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Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing

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Sarah Oakley

strengths and weaknesses in writing

Table of Contents

5 writing strengths you need to have, 4 writing weaknesses to overcome, how prowritingaid can help you become a better writer, conclusion on writing strengths and weaknesses.

Even the best writers have strengths and weaknesses in writing. Being aware of your strengths and weaknesses is vital if you want to be a good writer.

If you develop your writing skills, you’ll be able to ensure all your writing is of high quality. This applies to creative writing, academic writing, and business writing. 

In this article, we’ll explore five strengths you need and four weaknesses to work on. You’ll also learn how ProWritingAid can help you become a better writer.

A writing strength is a characteristic of great writing and it gives your reader the impression you know exactly what you’re doing. You can learn and develop writing skills so you don’t need to worry about being naturally gifted.

You can build your writing strengths before you write so your first draft has solid foundations, or you can gain them over time as you write. Don’t exhaust yourself trying to make the first draft perfect; it’ll need editing later on.

We’ve picked five strengths we think are the most important when writing any document. These skills are imperative for those who want a writing career.

Strength 1: A Rich Vocabulary

One of the best things you can do as a writer is to develop the number of words you know. Therefore, you’ll have a diverse word choice to pick from when you’re writing.

You can achieve this strength through reading. Read everything you can get your hands on. It’s not enough to read within your chosen genre, business area, or subject area.

By learning new things and opening your mind to other writing categories, you’ll develop a vivid imagination, and you’ll have an excellent vocabulary to work with.

Learning new words and concepts can also help you reduce writer’s block, which is a bonus strength that will help you achieve your goal of finishing writing projects more often.

It’s said that only 3% of novel writers actually finish writing their novel. Arming yourself with a rich vocabulary will help you become one of those 3%.

If you don’t have time for reading as widely, or you’re not sure you’ll be able to remember so many words, some writing apps have built-in thesaurus features you can use. 

Strength 2: Use of Literary Devices

There are many literary devices writers can use to keep their readers engaged. You might be familiar with a few of them, but if you develop your knowledge of all of them, you’ll create variety in your writing by having more to choose from.

We can’t go over every single literary device you could use in this article. However, we have picked three important ones you can use to strengthen your writing straight away.

Foreshadowing is the technique of revealing details and clues for your reader to give them an idea of what is coming. You can use this in fiction writing to create suspense, excitement, or apprehension. In business and academic writing, you can mention something briefly that you will go into detail about later.

Metaphors and similes are ways to describe things as though they are something else or compared to something else. They are great devices to use in poetry and fiction writing. You can engage your reader with metaphors and similes by making their mind work harder to imagine the things you’re describing.

The opposite of using metaphors to describe something figuratively is using concrete imagery in your descriptions. This is where the “show, don’t tell” rule comes into play. You need to show your readers what you’re writing about through sensory details.

Strength 3: Varying Sentence Lengths

Sentence lengths are important as they help the flow of your writing and contribute to its pacing. Long sentences take longer to read but can include a lot of information. Shorter sentences can have more impact.

If you want to give the reader a sense of urgency in the pacing of your writing, use shorter, snappier sentences. They can be as short as one word. 

Be careful when writing short sentences for pacing. You don’t want to write an entire scene in short sentences because your reader might rush through without picking up any details.

Longer sentences can comprise several clauses and even feature additional information in brackets or between em dashes. They take a while to read, so do your reader a favor and remember to add punctuation for pauses. 

Strength 4: Target Reader Awareness

When you know who you are writing for and what they expect, you can focus on achieving and exceeding those expectations. This works for creative, business, and academic writing. The ability to tailor your content to the intended audience is a mark of a great writer.

If you’re working on a creative writing project, such as a novel, you need to be aware of the basic requirements of a novel and any specific elements of your chosen genre. This could include story length, number of characters, and the amount of exposition.

For business writing, such as sales emails and internal company documents, it’s important to use the correct professional tone and vocabulary for your intended reader. You need to ensure your writing is clear and doesn’t use too much business jargon that could make your reader lose interest.

When writing an academic essay or thesis, your reader is likely to be an examiner or a peer in your academic field, so they should understand the subject you’re writing about. This means you can use more technical language and statistics to back up your points. You’ll also need to use formal language.

Strength 5: A Strong Writing Voice

Your writing voice makes anything you write sound uniquely yours. So it’s important to work on achieving a strong, authoritative voice to make readers pay attention to what you’re writing about.

