
2ND TERM JSS2 CIVIC EDUCATION Scheme of Work and Note

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1.  Relationship among the Federal, State and Local government.

  • 1ST TERM JSS2 CIVIC EDUCATION Scheme of Work and Note
  • 3RD TERM JSS2 CIVIC EDUCATION Scheme of Work and Note

2. Rule of Law.

3.  Punishable Offences.

4&5  Protection of Human Rights and The Rule of Law.

6.  Consumer Rights.

7.  Democracy.

8.  Democratic Institution.

9.  Pillars of Democracy.

10.  Revision.

11.  Examination.

  • Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemi.
  • Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 Workbook by Sola Akinyemi.


1.  Federal Government: Is the central government. It is in charge of defence, police, army, foreign affairs, currency matters etc. It supervises the states and local governments.

2.  State Government: the state governors are the heads of state governments. A state governor oversees the State Council of Chiefs, State Civil Service Commission etc. The State Executive Council is headed by the governor and is responsible for smooth running of the state.

3.  Local Government: is the third tier or third level of government in the country. It is headed by the local government chairman. The laws made by the local government are called bye-laws.

State three areas of relationship among the tiers of government

Areas of differences between the federal, state and local government

These are the major differences in their functions:

1.  The Federal government initiates and implements i.e carries out policies for the whole country. However, the states and local government have their own areas of authority.

2.  The federal government has the power to control the states and local government but the states and local

governments cannot control the federal government.

3.  The federal, states and local governments receive money from the federation account and this money is called budgetary allocation.

4.  The Federal Executive Council is headed by the president. It is made up of the past heads of states, state governor and ministers.

5.  The Federal government has two legislative houses – the Senate and the House of Representatives.

6.  The states and local government have uni-cameral legislature each (i.e only one law-making house or office.)


  • State three major differences among the tiers of government.
  • Mention three characteristics of a federation.
  • Mention three ways to nurture your talents.


Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemipgs 37-40.


1.  _________ commands the greatest power in Nigeria

 A. President B. Senate C. Army D. Governor

2.   Nigeria operates a federal, written and rigid constitution.

 A. Yes  B. No C. Yes and No D. I don’t know

3.  The Federal Executive Council, the highest policy making council in Nigeria , is headed by ______.

 A. Vice President B. Senate President  C. President D. All Nigeria ns

4.  ________is the highest court in Nigeria .

 A. Magistrate Court B. High Court C. Supreme Court  D. District Court

5.  Bye-laws are made by ______

 A. lawyers B. president C. governors D. local government

1.  State four features or attributes of a federation.

2.  Write a short note on the supreme court.


  • The meaning of law.
  • Features of the rule of law.
  • Benefits of the rule of law.
  • Limitations of the rule of law.

The meaning of law

Laws are the set of rules and regulations that guides the activities of any society which brings progress, peace and harmony. The rule of law implies supremacy of the law over all the citizens irrespective of social status, tribe or ethnicity. This implies that nobody is above the law.These laws are written in the constitution of every nation. According to A.V. Dicey, everyone is equal before the law.

What are laws?

Features of the rule of law

  • Equality before the law
  • Principle of impartiality.
  • Right to appeal.
  • Principle of fair hearing.
  • Principle of the supremacy of law.
  • Fundamental human rights.

Benefits of the rule of law

  • It gives room for appeal.
  • It prevents unlawful detention.
  • It ensures press freedom.
  • It allows equality of all citizens.
  • It guarantees the fundamental human rights.

Mention three features of the rule of law.

Limitations of the Rule of Law

  • State of emergency.
  • Immunity of diplomats
  • Immunity of head of state
  • Unlawful detention and arrest.
  • Customs and traditions.
  • State three benefits of the rule of law.
  • Mention four limitations of the rule of law.
  • Mention three factor s that promote the value system.

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemipgs 70-75

D. Joseph Ebi

  • These are limitations to the rule of law except____. A. Customs and traditions B. Immunity of Head of State C. Peace D. Unlawful detention and arrest.
  • The laws of any nation are written in a____. A. constitution B. novel C. dictionary D. parchment

C. fair hearing D. right to appeal

C. right to appeal D. principle of impartiality

  • Mention three limitations of the rule of law.
  • State two benefits of the rule of law.


Laws are the rules and regulations that help the society to be orderly so as to have peace, progress and harmony. The citizens in such a society are expected to maintain law and order. Failure to adhere to such will lead to chaos and anarchy. This normally leads to state of emergencies, curfews and so on. The person that runs away from the law is called a fugitive. There are offences that could mar the stability of the society. Some of them are as follows:

  • Theft and armed robbery.
  • Kidnapping.
  • Drug trafficking smuggling.
  • Child trafficking.
  • Electoral malpractices.

What are rules?


  • Death sentence/ capital punishment.
  • The convict could be jailed.
  • Amputation in some societies.
  • Loss of rights, position or property.
  • Mention three punishable offences.
  • State three punishments for breaking the law.
  • What is contentment?

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemipg 76.

  • A person that runs away from the law is regarded as a____. A. fraudster B. noble C. fugitive D. accused
  • These are situations that could mar a society except______. A. kidnapping B. harmony C. child trafficking D. rape
  • The highest form of punishment is____. A. death sentence B. flogging C. payment of fines D. amputation
  • All of these bring chaos and anarchy in the society except_____. A. armed robbery B. fraud C. electoral malpractices D. payment of taxes
  • A person that cheats is called____. A. cheat B. cheater C. cheatest D. thief
  • State three types of offences in the society.
  • Mention two punishments for the breaking the law.



Human rights are freedoms established by customs or international agreements that impose a standard of conduct on people. Some of the basic human rights are as follows:

  • Right to life.
  • Right to freedom of speech.
  • Right to fair hearing.
  • Right to association.
  • Right to own property.

Mention three human rights.

These rights are vital towards the maintenance of law and order. However, they are to be protected from every form of oppression or assault. These are ways by which individuals protect the rights of the citizens.

  • Representing the affected person in court: This is usually done by human rights activists notably the late legal icon Chief GaniFawehinmi. A good example was the case of late Dele Giwa which he pursued for many years before his death.
  • Writing in print media: Humanrights abuses are often exposed through extensive writing in newspapers and magazines.
  • Special programmes on electronic media: Some electronic media show some programmes which help individual to get exposed to cases of human rights abuses at work, neighbourhood and the community at large.

Other means of protecting human rights and the rule of law are:

  • Hunger strike: Some individuals show their anger by going without food for a period of time until a change is affected. This is common in the continent of Asia. They do this so as to effect a change in government.
  • Protest marches: This is another way of showing displeasure over particular situations. This is done through peaceful demonstrations and using placards to show that they are not happy about. In Nigeria , the likes of Chief Ganifawehinmi and Dr. BekoRansome-Kuti, had led such protests especially against the military regime.
  • Media coverage: The mass media like the radio, television, newspapers, press conferences have been used to fight human rights’ abuses. Journalists have also used the pen to fight military oppression.

