should i get a degree in creative writing

Is a Creative Writing Degree Worth It? Let’s Get Into It.

should i get a degree in creative writing

In my day—by which I mean the early 2000s—a creative writing degree was considered one of the less practical academic pursuits, only a little more reasonable than a philosophy degree and a theatre arts degree (which, incidentally, is what I have).

These days, we have a bit more appreciation for what a person can do with some well-rounded creative writing skills. Such a person can write novels and poetry, sure, but they can also compose speeches for politicians, create written content to refresh a major corporation’s brand, and craft compelling ad copy.

There’s no question about it. Creative writing is a skill that earns , depending on how you use it.

But as is the case in a lot of modern industries, we’re starting to see that a degree doesn’t carry the weight it used to. And not having a degree isn’t always a barrier to entry.

So where does that leave aspiring writers? Should you bother to pursue a creative writing degree? If so, what should you be trying to get out of it?

We’re about to go over all the ins and outs of this educational path. We’ll talk about:

  • The advantages of pursuing a degree in creative writing
  • The different types of creative writing programs
  • How to choose the program that’s best for you
  • How creative writing is taught
  • The career opportunities that come with a creative writing degree

Let’s start by looking at the perks.

Benefits of Pursuing a Creative Writing Degree

A smiling graduate in a cap and gown holds out a rolled-up diploma.

I’m about to list the four biggest benefits of attending a creative writing program. But I want to be clear about something:

Every one of these perks is something you can also get without a degree in creative writing.

I don’t say that to discourage you from taking this path. This might still be the best next step for your career. See, the biggest difference between getting a formal education and DIY-ing one isn’t what you learn but how you learn it.

That’s why we’re not just looking at what these four benefits are but also how you achieve them in a creative writing program.

Develop Strong Writing Skills

This is the reason most creative writing students pursue a degree. A good program offers a range of courses to help you sharpen your skills, faculty members who have real-life experience with the publishing industry, and access to visiting writers who can offer additional inspiration and insight .

Most programs incorporate writing workshops where you and your fellow students share and give feedback on your work, all under the guidance of a professor. Many universities also put out literary journals, giving students the opportunity to participate in the publishing process .

And of course, enrolling in a creative writing program ensures that you’ll be constantly writing , which is the best way to sharpen your skills.

Explore Diverse Genres and Styles

A self-guided learner has full authority to choose which areas of writing and literature they’ll explore. This is mostly a good thing, but the benefit of pursuing a creative writing degree is that your professors will see to it that you get familiar with a range of formats, genres , and styles .

This is especially true in undergraduate creative writing programs. Expect to read and analyze a wide spectrum of literature, from ancient epic poems to modern mainstream novels.

Build Your Network

This is such a notable perk that many of my friends who went to graduate school for screenwriting highlight this as the number one benefit.

Of course, you can build a network of peers and mentors without shelling out a ton of money for a formal education. But in a creative writing program, you spend all your time with other writers. You read each other’s work, struggle through the same coursework, and connect on a personal level.

Plus, if you happen to go to a school with a robust alumni network, you might find it easier to connect with those in your industry who share your alma mater after you graduate.

Widen Career Options

There are plenty of writers who don’t have a degree in creative writing—or don’t have a degree at all —who are making a decent living off of their words.

Nevertheless, a formal education can offer a wider range of options. It will give you a better shot with employers who place high value on college degrees or want to know that you have specialized knowledge regarding a specific type of writing.

And if you think you might enjoy teaching creative writing, a degree is a must. 

Types of Creative Writing Degrees

A person works on a laptop at a table on the sidewalk outside of a café.

Intrigued? Then let’s explore your options more in depth.

There are several different types of creative writing degrees you can pursue, each with a slightly different focus and different opportunities once you leave school to practice your craft in the real world.

We’ll break this down one by one.

Undergraduate Degrees

College students sit in an auditorium.

It typically takes four years to complete an undergraduate creative writing program, though the timeline can be longer or shorter depending on your schedule and any credits you’ve already earned and transferred over.

We’re covering some general creative writing degrees available at the undergraduate level, but I highly recommend doing additional research. There are several more specific degrees that zero in on a particular aspect of writing, like a Bachelor of Arts in Communication or Journalism.

If you have a clear-cut vision for your writing career, start there and work backward to find the degree that makes sense for you. If you only know that you want to be writing one way or another, start by looking at these three options:

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Creative Writing

When you pursue a Bachelor of Arts, you can expect to get a well-rounded education that includes writing instruction as well as a balanced emphasis on the sciences and humanities.

It’s a liberal arts degree, basically, and it’s the most common choice for students seeking a creative writing education. 

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Creative Writing

BFA programs are much rarer than BA programs, but it’s worth considering one if you want an education that puts a heavy emphasis on the “arts” part.

This type of program focuses less on sciences and humanities. It often includes hands-on writing workshops (more on those in a bit) and is favored by students who fully intend to become authors, playwrights, screenwriters, or poets.

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Writing

If you think you might enjoy applying your creative writing skills to something more scientific or analytical, a BS might be the best option for you.

This is a popular option for students who see themselves getting into technical writing, cultural studies, or communication.

Graduate Degrees

A group of smiling people sit around a table in a meeting room, surrounded by coffee cups and laptops.

Postgraduate education—or grad school, as the cool kids call it—comes after you’ve earned an undergraduate degree. The most common reasons to seek out a graduate degree in creative writing include:

  • You think you might like to teach creative writing at the college level one day
  • You earned an undergraduate degree in a different field and now you want to study writing
  • You just really want to go deep on this subject

Just as with undergrad degrees, there are highly specific grad programs you can explore. Or you can dive into one of these:

Master of Arts (MA) in Creative Writing

While an MA program doesn’t have the humanities and sciences components of a BA program, it still maintains a balance between participating in the arts and observing them. 

That is to say, you’ll do a ton of writing in this program, but you’ll also read and analyze a fair amount of literature.

Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing

MFA programs tend to be super hands-on, with workshops in which students share and give feedback on each other’s writing. Over the course of the program, you’ll complete a book-length work like a novel or poetry collection.

You also might find that you need more credits to earn an MFA degree than an MA in creative writing. 

PhD in Creative Writing

Now you’re just stalling. Write your book already.

I’m kidding. A PhD is a perfectly reasonable option if you want to study literature and creative writing in great depth. Most students who take their writing education this far are also planning to build a career in academia in addition to being a published author.

PhD programs are extremely rigorous, can last four years, and conclude with a dissertation project.

Writing Workshops vs. Writing Courses

A professor stands at the front of an auditorium, lecturing creative writing students.

At this point, we should probably discuss the difference between writing courses and workshops in an academic setting. You’ll find both in many programs, but the balance between these two educational experiences will depend on which type of creative writing degree you pursue.

It will also influence your entire learning experience.

What Makes a Course a Course?

A creative writing course is exactly what you think of when you imagine any class in a formal education setting.

In a course, a professor lectures on specific topics, assigns projects, and grades students on their performance. There may be class discussions and even opportunities for students to share and engage with each others’ writing. But the overall structure of a course focuses on conveying information.

What Makes a Workshop a Workshop?

A creative writing workshop is more hands-on. While the professor will share insights and guide discussions, the primary purpose of a workshop is to help students refine their craft. They share their work and give each other feedback.

You see much more of this learning style in BFA and MFA programs, which put greater emphasis on honing creative skills. If you want your writing education to include analyzing literature or studying the business end of publishing, you’ll probably want to look into more course-heavy BA or MA programs.  

Renowned Creative Writing Programs

A person sitting at a computer smiles and gives a thumbs up.

This is usually when a person wants to know where they should go to get these degrees. What are the best creative writing programs out there?

Really, the best program is the one that fits you. Reputation is just one of many factors you should consider when you decide where to pursue a degree in creative writing. 

That said, it’s always a good move to know the respected institutions in your field. It helps you sound informed at cocktail parties. To that end, here are some of the most revered schools in the world of creative writing (in the U.S., anyway):

  • The Iowa Writers’ Workshop
  • Brown University
  • Columbia University
  • Duke University
  • Emory University
  • Mizzou (Journalism)
  • Northwestern University

Choosing the Right Creative Writing Program

A person stares at laptop, brow furrowed.

If prestige shouldn’t be a top consideration when deciding where to earn a degree in creative writing, what should you prioritize?

Here are a few factors to keep in mind as you research your options:

Career goals - Do you want a program that’s going to prepare you for a job in marketing that pays the bills while you write poetry on the side? Do you want to become a globe-trotting journalist or a high-earning technical writer?

Decide what will be the best degree for you, then zero in on the schools that excel in that area of study.

And don’t forget to consider genre! If you want to earn an MFA but are interested in commercial fiction writing, make sure you find a program that matches your goals. Literary fiction tends to get all the love in higher education.

Faculty - Research who you’ll be learning from. Do they seem like the right folks to guide you on your professional journey?

Curriculum - Learn everything you can about a school’s course options and creative writing majors before you commit. Will you be able to focus on the area of writing that matters most to you? Will the skills you learn help you do fun things in the real world like eat and pay rent?