Developing your writing voice is something that takes time and a lot of practice. Most writers start off by emulating other writers to learn how to write things effectively. Once you know how to write well, you can start developing your own way of doing it.

You should adhere to the objective elements of good writing, such as grammar and spelling, to avoid making mistakes. You might even have to follow style guides for business or academic writing. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t break stylistic or optional writing rules, such as using the Oxford comma, to develop your personal writing style.

When you’re writing with confidence, the reader will hear it. You’ll use phrases and details only experts and enthusiasts would know. Your writing will sound natural, like you’re talking to your reader directly. A strong writing voice is one of the most engaging parts of writing.

key writing strengths

Producing great writing is tough, and there are several weaknesses you’ll need to overcome if you want to create amazing pieces of writing. Luckily, most weaknesses only require practice and some studying to resolve them.

I’ve highlighted the four most common weaknesses writers should work on.

Weakness 1: Your Writing Lacks Substance

If you are trying to convince your readers you know what you’re talking about, you need to include details that will give them the right impression.

For a fiction writer, it’s not enough to just add extra details to your descriptions. You need to create unique characters and worlds your reader will want to invest their time in. Even genre fiction readers want to see a new spin on tried and tested plot structures.

You can always improve business and academic writing with some facts and statistics. If you’ve got research findings, add them where appropriate.

In essay writing, don’t use vague statements or general ideas. Your reader will believe your points if you can prove there’s weight to what you’re writing. Make strong points and back them up with evidence. Don’t forget to check your references and citations.

Weakness 2: Poor Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

A sure-fire way to lose a reader’s attention is poor grammar, misspelled words, and punctuation that skews the meaning of your sentence. Mistakes make the reader focus on the quality of the writing rather than what you are writing about.

There are many books and online courses available for improving your knowledge of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If you’re uncertain about a rule, you can simply Google it to find out more. Writing style guides are also great places to find grammar rules.

Alternatively, you can use an editing software to tighten up your writing after you’ve finished your first draft. ProWritingAid is an editing software that includes helpful tips and information about the rules you need to brush up on. You’ll learn by doing if you edit your writing with ProWritingAid.

strength and weakness essay in english

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ProWritingAid's AI-powered spelling and grammar checker will help you sound professional every time.

Weakness 3: Disorganized Writing

There are structures and templates for literally any piece of writing these days. So there’s no excuse for writing that meanders from one point to another with no apparent connection between each one. Organized writing is a must for all writers.

Before you write anything, you need to plan what you’re going to write. This plan doesn’t need to be very detailed, but it needs to have a logical flow from one point to the next. 

For academic writers, you’ll need to include transition words to join points and ideas together. Connecting your points with transition words will keep your reader engaged.

Weakness 4: Lack of Focus on Writing Projects

One of the biggest weaknesses writers face is a lack of focus. If you allow distractions to overwhelm you when you’re trying to write, it will affect your writing.

Writers need to create a suitable environment that will encourage creativity. This is different for each person, but most writers agree that a quiet room with a desk and a comfy chair are the minimum requirements.

Another factor to consider is whether you’re getting enough sleep. Tired writers don’t make amazing literature. First drafts might be safe to complete when you’re sleepy, but editing is something you should do when you’re alert and able to check your work for imperfections.

As I mentioned earlier, ProWritingAid is a piece of editing software that will coach you through your strengths and weaknesses as you make edits to your writing. One of the best things about ProWritingAid is that you can use it at any stage of your writing process.

When you use a ProWritingAid integration, you can check for grammatical errors as you type with the Realtime checker. If you hover your cursor over an underlined word or phrase, you’ll see a pop-up that will tell you what improvement needs to be made, and it’ll give you an option to apply a pre-generated improvement.

The Realtime checker gives you suggestions to improve your grammar, spelling, punctuation, readability, and passive voice. If you want to edit your writing further, you can run any of the 20+ reports that will explore specific things, such as your average sentence length and the use of sensory details.

While there are many strengths that great writers possess, the five strengths and four weaknesses we’ve highlighted in this article are some of the most important ones to focus your efforts on to begin with.

Remember, weaknesses will undermine your hard work to become a better writer. You’ll need to make sure you’re not letting yourself down by making the mistakes we’ve mentioned above.

ProWritingAid is here to help you with strengths and weaknesses in writing so you can ensure your own writing is perfect every time. Though it won’t tell you how much sleep to get or how to rearrange your writing environment. That’s all down to you.