State three ways human rights are protected by individuals or group.


There are other organized bodies that assist in protecting the human rights and the rule of law in Nigeria . They are as follows:

  • Trade Unions: Groups like Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), form the major stakeholders in this union. They pursue common aims and objectives for the benefit of their members. They are under the umbrella of the Nigeria Labour Congress. The Nigeria Labour Congress has been at the forefront of the fight against human rights abuse in Nigeria .
  • Students’ Union: They are also at the forefront of the fight against policies that affect the Nigeria n students. Policies like the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP), increase in pump price of petroleum products are some of the things they usually fight against.
  • Mention three groups that protect human rights of citizens.
  • Mention two personalities known for their human rights activities.
  • What is honesty?

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemipgs86-89

  • The full meaning of NUT is____. A. National Universal Tools B. Nigeria Union of Teachers C. National Union of Teachers D. Non Universal Treaty
  • These are organized bodies that assist in protecting human rights in Nigeria except_____. A. Trade Union B. CLO C. NFF. D. Students’ Union
  • These are basic rights of human except_____. A. right to life B. right to own property C. Right to free food D. right to free movement
  • The umbrella name for trade unions is____. A. Nigeria Labour Congress B. Group Action C. Nigeria Conservative Fund D. Occupy Trade Act
  • State three human rights of man.


A consumer is a person that buys and uses a commodity produce d by another person. Most consumers do not produce and that is why they consume most of the goods they have.There are some consumer rights and they are as follows:

  • Safety: The consumer has the right to safety while enjoying a product. The product must be hygienically packed.
  • Satisfaction of basic needs: There must be satisfaction on the part of the consumer while using a product.
  • Redress: The consumer has the right to seek redress if he feels cheated by the produce r.
  • Representation to be heard: Consumers have groups that represent them so as to lodge complaints or make their observation known.
  • Information: The consumer has the right to get adequate information necessary for deriving maximum satisfaction from the product he bought.

Who is a consumer?


Consumer protection is the various ways and methods that government and the private organizations ensure that consumers are not cheated or exploited by the produce rs and middlemen and that they derive satisfaction from the consumption of goods and services they pay for. The consumer must be aware of the latin expression “caveat emptor”, which means “buyers beware”.


  • Substandard goods or low quality goods.
  • Misleading or false advertisement.
  • To ensure maximum satisfaction.
  • Regular supply of goods.

State two reasons for consumer protection


  • Consumer Association.
  • Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON).
  • Ministry of Trade and Industry.
  • Price Control Board (PCB).


  • Think independently: The consumer should not be carried away by the advertisement on the product by the manufacturer. He should know the quantity of what he wants to purchase.
  • Beware: the consumer should check the product he wants to buy thoroughly to know if it is the original and at the right place.
  • Demand and keep proofs of transactions: Documents like receipts, invoice warranty, pay slip are proofs that transactions took place between the seller and the consumer. These documents should be kept for future purposes.
  • List four universal rights of a consumer.
  • Mention three responsibilities of the consumer.
  • State four importance of discipline in a society.

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemipgs 91-94.


  • “Caveat Emptor” is a____ word. A. Greek B. Latin C. French D. German

D. exploitation

  • Another name for caveat emptor is____. A. we sell here B. buyers beware C. good product D. terms and conditions apply

B. receipts C. pay slip D. watermark

  • State three responsibilities of a consumer.


Democracy is the type of government where people exercise their political power to elect people into political offices through the means of an election. It is considered to be the best form of government because there are “Checks and Balances”. It is often defined as the government of the people, by the people and for the people. This was stated by the 16 th president of America (Abraham Lincoln).

What is democracy?


The word DEMO (people) and KRATIA (government) form DEMOCRACY. It originated from ancient Greece where the adult males form the legislature. There was no separation of power. This means that the legislature, the executive and the judiciary were fused together.


  • Rule of law.
  • Periodic free and fair elections.
  • Freedom of the press.
  • Tolerance of opposition.
  • Party system.

State three features of democracy.


  • Equal opportunity for all citizens.
  • Existence of the rule of law.
  • It encourages tolerance.
  • It encourages political stability.


  • Supremacy of the constitution.
  • Free and fair elections.
  • Existence of opposition.
  • Independence of the judiciary.
  • State four benefits of democracy.
  • Mention three conditions necessary for successful operation of democracy.
  • State three consequences of disobedience in schools.

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemipgs 97-101

  • Democracy started from_____. A. England B. France C. Greece D. Germany
  • KRATIA means____. A. people B. government C. institution D. state
  • “Democracy is about the people” was propounded by____. A. James Sherwood B. Robin Johnson C. Abraham Lincoln D. Winston Churchill
  • DEMO means____. A. government B. people C. politics D. amnesty
  • These are features of democracy except____. A. rule of law B. chaos C. periodic elections D. party system
  • State three benefits of democracy.


For democracy to thrive in any nation, there are some democratic institutions that enable it go on smoothly. Some of them are as follows:

  • The Electoral Commission.

An electoral commission is charged with the responsibility of conducting and supervising elections in a country. The electoral body responsible for conducting and supervising election in Nigeria is the Independent Nigeria n Electoral Commission (INEC). This body has been conducting elections in Nigeria since 1999. Some of its functions:

  • It registers political parties that present candidates for elections.
  • It is responsible for conducting elections in the states of the federation.
  • It divides the country into constituencies.
  • It reviews voters’ register before elections.
  • It gives financial grants to political parties.

Mention three functions of INEC.

  • Political Parties.

A political party is an organized group of people with similar political opinion and ideologies working together for the purpose of winning elections into political positions. Some of the notable political parties in Nigeria are: the All Progressive Congress (APC), the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA). Some of its functions:

  • They promote national unity.
  • They educate the electorates.
  • They promote national stability.
  • They promote interest in politics.

Mention three political parties in Nigeria .

  • Pressure Groups.

A pressure group refers to any group of people with common interest, engaging in activities that will influence

government’s policies to their own benefits. Examples of pressure groups in Nigeria are: Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), Nigeria Medical Association(NMA), Nigeria Bar Association (NBA). Some of the functions of pressure groups are:

  • They promote and protect the interest of members.
  • They educate their members and the public.
  • They help in promoting economic stability.


  • They are well organized.
  • They are financed through members’ contribution.
  • They exist to protect common interest of members.

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemipgs 103-112

  • State three groups in the pressure group.
  • Mention three characteristics of pressure group.
  • What is courage?
  • INEC is responsible for the division of the country into_____. A. constitutionally B. constituencies C. components D. border lines
  • The current chairman of APC is_____. A. AlliModu Sheriff B. John Oyegun C. Harry Marshall D. Gbenga Daniels
  • In this current dispensation, democracy started in____. A.2000 B. 1999 C. 2001 D. 2015
  • These are the features of the pressure group except____. A. they exploit their members B. the rarely recruit members C. they protect common interest of members D. they are financed through members’ contribution
  • State two functions of a political party.
  • Mention three functions of the electoral commission.