Location - There are accredited creative writing programs that are entirely online. However, many of your best options will be in-person or low residency . Not only is the location relevant for practical reasons—you have to be able to get there—it can also influence how much you pay to go. 

If you attend a state school in your own state, for example, you can expect to pay less than the out-of-state students.

Results - Do a little digging to find out what graduates say about their experience in the program. What did they like about it? What didn’t they like? Would they say it was worth it? What are they doing with their creative writing degree now?

Cost - You’re probably way ahead of me here, but I’ll mention it, anyway. The less you pay for a degree in creative writing, the greater your return on investment will be. Look at tuition costs, possible scholarships, out-of-state versus in-state expenses, and the local cost of living.

Career Opportunities with a Creative Writing Degree

Two people shake hands over a desk after a job interview.

Maybe you decided long ago that you definitely want to go to college. Maybe for you, the question isn’t whether you want a degree at all but whether a degree in creative writing is a good use of your college fund.

In that case, we should talk career opportunities. What exactly can you do with a creative writing degree?

A lot, as it turns out. In fact, we have this ridiculously long list of jobs that require strong creative writing skills. You can follow the link to explore them in depth, but here’s a quick sample of what’s in there:

  • Proofreader
  • Content writer
  • Technical writer
  • Social media writer
  • Screenwriter
  • Speechwriter
  • Literary agent
  • Brand strategist
  • Corporate communications specialist

That’s really only scratching the surface, and it doesn’t even touch on the ways your writing skills might serve you in less creative professions. I know multiple lawyers with a creative writing degree they credit for making them significantly better at drafting legal arguments. (On the flip side, an alarming number of lawyers become screenwriters or novelists.)

The important thing is to consider different creative writing majors carefully. Between the different schools, degrees, and areas of concentration, you’ve got lots of options and plenty of opportunities to select the education path that leads to your ideal writing career.

Whatever You Do, Keep Learning

A screenshot of the Story Craft Café homepage with a post reading 'I beleaf in you."

Only you can decide if a creative writing degree is the right move for you. Whether you go for it or not, remember that continuous learning is the best thing you can do to ensure a successful and fulfilling writing career.

Keep reading work that inspires you. Build and nurture your writer network. Proactively seek out workshops, seminars, conferences , books, articles… anything you can get your hands on that will help you sharpen your skills.

And while I wouldn’t claim it’s a one-to-one replacement for the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, remember that Dabble is always here for you with a shocking amount of free educational resources and a supportive community in the Story Craft Café .

Peruse the hundreds of articles, templates, and worksheets in DabbleU . Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly guidance delivered straight to your inbox. Download this free, 100-page ebook walking you through the entire novel-writing process.

Even if you need a little more time to decide if you want a degree in creative writing, you can start boosting your skills now.

So what are you waiting for?

Abi Wurdeman is the author of Cross-Section of a Human Heart: A Memoir of Early Adulthood, as well as the novella, Holiday Gifts for Insufferable People. She also writes for film and television with her brother and writing partner, Phil Wurdeman. On occasion, Abi pretends to be a poet. One of her poems is (legally) stamped into a sidewalk in Santa Clarita, California. When she’s not writing, Abi is most likely hiking, reading, or texting her mother pictures of her houseplants to ask why they look like that.


should i get a degree in creative writing


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What to Know About Creative Writing Degrees

Many creative writing degree recipients pursue careers as authors while others work as copywriters or ghostwriters.

Tips on Creative Writing Degrees

A student sitting beside the bed in bedroom with her coffee cup and writing on the note pad.

Getty Images

Prospective writing students should think about their goals and figure out if a creative writing degree will help them achieve those goals.

Many people see something magical in a beautiful work of art, and artists of all kinds often take pride in their craftsmanship. Creative writers say they find fulfillment in the writing process.

"I believe that making art is a human need, and so to get to do that is amazing," says Andrea Lawlor, an author who this year received a Whiting Award – a national $50,000 prize that recognizes 10 excellent emerging authors each year – and who is also the Clara Willis Phillips Assistant Professor of English at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts.

"We all are seeing more and more of the way that writing can help us understand perspectives we don't share," says Lawlor, whose recent novel "Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl" addresses the issue of gender identity.

"Writing can help us cope with hard situations," Lawlor says. "We can find people who we have something in common with even if there's nobody around us who shares our experience through writing. It's a really powerful tool for connection and social change and understanding."

Creative writing faculty, many of whom are acclaimed published authors, say that people are well-suited toward degrees in creative writing if they are highly verbal and enjoy expressing themselves.

"Creative imaginative types who have stories burning inside them and who gravitate toward stories and language might want to pursue a degree in creative writing," Jessica Bane Robert, who teaches Introduction to Creative Writing at Clark University in Massachusetts, wrote in an email. "Through formal study you will hone your voice, gain confidence, find a support system for what can otherwise be a lonely endeavor."

Read the guide below to gain more insight into what it means to pursue a creative writing education, how writing impacts society and whether it is prudent to invest in a creative writing degree. Learn about the difference between degree-based and non-degree creative writing programs, how to craft a solid application to a top-notch creative writing program and how to figure out which program is the best fit.

Why Creative Writing Matters and Reasons to Study It

Creative writers say a common misconception about their job is that their work is frivolous and impractical, but they emphasize that creative writing is an extremely effective way to convey messages that are hard to share in any other way.

Kelly Caldwell, dean of faculty at Gotham Writers Workshop in New York City, says prospective writing students are often discouraged from taking writing courses because of concerns about whether a writing life is somehow unattainable or "unrealistic."

Although creative writers are sometimes unable to financially support themselves entirely on the basis of their creative projects, Caldwell says, they often juggle that work with other types of jobs and lead successful careers.

She says that many students in her introductory creative writing class were previously forbidden by parents to study creative writing. "You have to give yourself permission for the simple reason that you want to do it," she suggests.

Creative writing faculty acknowledge that a formal academic credential in creative writing is not needed in order to get writing published. However, they suggest, creative writing programs help aspiring authors develop their writing skills and allow space and time to complete long-term writing projects.

Working writers often juggle multiple projects at once and sometimes have more than one gig, which can make it difficult to finish an especially ambitious undertaking such as a novel, a play for the screen or stage, or a well-assembled collection of poems, short stories or essays. Grants and fellowships for authors are often designed to ensure that those authors can afford to concentrate on their writing.

Samuel Ace, a published poet and a visiting lecturer in poetry at Mount Holyoke, says his goal is to show students how to write in an authentic way that conveys real feeling. "It helps students to become more direct, not to bury their thoughts under a cascade of academic language, to be more forthright," he says.

Tips on Choosing Between a Non-Degree or Degree-Based Creative Writing Program

Experts note that someone needs to be ready to get immersed in the writing process and devote significant time to writing projects before pursuing a creative writing degree. Prospective writing students should not sign up for a degree program until they have reached that sense of preparedness, warns Kim Todd, an associate professor at the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts and director of its creative writing program.

She says prospective writing students need to think about their personal goals and figure out if a creative writing degree will help them achieve those goals.

Aspiring writers who are not ready to invest in a creative writing degree program may want to sign up for a one-off writing class or begin participating in an informal writing workshop so they can test their level of interest in the field, Todd suggests.

How to Choose and Apply to a Creative Writing Program

In many cases, the most important component of an application to a writing program is the writing portfolio, writing program experts say. Prospective writing students need to think about which pieces of writing they include in their portfolio and need to be especially mindful about which item they put at the beginning of their portfolio. They should have a trusted mentor critique the portfolio before they submit it, experts suggest.

Because creative writing often involves self-expression, it is important for aspiring writing students to find a program where they feel comfortable expressing their true identity.

This is particularly pertinent to aspiring authors who are members of minority groups, including people of color or LGBTQ individuals, says Lawlor, who identifies as queer, transgender and nonbinary.

How to Use a Creative Writing Degree

Creative writing program professors and alumni say creative writing programs cultivate a variety of in-demand skills, including the ability to communicate effectively.

"While yes, many creative writers are idealists and dreamers, these are also typically highly flexible and competent people with a range of personal strengths. And a good creative writing program helps them understand their particular strengths and marketability and translate these for potential employers, alongside the more traditional craft development work," Melissa Ridley Elmes, an assistant professor of English at Lindenwood University in Missouri, wrote in an email.

Elmes – an author who writes poetry, fiction and nonfiction – says creative writing programs force students to develop personal discipline because they have to consistently produce a significant amount of writing. In addition, participating in writing workshops requires writing students "to give and receive constructive feedback," Elmes says.

Cindy Childress, who has a Ph.D. in English from the University of Louisiana—Lafayatte and did a creative writing dissertation where she submitted poetry, says creative writing grads are well-equipped for good-paying positions as advertising and marketing copywriters, speechwriters, grant writers and ghostwriters.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual compensation for writers and authors was $63,200 as of May 2019.