If you want to become a skilled writer, give ProWritingAid a try today.

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How to Answer “What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?”

  • Joel Schwartzberg

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Advice and examples to help you craft an authentic answer to this common interview question.

Don’t take common interview questions lightly just because they’re predictable. Underpreparing for them can make the difference between moving ahead and moving on. One question that often comes up: What are your strengths and weaknesses? In this article, the author outlines clear steps for how to describe your strengths and weaknesses along with sample language to use as a guide.

Some questions come up again and again in job interviews . At the top of the list: “ Tell me about yourself ,” “ Why do you want to work here? ” and “What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?”

  • JS Joel Schwartzberg oversees executive communications for a major national nonprofit, is a professional presentation coach, and is the author of Get to the Point! Sharpen Your Message and Make Your Words Matter and The Language of Leadership: How to Engage and Inspire Your Team . You can find him on LinkedIn and X. TheJoelTruth

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Balancing Weaknesses and Strengths: a Path to Personal Growth

This essay about personal growth explores the balance between strengths and weaknesses, likening it to a symphony where both elements contribute to self-awareness and resilience. It highlights the importance of recognizing and embracing weaknesses as opportunities for growth, while also valuing strengths as guides and tools for overcoming challenges. The essay emphasizes self-compassion, self-reflection, and the integration of both strengths and weaknesses to achieve authentic and holistic personal development.

How it works

In the intricate odyssey of personal growth, the dynamic interplay between our weaknesses and strengths creates a distinctive tapestry of evolution. Envision it as a grand symphony, where each note, whether resonant or subtle, contributes to the rich harmony of self-awareness and resilience. It’s a melody echoing through the corridors of our lives, guiding us toward profound insights into our capabilities and potential.

Contrary to popular belief, personal development isn’t just about amplifying strengths and ignoring weaknesses. Instead, it’s a delicate balancing act—a nuanced dance requiring finesse and introspection.

It’s about acknowledging our rough edges with gentle honesty, recognizing that they, too, play a crucial role in our journey.

Consider weaknesses as uncut gems nestled within the depths of our being—raw and unrefined, yet full of promise. They aren’t blemishes to be hidden but opportunities for growth, encouraging us to embrace vulnerability and its transformative power. It’s in these vulnerable moments that we uncover reservoirs of strength, resilience, and courage, paving new pathways toward self-mastery.

As we navigate our weaknesses, it’s crucial not to lose sight of our strengths—the beacons that illuminate our path. Like stars in the night sky, our strengths guide us through adversity, infusing our journey with purpose and significance. They are the tools in our toolbox, the secret ingredients that enable us to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities with confidence.

However, our strengths are more than just instruments for personal advancement; they’re also the keys to unlocking our latent potential. Think of them as mirrors reflecting our true selves, revealing aspects of our being we may have overlooked. By embracing our strengths, we gain clarity and insight, allowing us to navigate life’s challenges with greater wisdom and grace.

So, how do we achieve this delicate balance between weaknesses and strengths? It begins with a willingness to embrace our imperfections—to sit with them, learn from them, and grow from them. It’s a journey of self-discovery that requires delving into the depths of our being with curiosity and courage.

Practical strategies can aid us on this journey—strategies such as self-reflection, goal-setting, and seeking feedback from trusted mentors and peers. These tools act as compasses, guiding us toward our true north and helping us stay on course in the face of adversity.

Yet, perhaps the most powerful tool of all is self-compassion—the gentle art of accepting ourselves exactly as we are, flaws and all. It’s about extending kindness and understanding to ourselves, just as we would to a cherished friend in need. In the tender embrace of self-compassion, we find the strength to confront our weaknesses, knowing we are worthy of love and belonging despite our perceived shortcomings.

Ultimately, balancing weaknesses and strengths is not just about self-improvement; it’s about embracing the entirety of who we are, with all our quirks, imperfections, and idiosyncrasies. It’s about recognizing that our weaknesses are not obstacles but stepping stones to growth. And it’s about celebrating our strengths not as accolades to boast about but as gifts to share with the world.

Let us welcome the dance of personal growth with open arms, understanding that in the delicate interplay between weaknesses and strengths, we find not just transformation but liberation—a liberation that empowers us to live authentically, boldly, and unapologetically as ourselves.