Pillars of democracy refer to theessential elements necessary for successful practice of democracy. They are structures that must be in place for the sustainability of democracy. Without them, democracy will be futile. They are as follows:

Without the people, the society will not exist and without the people, democracy will not be in place because it is the people that will practice it. The role of the people to make it work in their nation is vital because everysystem of government need people for it to be functional. The following are the roles of the people in making

democracy that work. They are:

  • Participation in election.
  • Willingness to embrace democracy.
  • Loyalty to the nation.
  • Willingness to join a political party.
  • Willingness to serve the nation.

Mention three roles of people in a democratic setting.


This refers to the organs of government. They are the legislature, the executive and the judiciary.


The legislature comprises the Senate and the House of Representatives. They are the law making body of the government. The head of the Senate is called the Senate President while the head of the House is called Speaker. At the state level , there is only one House of Assembly and is headed by the Speaker. Some of its functions are as follows:

  • Making laws.
  • Passing appropriation bill.
  • Acts as check on the activities of the executive and the judiciary.
  • Confirming the appointment of political appointees forwarded to it.

State three functions of the legislature.

This is the organ that enforces laws and policies for the nation.The federal executive is headed by the president, the state is headed by the governor while the local government level is headed by the chairman. Some of its functions are:

  • It appoints and removes members of the cabinet.
  • It prepares annual budgets and its implementation.
  • The presidency maintains foreign relations with other nations.
  • It implements laws made by the legislature.

This is the arm of government that interprets the law made by the legislature which is made up of magistrates, judges and chief judges. The head of judiciary in Nigeria is the Chief Justice of the Federation. Some of its functions are as follows:

  • It interprets the law.
  • It settles disputes.
  • It protects the constitution.
  • It helps in preventing violations of laws.

Mention three functions of the judiciary


An electoral commission is charged with the responsibility of conducting and supervising elections in a country. The electoral body responsible for conducting and supervising election in Nigeria is the Independent Nigeria n Electoral Commission (INEC). The head of INEC is called Chairman. This body has been conducting elections in Nigeria since 1999. Some of its functions are:

  • It divides the country into constituencies. (This process is called “delimitation”)


The rule of law is very vital in the sustenance of democracy. It preaches against all forms of governmental actions that can hinder true practice of democratic principles. It ensures supremacy of law in democratic setting. It allows checks and balances among the three arms of government. It forbids arbitrary arrest and violation of human rights. It also encourages independent judiciary.

  • State three functions of the electoral commission.
  • State three functions of the executive.
  • Mention three reasonsfor a federal system of government.

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemipgs 113-121

  • The head of the judiciary in Nigeria is called_____. A. judge B. chief judge C. chief justice D. high chief
  • These are organs of government except____. A. judiciary B. police C. executive D. legislature
  • Some of the roles of people are these except_____. A. participating in elections B. loyalty to the nation C. flouts laws of the land.
  • The head of INEC is called____. A. boss B. cabal C. chairman D. president
  • Mention three functions of the people in democracy.
  • State two functions of the executive in democracy.

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This lesson note covers the following topics for JSS2 Second Term Civic Education:

  • Protection of the Rule of law (a) Meaning of the rule of law. (b)The Rule of law e.g. equity before the law, all laws must be obeyed by all citizens, etc. (c) Protection of the rule of law (legal process, independent judiciary, equity, justice, fair-play, good governance etc.
  • Voters Education: (a) Meaning of voting. (b) Voter’s registration. (c) Importance of voting. (d) The process of voting.
  • Elections: (a) Meaning and importance of elections. (b) Electoral bodies: INEC/SIEC, National, State government. (c) Need for free and fair elections. Electoral Malpractices in Nigeria and how to prevent them.
  • The Current Nigerian Constitution: (a) Meaning of Constitution. (b) Sources of the Nigerian Constitution. (c) Features of the Nigerian Constitution (e.g title, preamble, etc)
  • Role of Citizens in Constitution Development: (a) The Process of constitutional development (b) The Role of citizens in constitutional development (voting e.g electing representatives to the National Assembly or constitutions drafting committees, or being voted for, sending memorandum to National Assembly, etc.
  • National Security: (a) Meaning of national security. (b) Role of citizens in maintaining national security vigilance, supplying information to security agencies on potential threats, remaining law abiding displaying patriotism, etc
  • National Security: (a)National Security Agencies (a) Military (b) Para-Military services (SSS) (c) Civil Defense, etc (d) Police (e) State Security (SSS), (f) Immigration Service etc.
  • Intensive Revision
  • Examination