"I think the Internet, and writing communities online and in social media, have been very helpful for debunking the idea that if you publish a New York Times Bestseller you will have 'made it' and can quit your day job and write full time," Elmes explains. "Unless you are independently wealthy, the odds are very much against you in this regard."

Childress emphasizes that creative writing degree recipients have "skills that are absolutely transferable to the real world." For example, the same storytelling techniques that copywriters use to shape public perceptions about a commercial brand are often taught in introductory creative writing courses, she says. The ability to tell a good story does not necessarily come easily to people who haven't been trained on how to do it, she explains.

Childress says she was able to translate her creative writing education into a lucrative career and start her own ghostwriting and book editing company, where she earns a six-figure salary. She says her background in poetry taught her how to be pithy.

"Anything that we want to write nowadays, particularly for social media, is going to have to be immediately understood, so there is a sense of immediacy," she says."The language has to be crisp and direct and exact, and really those are exactly the same kind of ways you would describe a successful poem."

Searching for a grad school? Access our complete rankings of Best Graduate Schools.

10 Ways to Discover College Essay Ideas

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Tags: education , graduate schools , colleges , students

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Writing Forward

Do You Need a Creative Writing Degree to Succeed as a Writer?

by Melissa Donovan | Mar 7, 2023 | Creative Writing | 50 comments

creative writing degree

Do you need a creative writing degree?

Young and new writers often ask whether they need a creative writing degree in order to become an author or professional writer.

I’ve seen skilled and talented writers turn down opportunities or refuse to pursue their dreams because they feel their lack of a creative writing degree means they don’t have the credibility necessary to a career in writing.

Meanwhile, plenty of writers with no education, minimal writing skills, and scant experience in reading and writing are self-publishing, freelance writing, and offering copywriting services.

It’s an oft-asked question: Do you need a creative writing degree to succeed as a writer? Is it okay to write and publish a book if you don’t have a degree or if your degree is in something other than English or the language arts?

Before I go further, I should reveal that although I did earn a degree in creative writing, I don’t think a degree is necessary. But there is a caveat to my position on this issue: While I don’t think a degree is necessary, I certainly think it’s helpful. I also think that some writers will have a hard time succeeding without structured study and formal training whereas others are self-disciplined and motivated enough to educate themselves to the extent necessary to establish a successful writing career.

Five Things I Learned in Creative Writing Class

Do you need a creative writing degree.

First of all, a degree is not necessary to success in many fields, including writing. There are plenty of examples of individuals who became wildly successful and made meaningful contributions without any college degree whatsoever: Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, and Walt Disney, to name a few.

In the world of writing, the list of successful authors who did not obtain a degree (let alone a creative writing degree) is vast. Here is a small sampling: Louisa May Alcott, Maya Angelou, Jane Austen, William Blake, Ray Bradbury, Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, Edgar Allen Poe, Beatrix Potter, and JD Salinger.

So you obviously do not need a creative writing degree in order to succeed. After all, some of the greatest writers in history didn’t have a degree. Why should you?

A Creative Writing Degree is Not a Bad Idea

On the other hand, the degree definitely won’t hurt your chances. In fact, it will improve your chances. And if you struggle with writing or self-discipline, then the process of earning a degree will be of great benefit to you.

A college education might indeed be necessary for a particular career, such as a career in law or medicine. In fields of study where a degree is not a requirement, it often prepares you for the work ahead by teaching you specific skills and techniques and by forcing you to become knowledgeable about your field.

However, there is an even greater value in the the process of earning a degree. You become knowledgeable and educated. You learn how to learn, how to work without close supervision, and you are exposed to the wisdom of your instructors as well as the enthusiasm and support of your peers. College is a great environment for development at any age or in any field.

Earning a degree is also a testament to your drive and ability to complete a goal without any kind of immediate reward or gratification. College is not easy. It’s far easier to get a full-time job and buy lots of cool stuff. It’s more fun to spend your nights and weekends hanging out with your friends than staying in and studying. A college degree is, in many ways, a symbol representing your capacity to set out and accomplish a long-term goal.

Know Yourself

If you possess strong writing skills and are somewhat of an autodidact (a person who is self-taught), then you may not need a degree in creative writing. For some such people, a degree is completely unnecessary. On the other hand, if your writing is weak or if you need guidance and would appreciate the help of instructors and peers, maybe you do need a creative writing degree.

If you’re planning on going to college simply because you want to earn a degree and you hope to be a writer someday, you might as well get your degree in creative writing since that’s what you’re passionate about. On the other hand, if you hope to write biographies of famous actors and directors and you already write well, you might be better off studying film (and possibly minoring in creative writing).

You may be the kind of person who needs the validation of a degree. Maybe you’re an excellent writer but you’d feel better putting your work out there if you could back it up (even in your own mind) with that piece of paper that says you have some expertise in this area. Or you might be the kind of person who is confident enough to plunge into the career of a writer without any such validation.

You might find that time and money are barriers to earning a degree. If you have responsibilities that require you to work full time and if you’re raising a family, obtaining a degree might not be in the cards, either in terms of time or money. You might be better off focusing what little free time you have on reading and writing. But there are other options if you’ve got your heart set on a creative writing degree: look for accredited online colleges, find schools that offer night and weekend classes, and open yourself to the idea that you can take ten years rather than four years to complete your higher education.

Finally, some people have a desire to get a degree but they feel they’re too old. I personally think that’s a bunch of hogwash. You’re never too old to learn or obtain any kind of education. When I was just out of high school, I attended a college with many students who were middle-aged and older. I had tremendous respect for them, and they brought a lot of wisdom to our classes, which balanced out the youthful inexperience of my other, much younger classmates. I don’t care if you’re eighteen, forty-two, or seventy, if you have a hankering to do something, go do it!

Making Tough Decisions

Ultimately, the decision rests with each of us. Do you need a creative writing degree? Only you can answer that question.

If you’re still not sure, then check with a local school (a community college is a good place to start) and make an appointment with an adviser in the English Department. If you’re in high school, get in touch with your school’s career counselor. Sometimes, these professionals can help you evaluate your own needs to determine which is the best course of action for you. But in the end, make sure whatever decision you make about your education is one that you’ve carefully weighed and are comfortable with.

And whether you earn a degree in creative writing or not, keep writing!

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Ready Set Write a Guide to Creative Writing


Nicole Rushin

I think in some cases it can hinder or stifle creativity. I am actually glad I did not go to school for writing. When I hear the words creative and degree together they don’t mesh for me. You can go to school and learn about punctuation and grammar, but creativity comes from real life and growth and learning through experience. Just my opinion – but I only learned about poetry in climbing tree.

Melissa Donovan

Hi Nicole. I appreciate your thoughts on the matter, but since you didn’t go to school for writing, how can you know that creativity cannot come through academic means or through study? I strongly believe that a degree is unnecessary for success in writing, but I personally found that it sped up my development and did in fact stimulate my creativity. Specifically, I would say that being surrounded by creative people (other students, in particular) is excellent for promoting creative thinking. Also, writing is only one small piece of what a successful writer must do. In fact, I learned very little about punctuation and grammar during my time in the creative writing program and I learned a lot about my own creative process. Probably the biggest benefit for me, personally, was exposure to many wonderful authors and poets that I otherwise might not have discovered. While I don’t think college is necessary, I have to strongly disagree that it stifles creativity. But I do respect your opinion and perhaps you had some experience in school or observing other writers in which it did stifle creativity. I can only speak from my own experience, which was highly positive.


Hey all! I’m torn too: I went to art school for 4 years for a degree in painting. I learned a lot and am grateful, because art school added: ways to be cognizant of art, writing about my art and the work of others, and how to be a really great critic.

Only problem was, in a lot of ways, art school also beat down my self confidence and robbed me of some of my intrinsic motivation to make art. It became less spontaneous and more cerebral.

As of late, I’ve turned to creative writing for a creative outlet that has not been…well, I won’t say ruined, so I’ll go with, hasn’t been tampered with. And I find myself in a place where I can definitely improve (A LOT!), but I’m not sure if a formal degree will do it. I am playing with the idea of taking some informal workshops though…

Do you think school for the visual arts is at all comparable to school for creative writing? Maybe it doesn’t help that the folks in my year of art school had some pretty nasty and rude people when it came to critiques!!!

Ray, thanks for sharing your experience. I was hoping someone would offer a different perspective. I can understand how undergraduate work may seem to inhibit creativity and make the process more cerebral. This is where we get into an extremely hazy area of art and creativity. I believe that the spontaneous expressions come from our emotions and personal life experiences. They are strictly expressions. When we bring a cerebral quality to our work, we are usually looking to make a statement or observation. The former cannot be learned. It comes from the inside. The latter, however, is the result of critical thinking. I think it’s unfortunate that you did not find yourself in an educational setting that was positive and supportive. I am not sure how visual arts schools are similar or different from schools for creative writing. If you’re interested in pursuing creative writing, my suggestion would be to sign up for a class and try it out or request a meeting with someone in the creative writing department to get a sense of the program and the people in it.