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Balancing Weaknesses and Strengths: A Path to Personal Growth. (2024, May 28). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/balancing-weaknesses-and-strengths-a-path-to-personal-growth/

"Balancing Weaknesses and Strengths: A Path to Personal Growth." PapersOwl.com , 28 May 2024, https://papersowl.com/examples/balancing-weaknesses-and-strengths-a-path-to-personal-growth/

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Balancing Weaknesses and Strengths: A Path to Personal Growth . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/balancing-weaknesses-and-strengths-a-path-to-personal-growth/ [Accessed: 2 Jun. 2024]

"Balancing Weaknesses and Strengths: A Path to Personal Growth." PapersOwl.com, May 28, 2024. Accessed June 2, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/balancing-weaknesses-and-strengths-a-path-to-personal-growth/

"Balancing Weaknesses and Strengths: A Path to Personal Growth," PapersOwl.com , 28-May-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/balancing-weaknesses-and-strengths-a-path-to-personal-growth/. [Accessed: 2-Jun-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2024). Balancing Weaknesses and Strengths: A Path to Personal Growth . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/balancing-weaknesses-and-strengths-a-path-to-personal-growth/ [Accessed: 2-Jun-2024]

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Essay on My Weakness

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Weakness in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Weakness

Understanding my weakness.

Every person has strengths and weaknesses. One of my weaknesses is impatience. I often want things to happen quickly and can get frustrated when they don’t.

Impatience in Everyday Life

This impatience affects my daily life. I rush through tasks, which can lead to mistakes. It also affects my relationships, as I can be quick to react.

Working on My Weakness

Despite this, I am learning to manage my impatience. I practice mindfulness, which helps me stay calm. I am not perfect, but every day, I strive to be patient.

250 Words Essay on My Weakness


Everyone possesses a unique blend of strengths and weaknesses, shaping their character and defining their individuality. My journey of self-awareness and growth has led me to recognize one of my significant weaknesses – procrastination.

Understanding Procrastination

Procrastination, the act of delaying or postponing tasks, is a common human behavior. It is often misconstrued as laziness, but it is more complex. It’s a struggle with self-control, where immediate gratification takes precedence over long-term goals. As a college student, this weakness has often led me to squander valuable time, affecting my academic performance and causing unnecessary stress.

Impact of Procrastination

The impact of procrastination extends beyond academics. It has hindered my personal growth and the development of essential life skills. The habit of putting off tasks has, at times, led to missed opportunities and prevented me from reaching my full potential. It has also affected my self-esteem, creating a vicious cycle of delay, guilt, and stress.

Overcoming Procrastination

Recognizing procrastination as a weakness was the first step towards overcoming it. I have started implementing strategies like time management, setting realistic goals, and breaking tasks into manageable parts. I also practice mindfulness to stay focused and avoid distractions.

In conclusion, while procrastination remains a significant weakness, acknowledging it has opened avenues for self-improvement. It has taught me that weaknesses are not permanent obstacles but challenges that can be overcome with determination and the right approach.

500 Words Essay on My Weakness

Every individual possesses a unique mix of strengths and weaknesses. They shape our character, influence our actions, and guide our decisions. Acknowledging and understanding our weaknesses is not a sign of defeat but a step towards self-improvement. In this essay, I will share my personal journey of recognizing and addressing my primary weakness: perfectionism.

Understanding Perfectionism

Perfectionism is often misinterpreted as a strength. Striving for excellence and setting high standards is commendable, but when these standards are unattainable and one’s self-worth becomes dependent on achieving them, it becomes a debilitating weakness. As a perfectionist, I have often found myself in this trap, paralyzed by the fear of failure and criticism.

The Impact of Perfectionism

The impact of perfectionism is multifaceted. Firstly, it hampers productivity. The constant desire to perfect every detail often leads to procrastination and delays. Secondly, it fosters a fear of failure. The dread of making mistakes inhibits risk-taking, a crucial aspect of learning and growth. Lastly, it can lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression, as the constant pressure to meet unrealistic standards can be overwhelming.

Recognizing the Issue

The first step in overcoming any weakness is acknowledging its existence. I realized my perfectionism was a problem when I noticed its detrimental effects on my mental health and productivity. I was constantly stressed, my work was always late, and I was never satisfied with my achievements. This realization was a wake-up call that prompted me to seek change.

Addressing Perfectionism

Addressing perfectionism requires a shift in mindset. I had to learn to distinguish between healthy striving for excellence and unhealthy perfectionism. This involved setting realistic goals and understanding that failure and mistakes are part of the learning process. I also had to learn to separate my self-worth from my achievements.

