear introduction (beginning), body (middle), and conclusion (the end). Check your grammar and spelling, and keep your sentences short and concise. Frequently Asked Questions. Find out how ...

  2. Advice on your Personal Statement

    Personal Statement Advice. Your Personal Statement, (or Statement of Purpose), is a vital part of your MSc application to study in the WMG department at the University of Warwick.It allows the Course Selector to understand how well your goals and objectives align with those of the course, and helps them to determine whether you will be a good fit for the course.

  3. PDF Personal Statement Guidance

    Personal Statement Guidance ... why you want to undertake postgraduate study at this point in your academic career and, why at WBS. ... Your personal statement should be approximately two pages in length. wbs . Author: Mays, Peter Created Date: 10/6/2021 8:55:18 AM ...

  4. A guide to writing an MSc personal statement

    An MSc personal statement, also known as a 'statement of purpose', supports your application to study a postgraduate course at university. It should highlight your key skills and experience whilst demonstrating your understanding of the course and conveying your academic skills and interests. From her experience in the Recruitment and ...

  5. Graduate Medicine Personal Statement Examples

    unlock infinite medical wisdom. Welcome to 6med's collection of Medicine Personal Statement Examples. Read through Laura's successful Graduate Medicine Personal Statement for the University of Warwick, where she will analyse the strengths, weaknesses and overall quality of her statement to inspire your own writing.

  6. Warwick at One: Writing your personal statement

    Thinking about applying to university but not sure what to write in your personal statement? As part of our Warwick at One series, Stephen from our student r...

  7. A guide to writing an MSc personal statement

    About us . Since 1967, we have been welcoming students from around the world to study with us at the University of Warwick. From humble beginnings, WBS has grown to become the largest department at the University, with a global network of over 53,000 alumni in more than 167 countries.

  8. How To Write Your Postgraduate Personal Statement

    Just start by showing your enthusiasm for the subject, showcasing your knowledge and understanding, and sharing your ambitions of what you want to achieve. Avoid cliches . Remember, this opening part is simply about introducing yourself, so let the admissions tutor reading your personal statement get to know you. Keep it relevant and simple.

  9. Warwick Personal Statements

    Personal Statement:Biochemistry 4. Personal Statement:Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology. Personal Statement:Biological Sciences 232. Personal Statement:Biomedical Chemistry. Personal Statement:Biomedical Sciences 2. Personal Statement:Biomedical Sciences 6. Personal Statement:Business Studies 2.

  10. The University of Warwick Personal Statements

    You can click on one of the links below to view the entire statement and find out if the applicant was offered a place. You can also view our entire collection of personal statements or view personal statements for application at other universities. Economics Personal Statement Example 1. Examination of any quality newspaper will probably ...

  11. Personal statement

    Your personal statement should be no more than 3,500 characters (approximately 500 words) in length and should be written in formal English, using appropriate grammar and punctuation. It is a good idea to ask a friend to proofread your statement for you before you submit your application. This article was published on 1 Aug, 2023.

  12. How do I write a good personal statement?

    An important part of the application process for our online master's programmes is to write a short personal statement about your interest and experience in the subject you are applying for, your reasons for choosing the programme, and how you feel your studies will help you in the future. Many applicants find writing a personal statement ...

  13. Perfecting your personal statement

    Your personal statement is an essential part of your UCAS application, providing you the opportunity to highlight your skills, experience and future ambitions. However, getting your personal statement right isn't always easy so our Undergraduate Recruitment Manager, Danni, shares her advice on how to make yours stand out. Preparation is key.

  14. Personal statements

    Your personal statement should be no longer than one A4 page, and your font no smaller than size 10 and no larger than size 12. Use a modern and professional font, such as Arial, Aptos, Calibri, or Times New Roman. Your personal statement should also be well written. Admissions tutors will reject applications with poor spelling or grammar, so ...

  15. Postgraduate Admissions Statement

    This Statement aims to provide an accessible summary of the University of Warwick's postgraduate admissions policy and procedures, for applicants and their advisors. Where more detailed information is publicly available, this is highlighted below. Warwick's admissions procedures take account of sector best practice including the precepts of ...

  16. Personal statement : r/UniversityOfWarwick

    Nobody's responded to this post yet. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. 4.1K subscribers in the UniversityOfWarwick community. A subreddit for the students of the University of Warwick; current, prospective and alumni are….

  17. Personal statements

    A personal statement can be included as part of your application for postgraduate study at the University of York. ... Postgraduate Admissions. [email protected] +44 (0)1904 322142. Related links. ... Your personal statement should be 500-1000 words in length. Please tell us why:

  18. Join us for postgraduate study at the University of Warwick

    Postgraduate study at Warwick. As a postgraduate student at Warwick, you'll be challenged and inspired by leading experts in their fields. Whether you're aiming for a successful career or looking to take your existing career to new heights, we'll provide you with all the skills and knowledge you need to fulfil your ambitions, as well as ...

  19. Content Blocks

    The course is designed to fully cover the iQTS Core Content Framework, as appropriate for the Primary Phase, age range 3-7 or 5-11 and will take account of the local context in which students are teaching. Trainees will be supported to understand the complexity of evidence and established views on effective learning in schools.

  20. Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) with iQTS (Primary 3-7 & 5

    The course is designed to fully cover the iQTS Core Content Framework, as appropriate for the Primary Phase, age range 3-7 or 5-11 and will take account of the local context in which students are teaching. Trainees will be supported to understand the complexity of evidence and established views on effective learning in schools.