One final note – it’s my personal opinion that people being rude or nasty during critiques is absolutely unacceptable. If there was an instructor present, I would say the responsibility falls to him or her. Their job is to moderate critique sessions and provide an environment conductive to positive development. I once signed up for a class, and within the first two weeks it was clear to me that the instructor did not have students’ best interests at heart. I dropped the class and the following semester, took the class with another teacher.


I can see where you’re coming from, but college is so very different from high school. The public secondary education focuses on “STEM” (science/math, basically) rather than STEAM (science/math and the arts — as in. a liberal education.) Most universities (public or private) encourage creative thought, even in degrees that are not considered ‘uselessly’ artistic by ignorant politicians. It depends on the university one attends (although I am transferring, the University of Oregon pushes for artistic and creative thought in all fields, and is not at all stifling) but, for the most part, a writing degree would not detach students from ‘real life’ experiences. Many students are living on their own and working full-time. Some are married and have a family and bills to pay, etc. Normally they would not have encouragement from highly knowledgeable faculty to pursue a craft that is not considered practical in the ‘real world.’


I agree with this. I started a masters in professional writing and took a class on nonfiction essays (creative essays) and I tell you what, I have NEVER produced so much writing, and so much good writing. In this class, we just BOUNCED off one another SO WELL. I left each class on fire with ideas and feedback. Best class I EVER took.

I have a BA in English and it’s helped me get paid to write. I freelance for companies, websites and magazines, and many of them love to see the degree. So, I stand out from the crowd a bit. It’s been helpful.

It’s amazing how being surrounded by other creative writers promotes our own creativity. I had the same experience when I was taking classes – I was constantly writing and coming up with ideas. I also feel that having a BA boosts my credibility as a self-employed writer. While I don’t think the BA is necessary, I also know some clients and employers consider it a requirement.

Marjorie McAtee

I have to agree with Allena. I have a BA in English and I think it really helps in the freelancing career. Many clients want to hire a professional qualified in English literature, journalism or another field related to writing.


I have pondered the idea of going back to uni and getting a degree in the Arts but I am not sure if it is entirely worth my time and money. I have, however, invested time in some short courses in writing, in order to learn about structure, pace and all those tools which you really need to understand to be able to write well.

There was also the added benefit of spending time with like-minded people who understood my passion and encouraged me to fulfill my potential. I may not have earned a piece of paper at the end of them but they were definitely worth my time.

It’s one of those decisions each person has to make for herself. I think it depends a lot on your personal goals, lifestyle, and available resources. I am a huge advocate for higher education. My general advice is always this: if you can go to school and want to, then do it. On the other hand, if you want to be a novelist and already have the skills and self-discipline, your time is probably better spent writing the novel.


I agree that a creative writing degree is not necessary but certainly very helpful. I believe getting proper education will always be good for anyone; whatever career you are in. As for me, I did not major in writing or in a course related to it because I was still undecided back then. I was passionate about writing but I just did not pursue it because I was afraid that I will not succeed as a writer.

Now, I really want to enroll myself in a writing course. While waiting for that opportunity, I try my best to self-educate through reading and learning from other writers.

I couldn’t agree more!

Michael K. Reynolds

A great topic for discussion! I have a Creative Writing degree but augmented it with writer’s conferences and online research. So much helpful information out there these days. I posted this on the Writing Platform Facebook page. Well done.

Writing is one of those crafts for which learning never ends. Thanks for sharing this post on Facebook. I appreciate it.


Hi, Melissa! I studied psychology for 4 years in university. I had to quit, so I didn’t get the degree, but studying there gave me lots of knowledge and I also met really awesome people – students and teachers, and I made great friends. You can’t have such things if you learn only by yourself at home. Meeting other writers while getting creative writing degree is probably one of most important reasons for doing it. Unless you don’t like humans at all 😀

Yes, and I would add that for many people, simply taking a few classes can make a world of difference. For example, one could take a creative writing class at a local community college. If a writer is working on their own and struggling with grammar, a single, basic course in English or writing may be just the solution. Taking a class here and there may or may not lead to pursuing a full degree, but it will definitely impart many benefits to any writer.


Great article! Very encouraging. Most of what I’ve read online has been much the opposite.

What would you say about majoring in an education degree not specific to English, while also pursuing a master’s in creative writing?…with the intent to eventually teach writing and social studies at a college level. I know that’s incredibly specific and probably abnormal, but I honesty do not want to major in English. I love literature and all forms of composition (even the dreaded academic essay) but my true interest lies in the intricacy of the human psyche and how the past has shaped our contemporary world..

Katie, it doesn’t really matter what I think because the choice you make will shape your life, not mine. Having said that, I think you’ve got a good, solid plan. Also, I think social studies and creative writing go together quite nicely.


I am in India. I just passed 10th grade. The thing is i want to become a writer/novelist/author. 3 reasons-

1. Writing is my passion 2. I have started writing( 1st novel almost complete). 3. I love literature. I mean that’s the only thing that gets inside my brain and i always excel in English.

So my question are– 1. Do i need to take up arts/humanities? ( because i want an environment with political views and literature and wont only be writing novels and stuff, i would also like to write for magazines etc. Doing arts will help me write and improve whereas in non-med i have study science which i have started hating though its easy but because of this realization that my writings will take years to reach the people ) Is it really that important?

2. Is a college degree in creative writing required? Will it help me?

Tanvir, plenty of writers carve out a career for themselves without a college degree at all, so you can go forth and study whatever you want in school. Certainly, a degree in creative writing will do a lot to make you a better writer, but you can also accomplish that on your own through work and study. If you are absolutely positive that all you want to do is become a writer, then I say study creative writing. I earned a BA in creative writing and I wasn’t even sure that’s what I wanted to do with my life. What I learned in college has served me well. However, and I can’t emphasize this enough, it is by no means a prerequisite. Good luck to you.


Hi I am a young women who has always been told that being a writer is not a very good feild to work in because you must move to the city, it is hard to support a family on the income,and it is hard to get a book published, or maintain relationships, if you are successful. I have always wanted to be a writer and now i am considering college but the thing is that i am not sure if i should become a nurse or writer or both? or neither and just try my luck with writing with out an education in the feild since i feal as though i am good enough at creative thinking.

Why would a writer have to move to the city? Writing is one of the few jobs that you can do from just about anywhere, as long as you have a computer (journalism being the exception). I also don’t see why it would be hard to maintain relationships if you are a successful writer (at least not any more than with any other career). I’m not sure where you’re getting this advice, but I think it’s a little inaccurate. It’s true that most writers don’t make a living from their work at first, which means they need a day job. It is hard to get a book published through a traditional publishing house, but it’s also possible. Self-publishing is another option.

If you truly want to be a writer, there’s no reason you shouldn’t pursue it. Will you make it? That’s entirely up to you.

I also think studying nursing and writing sounds like a good idea. You can double major in both or you could minor in creative writing. That will give you a solid nursing career for your day job and you can write on the side.


Hey there Melissa,

I’m planning to do a course in Creative Writing, and I’ve been looking everywhere for the perfect one. Which university did you do your Masters at? Were you completely satisfied? Was it everything you were expecting? I was looking out for a one year Masters course, most are for two.

I didn’t do a Masters, I did a BA, so I’m afraid I can’t give you any advice on which ones are good.


I think if you check on Google you will find a few. Most are two years like you said but the one year programs are usually scholarships and are kinda jam-packed. check carefully and you’d find what suits you for sure.

Melissa, keep the flag flying.


Surely, it is important to define what you mean by ‘writing’. If you want to have any chance of breaking into published work, tthen I would say a writing degree is a prerequisite. If you are writing for a small group — or just for yourself — it doesn’t matter a hoot. Many of the examples you gave us aren’t really relevant as so few people in the past went to university to do anything at all.

I went to a school decided upon by a selective examination and we were told when we started that only about 2% of us should have any thoughts of going to university, and that techincal qualifivcations, such as National Certificates, were the best we could aspire to for the remaining 98%.

Essentially, the whole thing comes back to the old, and quite impossible to answer question of talent vs skill. If you have the talent, an arts degree will help; if you don’t, all you can expect to be is an amateur (and usually not very good) scribbler. The ability to write a grammatically correct sentence does not make you a story-teller — and it never will.

I have to respectfully disagree with you, opsimath. Most of the authors I know who are currently building successful careers did not go to college at all, and few of those who did attend university studied writing. You can (and many have) become expert writers and storytellers without learning how to do it in school. In fact, I would say that I learned very little about grammar and storytelling in college, and I was a creative writing major. Also, the very fact that historically, authors did not study the craft in formal settings is proof that formal study is not a necessity. History has produced hundreds of eloquent authors who managed to master the craft without formal schooling, and writing hasn’t changed so much that we’re living in times where a degree has become mandatory.