Seeking Help

Seeking professional help was a significant step in overcoming my perfectionism. Therapy provided a safe space to explore the root causes of my perfectionism and equipped me with coping strategies. It also helped me understand that my value as a person is not dependent on being perfect.

Perfectionism, my primary weakness, has been a challenging journey of self-discovery and growth. Recognizing and addressing it has not only improved my productivity and mental health but also enriched my understanding of myself. It has taught me that it’s okay not to be perfect and that our weaknesses, once recognized and addressed, can become stepping stones to personal growth and self-improvement.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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strength and weakness essay in english

When You Write

Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing

As a writer, I always strive to be better—and in some categories, the best. I believe that understanding my writing strengths and weaknesses helps me improve my writing skills and become a master of this art.

If one doesn’t understand their strengths and weaknesses in writing, it means they can’t genuinely edit their work and cannot pinpoint areas that need improvement and those that are their strengths.

Constant self-evaluation is the passe-partout of any practice or line of work, but to accurately evaluate yourself you have to know what you’re looking for.

Every writer has strengths and weaknesses. For example, you might have a rich vocabulary—which you efficiently use—or showcase good usage of literary devices. Those two would be called strengths in your writing.

You might also have weaknesses in your writing such as lack of coherence, long-winded sentences, and organization.

Let us delve further into writing strengths and weaknesses and understand how you can use your strengths and overcome your weaknesses!

8 Must-Have Strengths for a Writer

It is also important to know and have some particular strengths as a writer to be more than an ordinary writer.

Here are some of those essential strengths:

Focus is essential in almost everything you do. Without focus, you could have the best skill set and still produce average work dues to errors and complacency.

Every writer wants to stay focused, but it’s not easy. You have to teach yourself to stay focused, whether it involves conditioning your body or tricking your mind.

Do whatever is necessary and within healthy limits. When you start writing and reading routinely, your body and mind start responding to them as the normal order of your day.

Enough sleep and a cup of coffee also help you maintain focus during your writing sessions .

And, get rid of distractions! Put down your phone, turn off your Wi-Fi, and get away from your Tele.

2. A Rich, Diverse Vocabulary

We are not talking about having a rich vocabulary only, but also using the words expeditiously.

This diverse vocabulary should make you write pieces that are not readable and make your readers slave through their reading.

So, you should always make sure that you choose (from this excellent vocabulary and diverse word choice) the right and unique choice of words that would look appealing to your readers.

You have to keep learning new words and the correct usage of those words.

3. A Burning Passion for Reading

I hear a lot of writers—self-published writers to be specific—say that they don’t like reading. For them, writing is a natural talent that doesn’t need to be nourished by reading.

One thing they are oblivious of is that without reading, they can’t understand what they are doing wrong, what they’re doing right, and other things that made other writers successful.

These types of writers put themselves in a “box.”

By reading other people’s works, you get to see writing from different perspectives and you can analyze your writing, a vantage point that helps you perfect your writing skills.

You don’t even have to buy these reading resources because they’re gazillions of blogs, eBooks, novels, and others online.

4. Organized Writing that Follows a Logical Flow

If whatever you’re writing doesn’t flow and therefore isn’t coherent, it is nothing but utter rubbish!

Your writing needs to show a naturally logical progression of thought and must be easy to read for the intended audience. If the progression doesn’t make sense to your reader, then who are you writing for?

Your thoughts should be linked within and between paragraphs. The use of transitional words facilitates this purpose. Words such as “however,” “also,” “yet,” and “although,” among others help you show these transitions.

You should aim at making it easy for your readers to navigate and read through your content.

Organized writing is an essential strength for a writer. The way you present your ideas in sentences and paragraphs impacts the readability and navigability of your content.

Make sure your sentences are short and your paragraphs just meaty enough for the ideas presented in them—and avoid run-on sentences.

Your content needs to have enough signposts and breaks. Be efficient with headings and subheadings, and have so many if the information keeps changing from paragraph to paragraph to make it easy for your readers to find the right information in your content.

5. Creativity

For professional writers, creativity is of the greatest essence. It is even more indispensable for fiction writers.

Our goal as writers is not to bore our readers to death. We always have to think out of the box to craft pieces that will win the hearts of the readers and make them want more of our content.