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WEEKS  TOPICS/CONTENTS   1. NATIONAL VALUE – INTERGRITY I. State the Meaning of Integrity II. Mention the Attributes of Integrity   2. NEED FOR PEOPLE OF INTERGRITY IN THE SOCIETY  I. Reasons/Discuss the Need to have People of Integrity Society II. List examples of People of Integrity in the Society   3. CONTENTMENT  I. Explain the Meaning of Contentment II. Describe the Attributes of Contentment   4. EFFECTS OF LACK OF CONTENTMENT  I. Explain the Effects of Lack Contentment on the Society II. Identify the Consequences of Lack of Contentment of the Society   5. DISCIPLINE  I. Explain the Meaning of Discipline II. List the Attributes of Discipline   6. RESPECT FOR RULES AND REGULATIONS  I. Identify the School Rules and Regulations II. Explain the Consequences of Disobedience to School Rules and Regulations III. Effects of Indiscipline IV. Discuss the Consequences of Indiscipline on the Individual and Society   7. COURAGE  I. Explain the Meaning of Courage II. Identify Types of Courage   8. COURAGEOUS PERSONS IN SOCIETY  I. List the Attributed of a Courageous Persons II. Mention Examples of Courageous Men and Women in Society History, for example, Jaja of Opobo Moremi of Ife Iyalode of Egbaland Madam Tinubu of Lagos Amina of Zaria.   9. GOVERNANCE : NIGERIA AS A FEDERATION : I. Explain the Meaning of Federation II. Explain the Need for Federation Systems   10. CHARACTERISTICS OF A FEDERATION  I. Describe the Characteristics of a Federation II. Explain the Sharing of Power between the Central and State Government   11. REVISION   12. | 13. EXAMINATION
  CIVIC EDUCATION JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (JSS 2) SECOND TERM   WEEKS  TOPICS /CONTENTS   1. REVISION OF LAST TERM’S WORK   2. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT  I. Identify the nature and relationship among Federal, State and Local Governments II. Functions of Federal, State and Local Governments Legislative power Concurrent and exclusive power, etc.   3. THE ROLE OF LAW : I. Explain the Rule of Law II. Explain/List the Benefits of the Rule of Law as Against Arbitrary Rule   4. PUNISHABLE OFFENCES – I  I. Meaning Punishable Offences II. Examples of Punishable Offences and their Punishment III. Identify Some Offences Punishable Under the Law IV. Explain the Phrase “Law is No Respecter of Persons   5. PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE RULE OF LAW  I. Meaning of Human Rights and The Rule of Law II. Explain how individual group can assist in protecting human rights. III. Identify some groups that help in protecting human rights.   6. GROUPS THAT ASSIST IN PROTECTING HUMAN RIGHTS OF CITIZENS I. Identify Groups that Assist in Protecting Human Rights of Citizens, e.g. Trade Union, Student union, CLO, DHR, CRP, etc. II. Explain the Activities of Some of these Groups   7. CONSUMER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES  I. List the Eight Universal Consumer Rights II. Explain Each of Consumers Responsibilities   8. DEMOCRACY I. Define Democracy II. List the Features of Democracy III. Explain the Benefits of Democracy   9. DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS  I. Meaning of Democratic Institutions with Examples II. Identify Democratic Institution in Nigeria and their Roles III. Functions Democratic Institutions IV. State the Importance of Democracy   10. PILLARS OF DEMOCRACY  I. Explain the Meaning of Pillars of Democracy II. Examples of Pillars of Democracy III. List the Pillars of Democracy, e.g. People Democratic Institutions, Rule of Law, etc.   11. REVISION   12. | 13. EXAMINATION
CIVIC EDUCATION JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (JSS 2) THIRD TERM   WEEKS  TOPICS /CONTENTS   1. REVISION OF LAST TERM’S WORK   2. ELECTION AND VOTERS RESPONSIBILITIES I. Explain the Concepts of Elections, Voters and Voting Process II. List and Explain Types to Election   3. ELECTION AND VOTERS RESPONSIBILITIES (Continuation)   4. QUALIFICATIONS FOR ELECTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF VOTER  I. Outline the Qualifications for Election II. Discuss the Responsibilities   5. PROCEDURE FOR VOTING, IMPORTANCE OF ELECTION  I. Describe the Procedure for Voting II. Discuss the Importance of Election   6. ELECTORAL MALPRACTICES  I. Explain the concepts of electoral malpractices. II. State the forms of electoral malpractices   7. ELECTORAL MALPRACTICES  I. Discuss the Causes of Electoral Malpractices II. State the Consequences of Electoral   8. SOLUTIONS TO ELECTORAL MALPRACTICES  Suggest Solutions to Electoral Malpractices   9. FIELD WORK EXCURSION AND SEMINARS   10. | 11. REVISION   12. | 13. EXAMINATION

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National value: integrity, need for people of integrity in the society, contentment, effects of lack of contentment, regulations consequences of disobedience effects of indiscipline, courageous people in the society, governance – nigeria as a federation, characteristics of a federation, second term, relationship between federal, state and local government, the rule of law, punishable offences, protection of human rights and the rule of law, consumer rights and responsibilities, democracy institutions, election and voters responsibilities, qualification for election and responsibility of voters, procedure for voting and importance of election, electoral malpractices, solutions to electoral malpractice, share this lesson with your friend.

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Scheme of Work on Civic Education for JSS Junior Secondary School

Table of Contents

  • 1 Civic Education Scheme of Work JSS1 Second Term
  • 2 Civic Education Scheme of Work for JSS2 Third Term
  • 3 JSS 3 Civic Education Scheme of Work Third Term
  • 4 Civic Education Scheme of Work for Junior Secondary School
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  • 6 How to Download Civic Edu Scheme of Work for JSS 1-3

Civic Education Scheme of Work JSS1 Second Term

List of topic

Week 01 – Self Reliance I Week 02 – Self Reliance II Week 03 – Self Reliance III Week 04 – Citizenship I Week 05 – Citizenship II Week 06 – Citizenship III Week 07 – Citizenship IV Week 08 -Rights and duties of Citizen I Week 09 -Rights and duties of Citizen I

Civic Education Scheme of Work for JSS2 Third Term

Week 01 – Democracy I Week 02 – Democracy II Week 03 – Pillars of Democracy II Week 04 – Election and Voters Responsibilities I Week 05 – Election and Voters Responsibilities II Week 06 – Election and Voters Responsibilities III Week 07 – Electoral Malpractices I Week 08 – Electoral Malpractices II Week 09 – Electoral Malpractices I

JSS 3 Civic Education Scheme of Work Third Term

Week 01 – Democratic Process I Week 02 – Democratic Process II Week 03 – Democratic Process III Week 04 – Democratic Process IV

Civic Education Scheme of Work for Junior Secondary School

Below is a broad JSS1 first term scheme of work week 1-6 showing Topic, Performance objective, Teacher activities, Teaching and Learning resources. Civ. Education Teacher can teach with this, while student can used it to study and read ahead of class topic.

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Your lesson notes in a blink, civic education scheme of work for ss2 first term, second term and third term..

This Scheme of work contains week, topic, contents and activities of teacher and learners. 1. CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION Meaning/definition of citizenship Education, duties and obligations of citizens Teacher : Define citizenship education. Identify and describe duties and obligations of citizens to their communities. Mention the duties and obligation of citizens to their communities. Students : Dramatize their duties and obligation.

2 CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (CONT.) List the skills required for the promotion of our tradition, beliefs etc. National consciousness, national integrity and unity Teacher : Demonstrate skills necessary for preservation of traditions, customs, beliefs etc. list and explain what promotes national consciousness, integrity and unity. 3 CAPITALIST DEMOCRACY Meaning and definition of capitalist democracy Characteristics of capitalist democracy Competition for power among political parties. Teacher : Explain the meaning of capitalist, democracy and its characteristics. Lead the students in seeing how political parties compete for power. 4 CAPITALIST DEMOCRACY CNTINUED Importance of employment in alleviating poverty as factors in capitalist democracy Factors which promote and guarantee employment e.g. free education, medical care, and popular participation. Teacher : Explain to the students how employment can alleviate poverty. Explain the importance of responsible governance and popular participation in promoting guaranteed employment etc. 5 APATHY Meaning of political apathy and forms of political apathy Reasons for political apathy e.g. bad governance,unfulfilled political promises, rigging etc. Teacher : Define meaning of apathy and explain its forms. Explain reasons for political apathy. 6 REASONS AND EFFECTS OF LEADERSHIP FAILURE TO THEIR FOLLOWERS Reasons for leadership failures Effects of leadership failure Teacher : Explain why leaders fail to protect their followers’ interest 7 POPULAR PARTICIPATION i. Meaning/definition of popular participation ii. Reasons why people do not participate. Teacher : Define the meaning of popular participation. Give reasons why people do not participate. Demonstrate how popular organizations are formed.