Having said that, we all have to put in the time and work in order to succeed. The point is that whatever you might learn in school, you can also learn outside of school if you know how to find the right mentors and resources. A degree gives anyone an advantage, but in the field of writing, it is not a prerequisite for success or expertise. And I say that as someone who is a firm advocate for higher education. Obviously, there are some exceptions; for example, you probably do need a journalism degree or a computer science degree if you want to be a journalist or technical writer, but for storytellers and other creative nonfiction writers, it is an option, not a requirement. There are other ways to acquire the skills and expertise you need to succeed as a storyteller.


A good idea, I think, would be to take a few courses at the local community college, or online if there isn’t a school nearby, to get an idea on how effective a class environment will be for you. I need a structured peer group to thrive at anything in life, yet my husband was miserable at a liberal arts college. I have to sign up for a class at the gym to lose weight – I can’t just get up in the morning to jog or do laps at the pool alone, even with a partner I’m not as motivated as when I’m in a group lead by an experienced mentor. The same goes for writing. I have to join writing groups to find inspiration to work on my novel, otherwise I don’t have enough self-discipline to finish it. Yeah, maybe that makes those of us like me kind of lame, but if we know how to fix it we can get motivated greatness (:

Also, look into financial aid, grants, and scholarships if it’s not something you can afford. You’d be surprised at what is available to those from all walks of life.

Excellent advice, Katie!

George McNeese

I graduated with a Creative Writing degree. In some ways, it’s been beneficial for the reasons you mentioned. I feel like I’ve earned the right to call myself a writer. But if you’re boy putting those skills into practice, then what was the point of slaving for four years? On the flip side, I feel like I really didn’t understand the skills and techniques of other writers. Part of it was due to a lack of reading other works. Some of it was I was busy comparing myself to others that I didn’t pay attention to nuances in their work.

Sometimes, I feel like I entered the wrong field because I haven’t done anything with my degree. I haven’t published anything, nor am I working on something grand like a novel. But then I remember why I pursued the major in the first place: I have a passion for writing. The validation is nice and I can claim the fact that I graduated from college. At the heart if it all is the passion to create stories. Recently, after some soul searching, I decided to take up the pen again. But because I’ve been out of practice for so long, I feel like I beef to go back to school and brush up on my craft. Maybe take an online course or two or get involved in a writing group.

Degree or not, I love writing, and my desire is to get better at what I love.

For me, the greatest benefit of going to college and earning a degree in creative writing was that it broadened my worldview, which has little to do with a career or even writing. I gained a better understanding of the world on various levels. Much of the knowledge I gained isn’t practical as far as making money, but I feel like it made me a better person.

I think we in the western world are programmed to think that any kind of learning must translate directly to dollars. This leads someone to ask a question like what’s the use of my degree if I’m not working in the field? . But I think it’s safe to say that most of us who attended college gained something intellectual or emotional that can’t be measured in financial earnings or career development.

It’s never too late to get back into writing! If you’re feeling called to it, I say go for it, and have fun! Good luck to you.


Really interesting to read this post as I started my degree in Creative Writing last year through the Open University. Whilst I’ve always had a writer’s soul, I’ve been away from writing for around a decade (having picked up a camera instead) and felt doing the degree would give me the jump start I needed to get back on the writing path. It’s already doing that and I’m keen to start working for myself in the next year or so, whilst also finishing off my degree.

I have had people say to me, “Why are you doing that, it’s a pointless degree!” But, when I suddenly decided late last year that I wanted to get myself a qualification so I could leave my long-term career as a Paramedic, once and for all, I knew I should only take on a subject that I had a passion for, otherwise what was the point?!

I’m looking forward to getting started with the second stage this coming October and I can’t wait to start writing for a living as well!

Over the years, I’ve heard from a lot of writers whose decision to study creative writing was challenged by the people in their lives. I think a lot people view college as nothing more than a path to some kind of guaranteed high-paying job, such as a position in business, law, the medical field, etc. A career in writing is probably more risky, but it’s just as valid as any other career. Anyway, congratulations on your return to writing. I also think it’s great that you’re a paramedic and have something to fall back on or rely on while you launch your writing career.

Prachi Gandhi

I graduated in BSc Nursing in India…I did it because it has good scope but failed to develop interest in the field…I always loved writing and want to pursue my career in writing…I am not sure if it requires a bachelor’s degree in arts or literature or creative writing ! Also i am thinking of moving to Canada for my postgraduation …And this is the time when i can change my field from nursing to writing and finally do what i like doing… my question is ….is it necessary to have a bachelors degree in creative writing for doing master’s in it ?

Hi Prachi. You would need to check the requirements for the Master’s program that you’re applying for.


Thank you for your perspective on the value of obtaining a degree in creative writing. I found your argument balanced and, on the whole I agree with your view, which is (as I understand it “horses for courses”, I.E. what suits one person (a creative writing degree) will not, necessarily suit another individual.

I agree with you that a degree demonstrates commitment (mine is in history and politics, plus a MA in political theory). I don’t feel the need to obtain a degree in creative writing (and I understand the concerns of those who fear that doing so may actually stifle their creativity). I do, however no of several writers (who’s work I enjoy) who do hold degrees in creative writing. However I have another friend who writes extremely well but does not hold a creative writing qualification of any description. So it is, in the final analysis “horses for courses”.

Best – Kevin

Everybody has different learning styles and curves and talents. Writing is one of those fields in which if you’re willing to put in the work, you can do fine.


This is an interesting post, Melissa. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 — Suzanne

Thanks, Suzanne.

Jemima Pett

You’ve hit the nail on the head when you cite the people who are great in their fields without a degree to prove it. The creative writing degree probably didn’t exist when they were in education. It didn’t when I was at college. One of the important things to do at college is something you like, that you will put the necessary effort in to show that you know how to learn, how to express yourself, and how to get by in life. But if you want to write successfully now, you owe it to your readers to learn about the business, learn how to be a good writer, and a better writer, and to value the continuous process of learning. That doesn’t necessarily mean a degree. And yes, it might well stifle your creativity before you can let it free again.

That’s true. For many of them, such a degree might not have been available. At some point, I believe “English” would have the relevant degree. My degree is technically an English degree “with a concentration in creative writing.” Semantics. I agree with you 100% about putting in the work to learn the craft!

debbie belair

Great Article, Academic writing is so different from creative writing, and that is so different from Copywriting. I am a self-taught copywriter. Most of my learning had to do with learning how to market. My creative writing diploma was a big plus.

Yes, every form of writing is different. Some skills are necessary to all forms, however.

Dave Snubb

Thank you very much for this reading. I think it was exactly what I needed right now. 😉

You’re welcome, Dave!

Darcy Schultz

Hi Melissa! My son is about to graduate high school and is not college bound, he has an extreme lack of interest in school. He is an extremely talented and creative writer and his passion is to have a career in writing. What would be your advice to a young writer, like him, who doesn’t know where to start or what his next steps should be to start working toward a career in creative writing? Have you had any experience with Masterclass courses? Any other workshops or clubs, etc that would be good for him to check out so he can meet with other like-minded individuals and network and find mentorship?

Hi Darcy! Well, the first thing I would say is that if college is an option, then studying creative writing in college is tremendously valuable. I realize your son isn’t interested in that path, but it would be my first suggestion. If a full college education is not an option (for whatever reason), then perhaps some courses in language arts, English, and creative writing. One can attend college (universities or local community colleges) and focus on certain classes rather than getting a degree, which requires a lot of general education. I don’t have experience with Masterclass yet, but I intend to take some of those courses. They look good to me.

Having said all that, there are other things that your son can do: read as much as possible, write every day, and study the craft — if not through courses then through credible books on the craft. Beyond that, each writer’s needs are very different, so I’m afraid I can’t be more specific. I wish you and your son much luck.

Abi George

Hi Melissa, my name is Abi I very much enjoy writing and I graduate from high school this May. I’ve looked in to multiple possible career choices and I’ve realized that most of what I want to do is telling stories and I’ve also realized that writing is how I express myself when words fail me, I write. I’ve written some stories some are very short, and some still need finished. I’m struggling because I don’t know what I want to do in college but I know I want to go. I’m thinking about taking a gap year and figure stuff out and possibly travel a small bit and since I’ll hopefully have a decent amount of time, work on writing as well as my stories, do you have any advice for me when it comes to writing?

Hi Abi. Thanks for commenting here about your interest in writing. It’s a good sign that you’re already thinking about your future and planning at such a young age. Your path is yours alone, and nobody can make the decision about taking a gap year or choosing a major except you (although your parents might have significant say in these matters). I can tell you this: I majored in creative writing in college and I have never once regretted it. My only suggestion would be that if you take that route, include some business and marketing courses, even if it means taking an extra semester to graduate. All authors need business and marketing skills–no exceptions, and this was the one thing that was not covered when I was in school. This stuff is not fun or creative, but it’s necessary, and it will free you to do the fun stuff.

I wish you the best of luck with your future. Keep writing!

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Creative Primer

Is a Degree in Creative Writing Worth it?

Brooks Manley

Exploring a Degree in Creative Writing

Do you love words and telling stories?

Creative writing could be the perfect career for you.