A good and wonderworking—and sometimes libertine—imagination is necessary to craft unique, stirring pieces.

Sometimes, you have to let your imagination wander off and come back with crazy and wild ideas. If you’re a fiction writer, let your imagination help you create a unique world, with unique characters, using your own nomenclature!

Remember, there’s no single rule on what kind of imagination is bad or good in creative writing.

There are various ways of increasing one’s creativity, but I have discovered that I’m more creative when I take time to appreciate other pieces of art before I start writing. Before I write I listen to some music, read poetry, or just look at a painting.

It’s not for everyone, but it works for me!

Your writing should be as clear as a summer day, as lucid as you can make it.

This element goes hand in hand with the organized writing I discussed in strength number 4, your writing should be clear enough for your readers to grasp and appreciate the ideas in your content quickly.

For blogs, newspaper articles, and magazine pieces, writing chunky paragraphs is—for lack of a word—taboo. You should always be conservative with the size of your paragraph and be straightforward with your explanations.

Just make your writing simple but comprehensible.

7. A Unique Writing Style

One thing all successful writers have in common is a unique style. For example, when you read anything by Dr. Seuss, you understand that his style involved the use of mirthful new words. The best writers write using a distinguished voice or style.

You have to discover your writing style—and for many, it just happens naturally and in some cases, it’s the readers or critics that notice the uniqueness of the writer.

8. Understanding Your Audience

We write because it’s our passion, but if we think about it, that is rarely the sole reason for writing and publishing our work.

We want our audience to love our content or appreciate the message in it. So, it’s all about our interests, but also the needs of our audience.

If you want to make your audience happy, you have to know what they like first. Dr. Seuss understood what kids want to read and what characters would work well with a young audience. If you’re writing on a tech-related topic, tech experts and geeks like; likewise, if you’re about MLS, know what soccer fans like.

Armed with that knowledge, you can craft pieces that strike a chord with your target audience, leading to the success of those pieces.

Weaknesses in Writing and Ways to Overcome Them

1. lack of substance.

You might be a yeasty writer with much-needed experience, but if your writing lacks substance, it’s bound to run into negative reviews, and hence it is going to be less impactful!

This is especially crucial for nonfiction content, if your writing straggles and wanders all over the place, your content will be shallow.

For your content to have depth, you have to concentrate on one particular argument at a time.

And, to give your argument more depth, give supporting points and sprinkle some stats here and there.

How do you deal with the lack of substance in your writing?

Here are some tips:

  • Focus on the depth of your arguments rather than the length of your article (you could have a cherry-sized paragraph that is more insightful than a chunky paragraph).
  • Use literary devices to make your arguments more perspicuous.
  • Use stats, case studies, or research findings to further exemplify your key arguments (use infographics where necessary).
  • Your content should answer questions relevant to the topic.
  • Offer tips to readers.

2. Your Writing Is Too Draggy for Your Readers

Among the 8 strengths that I explained in the previous section was understanding your audience.

If you don’t understand your audience or ignore them when writing, you end up communicating with nobody.

It’s like you’re speaking to yourself, in a big hall!

As said in the previous section, we write to touch our audience in some way; whether we want them to laugh, inspire them, inform them, or educate them.

It is a terrible idea to think that you write for yourself! If that’s the case, why don’t you just hang your content on your wall?

Here are some tips for polishing draggy content:

  • Understand who you’re writing for and write for them. It doesn’t matter who (it could be you, your imaginary friends, anybody!).
  • Write to solve the audience’s problems. Your writing should be a solution to your reader’s pain, personal struggles, and it should also improve their lives in some way.

3. Lack of Rhythm

Ignore the importance of rhythm at your peril. In truth, writing cannot entertain without rhythm, especially creative writing.

Just like in music, rhythm steers writing and acts as a guide for the reader.

Readers can feel your writing’s rhythm and that alone can be stimulating (that is if your writing has rhythm).

If your content lacks rhythm the pace seems invariable, it neither speeds up nor slows down.

The content also seems to lack a lot of natural pauses.

This is how you can improve it:

  • While paying attention to context, mix up your sentence lengths; a long one here, a short there.
  • Use transition words to maneuver the passage from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph.

4. Chaotic Flow

Imagine listening to a 5-year-old talk about all the wonderful things she experienced during the day: school, her cousin’s weird laughter, the dog’s thievery.

Unloading all that without any logical arrangement of information. None, at all!