Students : participate in politics – economics, obstacles, discriminations, illiteracy etc. Describe how popular organisations are formed. 8 HUMAN RIGHTS Meaning/definition of human rights Characteristics and categories of human rights Limitations of human rights Limitation of movement and lack of freedom of speech. Teacher : Explain the meaning and characteristics of human rights. Give some examples of human rights limitation. Describe what happens during emergency. 9 HUMAN TRAFFICKING Meaning/definition of human trafficking Causes of human trafficking. Teacher : Explain the meaning of human trafficking. Mention the causes of human trafficking 10 HUMAN TRAFFICKING CONTINUED Effects and consequences of human trafficking Roles of government efforts to stop Human trafficking – enactment of laws etc Teacher : Identify the effects and consequences of human trafficking. Mention the efforts of government in stopping trafficking. 11 HUMAN TRAFFICKING CONTINUED Roles of social organisations efforts to stop Human trafficking e.g. NAPTIP, WATCLEF etc Roles of organisations and individuals to stop trafficking. Teacher : Arrange a visit to some social organisation centres or rehabilitation centres. 12 Revision Revision 13 Examination Examination. Done studying? See scheme of work for other subjects

SS2 SECOND TERM 1 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS Meaning/definition of interpersonal relationships, individuals, state and international relationships. Teacher : Explain the meaning of interpersonal relationships. Mention types of interpersonal relationship e.g. relationship between man and woman 2 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS Types of interpersonal relationship Skills that promote interpersonal relationship Teacher : Identify the relationships that exist. State skills that promote interpersonal relationships 3 INTER-COMMUNAL RELATIONSHIP Meaning/definition of intercommunal relationships Importance of intercommunal relationship e.g. promote development Skills for resolving intercommunal conflicts – e.g. dialogue, mediation. Teacher : Define inter-communal relationship Lead students to state the importance inter-communal relationship Resource person to explain the different skills in resolving inter-communal conflicts. 4 DRUG ABUSE Meaning and types of drug abuse Symptoms of drug abuse e.g. violence, depression etc. Prevention of drug abuse Teacher : Explain Meaning and types of drug abuse Identify symptoms of drug abuse Show pictures of symptoms of drug abuse Illustrate ways of preventing drug abuse 5 DRUG ABUSE CONTINUED Government agencies that are working to prevent drug abuse e.g. NDLEA, Teacher : Bring resource person from drug enforcement agency e.g. NDLEA, NAFDAC etc Explain the law against drug abuse. Activities of drug enforcement agencies e.g. burning of fake drugs or expired drugs. 6 PUBLIC SERVICE Meaning and definition of public service Characteristics of public service. Teacher : Explain the meaning of public service. Mention and explain the characteristics of public service. 7 PUBLIC SERVICE CONTINUED Reasons for the short coming in the public service e.g. colonial influence etc. Teacher : Identify reasons for the short coming in the public service. Mention ways of improving the public service n Nigeria. 8 RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD Meaning and definition of parenthood Roles of responsible parenthood Teacher : Explain and define parenthood. Explain the roles of responsible parents e.g. providing for household needs, caring, education, good home training etc. 9 RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD Importance of responsible parenthood. E.g. responsible citizenry, reduction in crime rate, healthy nation etc. Teacher : Lead the students in enumerating the importance of responsible parenthood 10 TRAFFIC REGULATION Meaning of traffic regulation Traffic regulations e.g. obeying traffic officials and signs, avoiding over speeding. Teacher : Explain the meaning of traffic regulations. Identify some traffic regulations to the students. 11 TRAFFIC REGULATION CONTINUED Roles of individuals and government in maintaining traffic regulation e.g. FRSC. Teacher : Invite a resource person to explain the roles of individuals and government in maintaining traffic regulations. 12 Revision Revision 13 Examination Examination See scheme of work for other subjects

SS 2 THIRD TERM 1 HUMAN RIGHTS Meaning/definition of Human rights Teacher : Define Human Rights 2 HUMAN RIGHTS Characteristics of Human Rights e.g. universality of Human rights, inalienability of Human rights etc. Teacher : Mention the characteristics of human rights. Invite a resource person to discuss with the students in the human rights. 3 HUMAN RIGHTS Categories of Human right e.g. civic and political rights, economic and social rights, environmental rights. Teacher : Identify the categories of Human Rights. 4 FIGHTING POLITICAL APATHY Meaning and definition of political apathy and characteristics Teacher : Explain political apathy. Mention various characteristics of political apathy. 5 FIGHTING POLITICAL APATHY CONT. Ways of fighting apathy e.g. knowing and defending our rights, participation in elections, joining popular organisations. Teacher : explain ways of fighting political apathy. 6 PUBLIC SERVICE Meaning/definition of public service. Teacher : Explain the meaning of public service. Mention and explain the characteristics of public service. 7 WAYS OF IMPROVING THE PUBLIC SERVICE IN NIGERIA. Teacher : Invite a resource person to discuss about code of conduct to the students. Recourse and training programme Teaching of political education in schools Use of code of conduct bureau and public complaint commission. 8 CIVIL SOCIETY Meaning and definition of civil society Teacher : Explain and define the meaning of civil society. 9 CIVIL SOCIETY CONTINUED Functions and needs for civil society. Teacher : Identify some qualities and problems of civil society. 10 CIVIL SOCIETY CONTINUED Qualities and problems of Civil Society Teacher : Explain and define the meaning of civil society. 11 POPULAR PARTICIPATION Meaning/definition of popular participation Teacher : Explain the meaning of popular participation. 12 Revision Revision 13 Examination Examination See scheme of work for other subjects

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Thanks so much really helped my studies, ARIGATO

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Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 2 Third Term

Jss 2 civic education elesson notes for junior secondary school – elesson.


WEEK           TOPIC

  • Elections and Voters’ Responsibilities.
  • Qualification for Registration for Election in Nigeria.
  • Electoral Malpractices.
  • Illiteracy.
  • Revision of First Term work.
  • Revision of Second Term work.
  • Revision of Third Term work.
  • Examination.



  • Concept of Elections.
  • Concept of a Voter.
  • Types of Elections.


An election can be defined as an act or process of voting for a candidate to represent the people of a country in the various arms of government. It also means that a process citizens of a country make political choices by voting for competing candidates or parties. In essence, the concept of election implies that the voters have alternatives and can choose among a number of proposals designed to settle an issue of public concerns.

  • What is an election?


A voter is a person who is eligible to participate in voting. Voters are referred to as the electorates. Voting, on the other hand, is a process of expressing one’s choice of a candidate in an election.

  • Who is a voter?


The types of election include:

  • Direct Election: This is the process by which voters vote directly to elect their representatives for public office.


  • It is highly democratic.
  • It is simple to practice.
  • It promotes democracy.
  • It engenders equality of voters.
  • Indirect Elections: This is a system whereby eligible voters select representatives who would make the final selection of leaders on their behalf. This involves the use of  Electoral College.