But before you dive into a degree in creative writing, it’s vital to understand what such a degree entails and other possible routes that can help you land your dream job in the creative writing field. Let’s look at various aspects of a degree in creative writing – so you can move forward with the clarity to craft your very own happy ending!

What Does a Creative Writing Degree Entail?

A degree in creative writing involves comprehensive study and practice of different writing forms , from prose to poetry, plays to scripts, and beyond. It explores the mechanics of language, the nuances of tone and style, and the art of storytelling.

Candidates learn to:

  • develop plotlines
  • create compelling characters
  • craft engaging dialogue
  • gain insights into literary theory and criticism , and become familiar with a wide range of literary works across different genres and periods.

In addition to writing, students typically engage in extensive reading, critique, and revision of their own and their peers’ work. This degree also teaches critical thinking , research skills , and the ability to articulate complex ideas clearly, which are valuable skills applicable beyond just the writing field.

For a more detailed breakdown of what creative writing encompasses, check out our article on what is creative writing .

The Different Types of Creative Writing Degrees

Creative writing degrees come in various types and levels, each catering to a range of aspirations and career goals.

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing (BA or BFA): This undergraduate program offers a broad introduction to creative writing and is often combined with literature studies. It’s a good starting point for those interested in careers in writing, editing, publishing, or teaching.
  • Master’s Degree in Creative Writing (MA or MFA): This is a more specialized program, often focusing on a particular genre of writing. The MFA is considered a terminal degree in this field and can lead to teaching positions at the college level.
  • Ph.D. in Creative Writing: This advanced degree caters to those interested in scholarly research or teaching at the university level. It usually involves producing a significant original work and an accompanying critical analysis.

This is a brief overview of the common types of creative writing degrees. Depending on your career aspirations—whether you’re interested in becoming a novelist, a poet, a scriptwriter, a teacher , or exploring other creative writing jobs —you might choose one over the others.

Remember, the journey of a creative writer isn’t limited to formal education. There are numerous paths into the world of creative writing. The key is to find what suits your learning style , your career plans, and, most importantly, your passion for writing.

The Pros of a Creative Writing Degree

While the question, “is a degree in creative writing worth it?” can be subjective and dependent on individual career goals, there are undeniable benefits that come with such an educational pursuit. These benefits can be divided into three main categories:

1. Skill Development

One of the most significant benefits of obtaining a degree in creative writing is the enhancement of writing skills. Students are exposed to various forms of writing, genres, and techniques , expanding their repertoire and understanding of the craft. This direct, academic exploration of what is creative writing can provide a valuable foundation for budding writers.

Critique and feedback are also integral parts of a creative writing program. This structured environment allows students to receive constructive criticism on their work, improving their writing and editing skills. Moreover, students are also exposed to different perspectives and interpretations , which can broaden their thinking and contribute to the development of unique writing styles.

2. Networking Opportunities

A creative writing degree provides students with numerous opportunities to network with peers , professors, and industry professionals . These relationships can be instrumental in opening doors to internships, job opportunities, and collaborations.

Many creative writing programs also host guest lectures, workshops, and events where students can meet and learn from established writers and industry figures. These experiences provide valuable insights into the creative writing jobs and what you can do with a creative writing degree .

3. Portfolio Building

A degree in creative writing aids in building a strong and diverse writing portfolio. The assignments and projects undertaken during the course of study can be honed and polished to form part of a professional portfolio. This collection of work is crucial when applying for writing jobs or freelance opportunities.

Furthermore, many programs offer opportunities for students to get their work published . Whether it’s through the university’s literary journal or connections with external publications, seeing their work in print can be a significant milestone for new writers.

A creative writing degree can provide valuable skill development, networking opportunities, and aid in the building of a robust portfolio. However, it’s crucial to consider these benefits in light of the financial and practical implications – which we will discuss in the following section.

As with any educational pursuit, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons and consider your personal circumstances and career goals.

The Cons of a Creative Writing Degree

While the benefits of a creative writing degree are plentiful, it’s crucial to consider the potential drawbacks. These may include financial considerations , the realities of the job market , and the question of necessity in the writing field.

1. Financial Considerations

Studying for a creative writing degree can be a financial burden. Tuition fees, textbooks, and living expenses can add up, leading to a significant investment. Furthermore, the return on investment may not be immediate given the often competitive and unpredictable nature of the writing field.

It’s important to consider these costs and explore potential financial aid, scholarships, or part-time work opportunities to offset them.

2. Job Market Considerations

While a degree in creative writing can open doors to various creative writing jobs , it’s important to remember that these positions can often be competitive . The supply of creative writers tends to outweigh demand, which can make finding a job in the field challenging. Additionally, the pay for creative writing jobs can vary significantly, with many roles not offering a high salary.

3. Necessity in the Writing Field

When considering whether a creative writing degree is worth it, it’s essential to weigh these potential drawbacks against the benefits. Consider your personal circumstances, career goals, and other factors such as your passion for writing, your desire to improve your skills, and your willingness to navigate the challenges of the writing field.

For those who decide that a formal degree isn’t the right path, there are numerous other ways to pursue creative writing. From creative writing prompts to creative writing activities for kids , there are many resources available to help aspiring writers develop their skills and express their creativity.

Non-Degree Paths to Creative Writing

In some instances, having a diverse educational background outside of creative writing can be beneficial, providing a unique perspective and a wealth of material to draw from in your writing.

While a degree in creative writing can provide a structured learning path and networking opportunities, many successful writers have honed their skills through non-degree paths . These alternatives to formal education can be equally effective in developing your creative writing abilities.

Self-Study and Practice

Creative writing is a skill that can be developed through consistent practice. Self-study allows you to learn at your own pace and focus on the areas you find most interesting. Whether it’s poetry, short stories, or novels, you can cultivate your writing skills by studying the works of established authors, dissecting their style, and understanding their techniques.

Practicing consistently is key to improvement. Regular writing exercises, such as responding to creative writing prompts , can help you build your skills and explore a variety of writing styles. Over time, this regular practice can help you develop your unique voice and storytelling style.

Workshops and Writing Groups

Workshops and writing groups offer invaluable opportunities to receive feedback on your work, learn from others, and immerse yourself in a community of writers. Whether in person or online , these gatherings can provide constructive criticism, inspiration, and the chance to discuss writing techniques and challenges.

Writing groups also offer the benefit of accountability , as members often commit to sharing their work on a regular basis. This can motivate you to write consistently and push your creative boundaries.

Online Courses and Resources

The internet is a treasure trove of resources for aspiring writers. Online courses cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of what is creative writing to specialized genres and techniques.

These courses often include:

  • video lessons
  • writing assignments
  • feedback from instructors

Additionally, there are countless blogs, podcasts, and forums dedicated to creative writing. These resources can provide advice on everything from crafting compelling characters to overcoming writer’s block. They also serve as platforms for writers to share their work and connect with a wider community.

While pondering the question, ‘is a degree in creative writing worth it’, it’s crucial to consider these non-degree paths. They can provide the flexibility, affordability , and personalized learning experiences that may better align with your personal goals and circumstances.

Making the Decision: Is a Degree in Creative Writing Worth It?

The question “Is a degree in creative writing worth it?” can be challenging to answer definitively as it largely depends on an individual’s personal and career goals.

Personal Considerations

From a personal perspective, a degree in creative writing can be immensely rewarding . It provides a structured environment to learn, experiment, and receive feedback on your writing. This can lead to substantial improvements in your writing ability and a deeper understanding of the craft. A creative writing degree also allows you to immerse yourself in literature and writing, which can be personally fulfilling if you have a passion for these areas.

However, you need to consider if you have the discipline and motivation to pursue a degree over several years. Many successful writers developed their craft through a combination of self-study, practice, and life experiences. They found their unique voice and style outside of an academic setting. You can explore more about what is creative writing in one of our previous articles.

Editor’s Note : Take your personality into account when deciding how to pursue creative writing. A degree is a formal approach that will involve exams and higher stress situations. If you didn’t enjoy school, a degree might sap the joy out of writing.

Career Considerations

Career-wise, a creative writing degree can open up a range of job opportunities. Many creative writing graduates work in fields such as:

  • advertising

A degree can provide a competitive edge in these fields as it demonstrates a high level of writing ability and a strong understanding of narrative structures and literary techniques.

However, it’s important to note that writing jobs are often competitive, and a degree in creative writing is not always a prerequisite for these roles. You should also consider the financial implications of getting a degree, including tuition fees and potential student loans. For more insights on this topic, check out our article on creative writing jobs and what you can do with a creative writing degree .

Is a Career in Creative Writing for You?

Determining if a degree in creative writing is worth it depends on your personal aspirations, career goals, and the value you place on a formal education in writing. By considering these factors and exploring the alternatives available, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs and interests.

Remember, while a formal degree has it’s benefits, the path to becoming a successful writer isn’t confined to classrooms. With passion, practice, and persistence , you can hone your creative writing skills and create your unique literary footprint – with or without a degree.

Whatever path you choose, keep writing, keep dreaming, and don’t give up!