I’d have said that that’s how your readers feel, but they are not listening to an adorable 5-year-old, are they?

They’re looking at a piece of writing—written by a supposedly mature individual—that’s full of hiccups and abrupt endings.

Your writing needs to be structured to unload information step by step. Your readers need to know that from A, they go to B. They need to know this is because of that, and this and that are related.

Your content has to answer your readers’ questions, give tips the reader would care about, and have contextual solutions.

Here are a few tips on improving flow in your writing:

  • Go through your main points and ascertain whether they feel logical. If they aren’t, re-organize them in a logical order or start all over again.
  • Look at the questions your content is answering and For every section, write down which question the content answers (or summarize in one bullet point)
  • When editing , slowly survey the content for inconsistencies. There are little details you could miss if you read fast.

How to Turn Your Writing Weaknesses into Strengths

Nobody is perfect. We all have weaknesses. But, some of these writing weaknesses can be turned into strengths.

As a writer, how can you improve your writing?

  • Ask for help . You can strengthen your writing skills on your own (no doubt about it), but it’s a lot less tedious when you reach out to other writers to help identify your weak areas and offer other insights.
  • Read . Not only will you get an education from books and publications, but you’ll also find inspiration.
  • Persevere . Perseverance can help you deal with problems such as writer’s block. It is also perseverance that will see you through periods during which you’re suffering from imposter syndrome.

Final Words on Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing

To be a better writer, you’ve got to know which areas to strengthen and which weaknesses to overcome.

 You’ll—in abundance—focus, perseverance, creativity, and a lot of humility. It will be laborious work but worth every joule expended and every second used.

You have got to believe in yourself as a writer, but don’t let your confidence blind you—there will always be something that your writing is missing.

Recommended Reading...

How to get over writers block: 30 ways to unleashing your creative potential, 9 effective ways to overcome your fear of writing.

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4.6 SELF-REFLECTION: What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing an Academic Research Essay in English?

strength and weakness essay in english

  • What are your strengths in writing an academic research essay in English? 
  • What are your weaknesses in writing an academic research essay in English?

ACADEMIC Writing Skills

  • Getting ideas, planning, and organizing my essay
  • Writing thesis statements for an essay
  • Writing effective introduction and conclusion paragraphs
  • Developing and supporting my ideas with good examples and complex sentences
  • Organizing my ideas logically into strong paragraphs
  • Using grammar correctly (verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, etc.)
  • Using vocabulary correctly (including spelling)
  • Using MLA format to cite information that I use from other sources
  • Identifying and evaluating secondary sources of information to support my own ideas or opinions
  • Summarizing and paraphrasing information from other sources
  • Editing and proofreading, finding and correcting mistakes

Synthesis Copyright © 2022 by Timothy Krause is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Home — Essay Samples — Life — Personal Strengths — A Narrative of My Strengths and Weaknesses


A Narrative of My Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Categories: Personal Strengths Self Identity Weakness

About this sample


Words: 903 |

Updated: 30 November, 2023

Words: 903 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Works Cited

  • Alleyne, P., & Cohen, D. (2013). Identifying strengths and weaknesses in students' learning. In P. Alleyne & D. Cohen (Eds.), Psychology for Cambridge International AS & A Level (pp. 26-27). Oxford University Press.
  • Buckingham, M., & Clifton, D. O. (2001). Now, discover your strengths. Free Press.
  • Clifton, D. O., & Harter, J. K. (2003). Investing in strengths. In K. S. Cameron, J. E. Dutton, & R. E. Quinn (Eds.), Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline (pp. 111-121). Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • Gallagher, M. W., & Lopez, S. J. (2009). Positive psychology and personality assessment: A model for understanding strengths and virtues. Oxford University Press.
  • Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. Bantam.
  • Johnson, A. (2019). Building strengths and eliminating weaknesses: A constructive approach to talent development. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology.
  • Linley, P. A., Willars, J., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2010). The strengths book: Be confident, be successful, and enjoy better relationships by realising the best of you. CAPP Press.
  • Lopez, S. J., & Louis, M. C. (2009). The principles of strengths-based education. Journal of College and Character, 10(4), 1-10.
  • Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. Oxford University Press.
  • Rapp, A. L., & Gosling, S. D. (2013). Strengths and weaknesses of personality tests and their implications for contemporary personality psychology. In J. A. Hall & M. S. Scher (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of personality and individual differences (pp. 8-26). SAGE Publications.

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