  • It is very cheap.
  • It reduces electoral malpractice.
  • It enhances quality of law made.
  • It reduces political violence.

Mention two advantages of direct election.

  • Electoral College: This is a body of elected representatives who assist in electing other political or public officers.


  • It is less expensive.
  • It produces winners easily.
  • It makes voting very short and easy.
  • By-Election: This is an election that is conducted to fill a vacant elective post due to recall, resignation or death of the individual holding a given political office.
  • Run-Off Election: This is an election that is re re-conducted due to disqualification or malpractice or annulment of the initial polls or election. It is usually ordered by election tribunal or court.
  • Referendum: This is a “yes” or “no” vote of the people particularly on law in a given political systems. It helps the government in knowing the opinion of people about an important issue of national interest or concern.
  • Primary Election: This refers to an election conducted within the party to elect the flag-bearer of the party during the general elections.

Mention three types of elections.


  • Mention four types of elections.
  • State three major differences among the tiers of government.
  • Mention three characteristics of a federation.
  • Mention three ways to nurture your talents.


Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemi, pgs 122-123


  • An election re-conducted due to disqualification or malpractice, annulment of the initial poll or election is called______ election. A. primary B. secondary C. run-off D. by-election
  • A person eligible  to vote in an election is called____. A. vote caster B. votee C. voter D. electioneer
  • Which of these is regarded as “Yes” or “No” vote? A. Run-off election B. Referendum C. primary D. By-election
  • The process by which voters vote directly to elect their representatives for public office is called____ election. A. direct B. indirect C. concept
  • Are elections are integral part of democracy? A. Yes B. No C. Not at all D. Probably
  • Mention three advantages of indirect elections. Elesson



  • Qualification for Elections.
  • Responsibilities of Voters.
  • Voters’ Rights.


Under the Electoral act of 2002, to qualify for registration voter in Nigeria, a person must have the following qualifications:

  • He must be a citizen of Nigeria: Someone seeking elective post must be a citizen of the country.
  • Age: To be eligible to vote in an election, a person must attain the age of 18years. However, those seeking for elective posts like the President, House of Senate and State Governors must have attained the age of 35years but the House of Representatives must be at least 30years old.
  • He must belong to a political party: To be voted for, a person must be a member of one of the registered political parties in the country. Independent candidature is not recognized in Nigeria.
  • Educational Qualification: The minimum qualification needed to be voted into the parliament in Nigeria is the West African School Certificate(WASC).
  • Crime-free: To contest for any elective post in Nigeria, the candidate must not have any criminal record. This means that he must not be an ex-convict for any crime committed.
  • Sanity: Anybody contesting for any elective position must not be insane. Hence, he must be of sound mind.
  • Tax payment: The candidate must provide the evidence oftax payment over a period of time.

State three qualifications for elections


  • He must respect the privacy of other voters.
  • Treat electoral officers.
  • Know the location of his polling place and its hours operation.
  • Familiarize himself with candidates.
  • Participate in election by coming out to vote.
  • Follow instructions concerning voting procedures.
  • Follow all federal and state voting laws.
  • Bring proper identification to the polling station.
  • Mention four responsibilities of voters.


  • Right to vote if they registered.
  • Right to ask questions on election process or procedure.
  • Right to preview a sample ballot before voting.
  • Right to vote in privacy and freedom from coercion or intimidation.
  • Right to receive assistance if the voter is blind; have physical disability or inability to read English or any Nigerian languages.


Each qualified voter is expected to have registered before the election day so as to avoid unnecessary rush and waste the time of others. At the registration center, he will be given a voter’s card which qualifies him for voting on the election day. On election day, the electorate goes to the centre where he will accredited for voting having presented his voter’s card. Afterwards, he is given the ballot paper where all the political parties and their logos are written.


  • It provides opportunity for choosing leaders.
  • It checks the excesses of leaders.
  • It makes the change of government easy and peaceful.
  • It provides opportunity for political education.
  • It serves as basis for measuring popularity of government in power.

State three voters’ right

  • State three voters’ right.
  • State three benefits of the rule of law.
  • Mention four limitations of the rule of law.
  • Mention three factors that promote the value system.

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemi, pgs 126-130

  • The voting age in Nigeria is____ years. A. 15 B. 20 C. 18 D.25
  • All the following can contest for elections in Nigeria except____. A. an adult B. a sane person C. an ex-convict D. a teacher
  • All these are voters’ right except____. A. right to vote in privacy B. right to vote if registered C. right to ask questions on election process or procedure D. right to vote even if not registered
  • The most important requirement for any elective post in any country is_____. A. tax payment B. citizenship C. educational background D. tribe
  • Anybody contesting for the post of governor must have the age of____. A. 40 B. 35 C. 45 D. 37
  • Mention three rights’ of voters.
  • State two importance of an election.



  • Forms of electoral malpractices.
  • Causes of electoral malpractices.
  • Consequences of electoral malpractices.
  • Solutions to electoral malpractices.


Electoral malpractice can be defined as an illegal interference with electoral process. It is also called electoral fraud or voters’ fraud. It includes illegal registration, intimidation at polling station and improper counting of votes.

What are electoral malpractices?


  • Use of fake ballot papers: When fake ballot papers are used for casting vote, such papers are used for multi-voting purposes so that a particular candidate can win the elections.
  • Underage voting: This is a situation when youths beneath below the constitutionally approved voting age are made to vote. This usually happens where the population of a particular area has more under age voters.
  • The use of thugs: This is a situation where thugs are used by political parties scare the electorates in doing their own bidding or denying them of  performing their civic duties through the aid of weapons.
  • Financial inducement: Voters may be given money or other rewards to vote for a particular candidate though, this may be their choice. This can as well be through the church or mosque where the pastor or imam will tell their followers to vote for a particular candidate.
  • Ballot stuffing: This occurs when the electorates cast more than votes expected. It simply means stuffing multiple ballot papers into the ballot boxes in favour of a particular party or its candidate.  It can be in form of voting in many polling booths for the same party or its candidate.
  • Artificial scarcity of electoral materials: This is a situation where there is a deliberate denial of the electorates of voting materials such as ballot boxes, papers to frustrate them. This usually happens in areas where a particular candidate has a strong presence and could be hardly be defeated.
  • Mention three electoral malpractices.