Brooks Manley

Brooks Manley

should i get a degree in creative writing

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The Important Difference Between Goals and Dreams

You may also like, creative writing jobs – what you can do with a creative writing degree.

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Do you scribble poems along the margins of your math homework? Are you obsessed with short stories? Do you dream of publishing a book one day?

If so, a degree in creative writing might be for you. This fascinating field of study offers hands-on training in genres of all kinds, from memoir to screenwriting, fiction to personal essay. Through lectures, seminars, workshops, and critique groups, students learn to recognize and create high quality writing. They practice developing their own projects and critiquing those of their peers. They learn to edit, revise, and refine their work; meet deadlines; and pitch their creations for publication. Plus, they gain access to top professionals in the field, networking with esteemed novelists , poets, screenwriters , and other creative writers .

If you think a creative writing degree might be for you, read on. In this article, we’ll cover:

  • What kinds of creative writing degrees are out there?
  • What sets creative writing apart from similar degrees, like journalism or English literature?
  • What skills will you gain from a degree in creative writing?
  • What can you do with a creative writing degree?

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing\u2014 Four Year Duration \nBachelor’s degrees in creative writing typically take about four years to complete. They offer a broad introduction to the main genres of creative writing, including screenwriting, creative nonfiction, poetry, short story, memoir, and more. Students learn about the basics of plot, style, character, and story structure. They practice writing in different styles and genres, and also learn to read and critique other students’ work. In addition, most bachelor’s degrees offer plenty of opportunities to network with other writers and publishing professionals.

Master of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing \u2014 Two Year Duration \nMaster’s programs in creative writing offer an opportunity to dive even deeper into the craft. Most take about two years to complete, and combine hands-on writing workshops with seminar courses by professional writers. At the end of the program, students typically complete a dissertation or thesis. Depending on the program, this could be a novel, memoir, poetry collection, or some other long-form piece of writing that is ready to submit for publication.

Doctoral Degree in Creative Writing \u2014 Four Year Duration \nInterested in becoming a professor of creative writing? A Ph.D. may be in your future. Doctoral programs in creative writing are highly intensive and specialized. They tend to focus on mastering critique, research, and academic writing, rather than on building creative writing skills.

Although obtaining a Ph.D. is one way to get an academic job, it isn’t the only option. Often, faculty positions in creative writing are offered to candidates who have published books or screenplays, rather than to candidates with formal academic training.

No matter what path you choose, a degree in creative writing can serve you well\u2014both in the writing world and beyond. Most students graduate with valuable professional skills under their belt, including:

  • Communication (written and oral)
  • Research and critical reading skills
  • Editing, proofreading, and revision
  • Constructive feedback and critique
  • Ability to meet deadlines and manage your own time

Advertising \nLike digital marketing, advertising is all about persuasion. Penning the words for the perfect jingle or TV ad takes creativity and precision. With their mastery of the English language and awareness about the power of words, creative writing majors are a natural fit. Many pursue careers as advertising managers , copywriters , or art directors .

TV, Film, and Radio \nIn the age of Netflix, YouTube, and podcasts, the potential opportunities for talented storytellers are endless. With the right connections and experience, creative writing majors can pursue work as screen writers, radio producers, and even film editors .

Libraries and Archives \nWith their literary knowledge and their passion for the written word, creative writing graduates can make excellent librarians . From positions in academic libraries to rare book collections, there are lots of different options to explore. Although many jobs in this domain do require extra training, others, like library assistant , do not. Gain some experience in the area and build up your skills; if the profession feels like a fit, consider pursuing a degree in library and archival studies.

Education \nLast but not least, a creative writing degree can be the perfect training for a career in education. With their mastery of the English language, many creative writing graduates go on to become successful high school teachers , creative writing lecturers, or instructors for English as a Learned Language (ELL) courses. Others become professional tutors or personal mentors, offering one-on-one coaching to aspiring writers. Still others start their own workshops or training programs, helping new writers fall in love with the craft.

Creative writing degree overview

In this article:, what is a creative writing degree, program options, degrees similar to creative writing, skills you’ll learn, what can you do with a creative writing degree.

If you think a creative writing degree might be for you, read on. In this article, we’ll cover:

A quick Google search for "how to study creative writing" will reveal just how many degree options there are available. Most universities and colleges now offer some form of creative writing program, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. But as you’ll see, there are lots of other ways to learn creative writing, from online courses to workshops and more.

Self Study Are you curious about writing but not ready to invest in a formal degree? If you’re a dedicated and self-motivated learner, taking your studies into your own hands can be a great option. For example, you could:

  • Join a creative writing group (or create your own!)
  • Enrol in an online writing class
  • Sign up for a writing residency or workshop
  • Intern or volunteer for a magazine or newsletter to gain first-hand writing experience
  • Start (and maintain) your own blog
  • Find a writing mentor or hire a writing coach
  • Build your own degree: Set yourself a writing schedule and ensure you stick to it. You could write daily, weekly, or even monthly—just as long as you’re consistent.

Certificate in Creative Writing — Varying Durations Pursuing a certificate in creative writing is another affordable, flexible degree option. These programs tend to be shorter than university degrees, often taking less than a year to complete. Many can be done part-time or online, making it possible to work while you study. Certificate programs in creative writing tend to focus on skill building, rather than writing theory.

Of course, professional certifications aren’t necessary for most writing jobs. But freelance writing is a competitive space, and having a certificate can help you stand out from the crowd. Some writers also say this training allows them to charge higher rates for their services.

Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing— Four Year Duration Bachelor’s degrees in creative writing typically take about four years to complete. They offer a broad introduction to the main genres of creative writing, including screenwriting, creative nonfiction, poetry, short story, memoir, and more. Students learn about the basics of plot, style, character, and story structure. They practice writing in different styles and genres, and also learn to read and critique other students’ work. In addition, most bachelor’s degrees offer plenty of opportunities to network with other writers and publishing professionals.

Master of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing — Two Year Duration Master’s programs in creative writing offer an opportunity to dive even deeper into the craft. Most take about two years to complete, and combine hands-on writing workshops with seminar courses by professional writers. At the end of the program, students typically complete a dissertation or thesis. Depending on the program, this could be a novel, memoir, poetry collection, or some other long-form piece of writing that is ready to submit for publication.

Doctoral Degree in Creative Writing — Four Year Duration Interested in becoming a professor of creative writing? A Ph.D. may be in your future. Doctoral programs in creative writing are highly intensive and specialized. They tend to focus on mastering critique, research, and academic writing, rather than on building creative writing skills.

Although obtaining a Ph.D. is one way to get an academic job, it isn’t the only option. Often, faculty positions in creative writing are offered to candidates who have published books or screenplays, rather than to candidates with formal academic training.

Many students struggle when choosing between a creative writing and a related degree, like journalism or English literature. Although these three programs share some commonalities, they are distinct in key ways.

Journalism Both journalism and creative writing degrees offer hands-on training in written communication. Both help students develop essential techniques in research, writing, editing, critique, and revision. However, journalism focuses primarily on communicating real events and information—that is, writing news articles, opinion pieces, feature articles, and other non-fiction content. Creative writing, on the other hand, incorporates fantastical elements, combining real-world facts or settings with ideas drawn from the writer’s imagination.

English Literature Some people believe that being able to create great writing begins with appreciating great writing. English literature teaches students to do just that. Through critical reading, research, essay writing, and presentations, this degree trains students to understand and analyze acclaimed writing from all over the world.

English literature students study classics and contemporary works, covering everything from haiku to 800-page novels. However, although these programs will help you learn to recognize excellent writing, few will actually teach you how to write. Creative writing programs, on the other hand, focus primarily on building hands-on writing and editing skills.

No matter what path you choose, a degree in creative writing can serve you well—both in the writing world and beyond. Most students graduate with valuable professional skills under their belt, including:

Although many students enrol in a creative writing degree in hopes of becoming an author one day, this isn’t the only career option available. Here are some of the many professional directions creative writing graduates can pursue. Here are a few of the most common ones:

Content Writing The demand for high quality digital writing is growing, as more and more businesses are moving online. With a creative writing degree, you can help companies of all kinds prepare newsletters, social media posts, blogs, website pages, and more. You could become a freelance content writer, work as a corporation’s head of content, or even start your own blog .

Journalism Journalism and creative writing are distinct professions, but they share common features. Both rely on the power of storytelling to engage different audiences. Both require strong skills in research and communication. With so many similarities, it’s no surprise that many creative writing graduates find success as writers, editors, and fact checkers for magazines, newspapers, and other media companies.

Communications Just like writing a great piece of fiction, communicating effectively requires clarity, awareness, and a knack for the written word. Creative writing majors are ideally suited to a number of communication roles. Many pursue public relations positions, preparing compelling press releases, speeches, and more for clients of all kinds. Others pursue careers in internal communications, publicity, or public outreach.