  • Crave for power: Many politicians engage in what is called “do or die” politics. This is because they want political power at all cost. Such politicians are such that engage in looting the government treasury.
  • Poverty: Some electorates are easily won over through the distribution of food items, clothes, money, shoes and so on. In essence, their conscience can be bought especially when their immediate needs are met.
  • Bribery and corruption: Some electoral officers often connive with some politicians so as to inflate their votes. When these officers have been bought with money, they tend to overlook what is happening to the ballot boxes and papers.
  • Influence of the party in power: The electoral body often is at the mercy of the government in power. There might be an “order from above”to favour the candidates of the party in power.
  • Lack of stiff punishments for the offenders: When laws are broken and the perpetrators are not brought to face the wrath of the law, it encourages others to continue since they know that there will be little or no punishment.
  • Godfathers: This is a situation where an influential personality in the society often dictates the results of elections in the state. One of such prominent figures was the late Chief LamidiAdedibu, who was very influential in Oyo State, Nigeria.


Some of the effects of electoral malpractices are as follows:

  • Bad leadership: This is the number one consequence of electoral malpractices. When the wrong people are in government, there is bound to be slow development, lack of vision and corruption.
  • Riots and chaos: Violence, destruction of houses and property are some of the aftermath of electoral malpractices. In most cases, precious lives are lost in the mayhem over election results.
  • Loss of interest in voting: Whenever election results are manipulated, the voters might not be interested in voting in subsequent elections.
  • Bad image: Whenever there is constant electoral malpractices, the international community will view such country from the perspective of corruption. This often makes foreign investors not to come to such a country that could not handle elections.
  • Military intervention: When civil unrest, bad leadership and bad leadership happen as a result of electoral malpractices, it is inevitable for the military to take power. This often is a setback for the democracy of any country. As a result, all democratic institutions will be

suspended and the country will be ruled through decrees.

State three consequences of electoral malpractices


Electoral malpractice can be prevented. However, the following steps should be considered:

  • Proper planning by the electoral body: The electoral commission in charge of elections should do proper planning of the elections so that there will be no loopholes which could enable desperate politicians to hijack the electoral process.
  • Non-interference in electoral matters: The government in power should not meddle into the operations of the electoral commission before, during and after elections.
  • Education of the electorates: The agency in charge of orientation should do its best to organize programmes that will educate and enlighten the electorates concerning what is expected of them before, during and after the elections
  • Adequate security: Security agents should be stationed at every polling booth to protect the electoral officers and materials. They must not be partisan in their operation.
  • Re-orientation of politicians: Politicians should be made accountable for any of their activities. In essence, they must be educated concerning their attitude to the electoral process. They should be orientated about their love for their country.
  • Impartiality of the judiciary: The judiciary is often described as the hope of the masses. Therefore, it is important this body to be steadfast in its operation. There should be no sacred cow when judgment is given.
  • Mention four solutions to electoral malpractices.
  • State three consequences of electoral malpractices.
  • State four importance of discipline in a society.
  • Mention four features of discipline.

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemi, pgs 133-141

  • A situation where children below voting are made to vote is called____ voting. A. void B. underage C. unconstitutional D. chaotic
  • Election malpractice is caused by the following except_____. A. poverty B. crave for power C. bribery and corruption D. strong passion to serve the nation
  • Consequences of electoral malpractice include the following except_____. A. riots and chaos B. bad image C. good leadership D. loss of interest in voting
  • When a person is called a “sacred cow” in life, it usually means that the person is said to be___. A. under the law B. above the law C. dangerous D. loved
  • Which of these is not a cause of electoral malpractice in Nigeria? A. crave for power

B. desire to make Nigeria great C. lack of political education D. poverty

  • Define electoral malpractices.
  • Mention three solutions to electoral malpractices.
  • Consequences.


According to the United Nations (U.N), illiteracy is the inability to read and write a simple sentence in any language. Illiteracy is a common social problem in Nigeria. Various administrations through their policies have been fighting it, looking for ways to eradicate it. For instance, late Chief Obafemi Awolowo in 1955 initiated the Universal Primary Education (UPE), making it compulsory for every child in the then Western Nigeria, to go through the primary education.

What is illiteracy?


  • Poverty: This is a major cause for illiteracy. This is the inability of many families to send their children to school due to lack of funds.
  • Crave for wealth: To many youths, going to school is a waste of time. They believe that since the essence of education is to make money, so they rather go into businesses and learn how to be rich faster.
  • Loss of bread winners: Some children could not go to school as a result of the death of the person sponsoring them. Often, most drop out due to lack of funds.
  • Traditions and values of the society: In some societies like Nigeria, the girl- child is not given much importance compared to the man- child. Hence, she is made not to attend school. Also, some societies see education as a threat to their customs and traditions,
  • Inconsistent educational policies: Political instabilities cause constant change in educational policies. Some regimes have beautiful plans while others are often non-challant about it.
  • Mention three causes of illiteracy.


  • It breeds inferiority complex: When the illiterates are in the midst of educated people, they could feel inferior because of the inability to relate well with them.
  • It may lead to complete ignorance: Illiteracy might deny them the opportunity of reading vital information about many issues that can positively affect them.
  • It often breeds poverty and crime: Due to his inability to read and write well, a person might not be able to get a very good job with fat pay. When this happens, he often ventures into armed robbery.
  • It can cause misfortunes: Many illiterates fall into avoidable troubles. Due to their

inability to relate effectively, they are often duped of their fortunes in the course of seeking assistance in completing bank documents.

State three consequences of illiteracy


  • Free education at all levels.
  • Mass literacy campaign.
  • Consistent government policies.
  • Government should provide more funds to the education sector.
  • All children should have equal access to education.
  • Government should encourage technical and vocational skills in schools.
  • Mention four solutions to illiteracy.
  • State three consequences of illiteracy.
  • State four benefits of democracy.
  • Mention three conditions necessary for successful operation of democracy.

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemi, pgs 156-160.

  • ____ initiated the Universal Primary Education (UPE). A. Louis Edet B. Alec Dickens

C. Obafemi Awolowo D. Samuel Akintola

  • The inability to read and write a simple sentence in any language is called ____.

A. writing disability B. dysfunctional education C. illiteracy D. reading disability

  • Illiteracy will lead to the following except____. A. high crime rate B. poverty

C. economic development D. complete ignorance

  • A major cause of illiteracy is____. A. poverty in many families B. inadequate library in the society C. lack of government vehicle to take pupils/students to school D. inability of the government to buy  books for those willing to attend school
  • The Universal Primary Education (UPE) was initiated in ____. A. 1976 B. 1955 C. 1961 D. 1980
  • Define illiteracy.
  • Mention three solutions to the problem of illiteracy.


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  1. 2ND TERM JSS2 CIVIC EDUCATION Scheme of Work and Note

    SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION CLASS: JSS 2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC 1. Relationship among the Federal, State and Local government. 2. Rule of Law. 3. Punishable Offences. 4&5 Protection of Human Rights and The Rule of Law. 6. Consumer Rights. 7. Democracy. 8. Democratic Institution. 9. Pillars of Democracy. 10. Revision. -

  2. Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 2 Second Term

    SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR CIVIC EDUCATION SS 2. Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 8 by Sola Akinyemipgs 37-40. WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT. 1. _________ commands the greatest power in Nigeria. A. President B. Senate C. Army D. Governor. 2. Nigeria operates a federal, written and rigid constitution. A.

  3. Civic Education Lesson JSS 2 Second Term

    SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR JSS2 CIVIC EDUCATION. WEEK. TOPIC. 1. Revision. 2. Relationship between federal, state and local government. 3. The rule of law Meaning of law and the rules of law Benefit of the rules of law as against arbitrary rule.

  4. Civic Education JSS2 Second Term

    Test. 06 The Rule of Law II. 07 Protection of human rights and the rule of law I. 08 Protection of human rights and the rule of law II. 09 Consumer right and responsibilities I. 10 Consumer right and responsibilities II. 11 Relationship between federal, state and local government II. 12 Civic Education JSS2 Second Term Final Assessment.

  5. Second Term JSS2 Civic Education Scheme of Work

    Welcome great EduPodian, here is your Second Term JSS2 Civic Education Scheme of Work and the excerpt of the Second Term JSS2 Civic Education Lesson Note. To scroll through the lesson note, use the up and down arrows on the toolbar below. You can equally zoom the note to increase or decrease the display size to fit your preference. Happy Reading!

  6. JSS2 Civic education Scheme of Work and Lesson Topics

    JSS2 Civic education Scheme of Work and Lesson Topics First Term. 1. Understanding Integrity 2. ... Second Term. 1. Understanding Government 2. Arms of Government 3. Checks and Balances 4. Executive Arm 5. ... Third Term. 1. Understanding Elections and Voting 2.


    Civic Education JSS2 Lesson Notes with Fun Quizzes, Evaluation Questions, and End of Term Examination for Second Term! JSS2 Civic Education Scheme of Work for Second Term

  8. Second Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education Jss 2(Basic 8)

    SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR CIVIC EDUCATION JSS 2 (BASIC 8) - MODIFIED I. WEEK: TOPIC: Protection of the Rule of law (a) Meaning of the rule of law. (b)The Rule of law e.g. equity before the law, all laws must be obeyed by all citizens, etc. (c) Protection of the rule of law (legal process, independent judiciary, equity, justice, fair-play ...

  9. Civic Education Lesson Note for JSS2 (Second Term) 2024-PDF

    Civic Education lesson note for Junior Secondary School-2 Second Term is now available for free. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all JSSs in Nigeria, in other words, all private JSSs in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for Civic Education.

  10. Second Term JSS2 Civic Education Lesson Note

    Description. This lesson note covers the following topics for JSS2 Second Term Civic Education: Protection of the Rule of law(a) Meaning of the rule of law.(b)The Rule of law e.g. equity before the law, all laws must be obeyed by all citizens, etc. (c) Protection of the rule of law (legal process, independent judiciary, equity, justice, fair-play, good governance etc.

  11. Civic Education Scheme of Work for Junior Secondary School (JSS 2)

    CIVIC EDUCATION. JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL (JSS 2) SECOND TERM . WEEKS TOPICS /CONTENTS . 1. REVISION OF LAST TERM'S WORK . 2. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT I. Identify the nature and relationship among Federal, State and Local Governments. II. Functions of Federal, State and Local Governments. Legislative power

  12. Civic Education Scheme of Work for JSS 2 Federal

    Leads the students to explain the meaning of integrity Makes them list the attributes. Participate in the discussion in the class List the attributes. 2. Attributes of Integrity. Truthfulness, sincerity, non-compromise of principles, fair play, mobility, decency, upstanding etc. Guides them to explain the attributes.


    4 Comments / By ClassPrefect / November 27, 2019. On this page, get all Civic Education JSS2 topics from First Term to Third Term. Find them below, study them and excel in your examinations. For more class notes, homework help, exam practice, download our App HERE. Join Telegram Community for exclusive content and support HERE.

  14. Civic Education Scheme of Work for JSS1, JSS2, JSS3

    Civic Education Scheme of Work JSS1 Second Term. List of topic. Week 01 - Self Reliance I Week 02 - Self Reliance II Week 03 - Self Reliance III Week 04 - Citizenship I Week 05 - Citizenship II Week 06 - Citizenship III Week 07 - Citizenship IV Week 08 -Rights and duties of Citizen I Week 09 -Rights and duties of Citizen I


    CIVIC EDUCATION 1ST TERM JSS2 1. Revision of last Term Work, Resumption test and copying of scheme of work. 2. Types of National Values: Integrity (i) Meaning of Integrity (ii) Attributes of integrity 3. The need to have people of integrity (i) Examples of people of integrity in the society 4.

  16. JS2 Civic Education Scheme of Work for First, Second And Third Term

    Teacher: (1) Asks student to do an assignment find out examples of offence for which an individual can be found guilty and punished under the law. (2) Organizes a debate on the equality of all individuals before the law and. guides the students. Students: (1) Do the assignment given. (2) Participate in class debate.


    SECOND TERM SCHEME OF WORK FOR JSS2 CIVIC EDUCATION WEEK TOPIC 1 - Revision 2 - Relationship between federal, state and local government. 3 The rule of law - Meaning of law and the rules of law - Benefit of the rules of law as against arbitrary rule 4 - Punishable Offences 1 5 Protection of human rights - Individual and group approach

  18. Second Term Scheme of Work for Civic Education Ss 2

    Week 9. Project work. Vocating and visiting some of the agencies concerned with drug law enforcement. Browsing through the internet the locate other world agencies responsible for drug law enforcement. Week 10. Drug use and abuse. Government roles in fighting drug abuse and trafficking.

  19. Civic Education Scheme Of Work For JSS 1 First Term, Second Term, And

    Civic education as a subject deals with the study of the theoretical, political and practical aspects of citizenship by way of building citizens towards awareness of their constitutional rights, responsibilities and duties to enable them recognize governance and political fields and to contribute towards progress and development of the nation.The scheme of work below is to guide learners at ...


    Subject: CIVIC EDUCATION Duration: 1HR 30MINS Class: JSS 2. The willingness to work hard and give your energy and time to a job or activity is called (A) spiritual (B) commitment (C) brave (D) hard work. The rule of law is (A)supremacy of the law over every citizen in a country (B)human right protection (C)supremacy of the law over the rich (D ...

  21. Civic Education Scheme of Work for SS2 First Term, Second Term and

    This Scheme of work contains week, topic, contents and activities of teacher and learners. 1. CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION. Meaning/definition of citizenship Education, duties and obligations of citizens. Teacher: Define citizenship education. Identify and describe duties and obligations of citizens to their. communities.

  22. Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 2 Third Term

    Lesson Note on Basic Science JSS 1 Third Term. State three voters' right. GENERAL EVALUATION/ REVISION QUESTIONS. Mention four responsibilities of voters. State three voters' right. State three benefits of the rule of law. Mention four limitations of the rule of law. Mention three factors that promote the value system.