Publishing Publishing is another promising career path to consider after a creative writing degree. Aside from becoming a published author, creative writing majors can pursue jobs such as book editors , proofreaders , editorial assistants, or ghostwriters. While less obviously related to writing, publishing jobs in other departments—like sales, marketing, or production—can also be a great fit.

Digital Marketing Digital marketing is a fast-growing field with lots of exciting career opportunities. Digital marketing jobs focus on promoting different products, services, events, or brands to online customers, using tools like social media, email marketing, and Search Engine optimization (SEO).

Creative writing graduates are skilled communicators, great at using words to entice and persuade. They can make excellent social media managers , digital marketing specialists , SEO specialists , and more.

Advertising Like digital marketing, advertising is all about persuasion. Penning the words for the perfect jingle or TV ad takes creativity and precision. With their mastery of the English language and awareness about the power of words, creative writing majors are a natural fit. Many pursue careers as advertising managers , copywriters , or art directors .

TV, Film, and Radio In the age of Netflix, YouTube, and podcasts, the potential opportunities for talented storytellers are endless. With the right connections and experience, creative writing majors can pursue work as screen writers, radio producers, and even film editors .

Libraries and Archives With their literary knowledge and their passion for the written word, creative writing graduates can make excellent librarians . From positions in academic libraries to rare book collections, there are lots of different options to explore. Although many jobs in this domain do require extra training, others, like library assistant , do not. Gain some experience in the area and build up your skills; if the profession feels like a fit, consider pursuing a degree in library and archival studies.

Education Last but not least, a creative writing degree can be the perfect training for a career in education. With their mastery of the English language, many creative writing graduates go on to become successful high school teachers , creative writing lecturers, or instructors for English as a Learned Language (ELL) courses. Others become professional tutors or personal mentors, offering one-on-one coaching to aspiring writers. Still others start their own workshops or training programs, helping new writers fall in love with the craft.

See which schools are the most and least expensive.

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College Info


Finding a dedicated creative writing program at a school you're excited about can be a real challenge, and that's even before you start worrying about getting in. Nonetheless, there are some great options. In order to help you find the best school for you, this list rounds up some of the best colleges for creative writing in the United States .

The Best Creative Writing Programs: Ranking Criteria

You should never take college rankings as absolute truth —not even the very official-seeming US News ones. Instead, use these kinds of lists as a jumping-off place for your own exploration of colleges. Pay attention not just to what the rankings are but to how the rankings are determined.

To help with that, I'll explain how I came up with this highly unscientific list of great creative writing colleges. I started by narrowing my search down to schools that offered a specific creative writing major. (If you don't see a school you were expecting, it's likely because they only have a minor.)

In ranking the schools, I considered five major criteria:

  • #1: MFA Ranking —If a school has a great graduate creative writing program, it means you'll be taught by those same professors and the excellent graduate students they attract. Schools with strong MFA programs are also more likely to have solid alumni networks and internship opportunities. However, many schools with great undergrad programs do not offer MFAs, in which case I simply focused on the other four options.
  • #2: General School Reputation —The vast majority of your classes won't be in creative writing, so it's important that other parts of the school, especially the English department, are great as well.
  • #3: Extracurricular Opportunities —One of the key advantages of majoring in creative writing is that it can provide access to writing opportunities outside the classroom, so I took what kind of internship programs, author readings, and literary magazines the school offers into consideration.
  • #4: Diversity of Class Options —I gave extra points to schools with a variety of genre options and specific, interesting classes.
  • #5: Alumni/Prestige —This last criterion is a bit more subjective: is the school known for turning out good writers? Certainly it's less important than what kind of education you'll actually get, but having a brand-name degree (so to speak) can be helpful.

The Best Creative Writing Schools

Now, let's get to the good stuff: the list of schools! The exact numbering is always arguable, so look at it as a general trend from absolutely amazing to still super great, rather than fixating on why one school is ranked #3 and another is ranked #4.

#1: Northwestern University

Northwestern's undergrad creative writing program boasts acclaimed professors and an unparalleled track record of turning out successful writers (including Divergent author Veronica Roth and short-story writer Karen Russell).

Outside the classroom, you can work on the student-run literary journal, intern at a publication in nearby Chicago, or submit to the Department of English's yearly writing competition . The university is also home to a top journalism program , so if you want to try your hand at nonfiction as well, you'll have plenty of opportunities to do so.

#2: Columbia University

Like Northwestern, Columbia is home to both a world-class creative writing program and a top journalism school (plus one of the best English departments in the country), so you have a wide range of writing-related course options. Columbia also benefits from its location in New York City, which is bursting at the seams with publishing houses, literary journals, and talented authors.


#3: University of Iowa

The University of Iowa's big draw is the infrastructure of its graduate Writers' Workshop, which is often considered the best MFA program in the country.

As an English and Creative Writing major here, you'll take classes from great young writers and established professors alike, and get to choose from a wide range of topics. This major provides transferable skills important for a liberal arts major with a creative focus. You'll also have access to the university's impressive literary community, including frequent readings, writing prizes and scholarships, and the acclaimed literary journal The Iowa Review .

#4: Emory University

Emory is renowned for its dedicated undergrad creative writing program , which draws the very best visiting scholars and writers. Students here have the chance to attend intimate question-and-answer sessions with award-winning authors, study a range of genres, compete for writing awards and scholarships, and work closely with an adviser to complete an honors project.

#5: Oberlin College

A small liberal arts school in Ohio, Oberlin offers very different advantages than the schools above do. You'll have fewer opportunities to pursue writing in the surrounding city, but the quality of the teachers and the range of courses might make up for that. Moreover, it boasts just as impressive alumni, including actress and writer Lena Dunham.

#6: Hamilton College

Hamilton is another small college, located in upstate New York. It's known for giving students the freedom to pursue their interests and the support to help them explore topics in real depth, both inside and outside the classroom. Hamilton's creative writing program takes full advantage with small classes and lots of opportunities to intern and publish; it also has one of the best writing centers in the country.

#7: Brown University

Brown's Literary Arts program offers one of the top MFAs in the US as well as an undergraduate major . For the major, you must take four creative writing workshops and six reading-intensive courses, which span an array of departments and topics, from music and literature to Middle East studies and Egyptology.


#8: Washington University in St. Louis

Washington University has an excellent creative writing MFA program, lots of super specific class options, and a number of scholarships specifically earmarked for creative writing students. This school’s undergraduate English program also offers a concentration in creative writing that allows students to specialize in a specific genre: poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction. If you’re interested in exploring your potential in a specific writing genre, Washington University could be a great pick for you.

#9: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT might not be a school you generally associate with writing, but it actually has an excellent program that offers courses in digital media and science writing, as well as creative writing, and provides plenty of guidance on how graduates can navigate the tricky job market.

Not to mention the school is located in Cambridge, a haven for book lovers and writers of all kinds. Though it probably isn’t a good fit for students who hate science, MIT is a great place for aspiring writers who want to build writing skills that are marketable in a wide range of industries.

#10: University of Michigan

University of Michigan is one of the best state universities in the country and has a top-notch MFA program. This school’s undergrad creative writing sub-concentration requires students to submit applications for admittance to advanced creative writing courses. These applications give students crucial practice in both building a writing portfolio and articulating their interest in creative writing to an audience who will evaluate their work. If you're looking to attend a big school with a great creative writing major, this is a fantastic choice.

#11: Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins is another school that's known more for engineering than it is for writing, but, like MIT, it has a dedicated writing program. As a major here, you must take not only courses in prose, poetry, and literature, but also classes on topics such as philosophy and history.

#12: Colorado College

Colorado College is a small liberal arts school known for its block plan , which allows students to focus on one class per three-and-a-half-week block. The creative writing track of the English major includes a sequence of four writing workshops and also requires students to attend every reading of the Visiting Writers Series.

Bonus School: New York University

I didn't include NYU in the main list because it doesn't have a dedicated creative writing major, but it's a great school for aspiring writers nonetheless, offering one of the most impressive creative writing faculties in the country and all the benefits of a Manhattan location.


How To Pick the Best Creative Writing School for You

Just because Northwestern is a great school for creative writing doesn't mean you should set your heart on going there. (The football fans are completely terrifying, for one thing.) So where should you go then?

Here are some questions to ask yourself when looking at creative writing programs to help you determine the best school for you:

Does It Have Courses You're Interested In?

Look at the course offerings and see whether they interest you. While you can't predict exactly what classes you'll love, you want to avoid a mismatch where what you want to study and what the program offers are completely different. For example, if you want to write sonnets but the school focuses more on teaching fiction, it probably won't be a great fit for you.

Also, don't forget to look at the English courses and creative writing workshops! In most programs, you'll be taking a lot of these, too.

What Opportunities Are There To Pursue Writing Outside of Class?

I touched on this idea in the criteria section, but it's important enough that I want to reiterate it here. Some of the best writing experience you can get is found outside the classroom, so see what kind of writing-related extracurriculars a school has before committing to it.

Great options include getting involved with the campus newspaper, working on the school's literary journal, or interning at the university press.

Who Will Be Teaching You?

Who are the professors? What kind of work have they published? Check teacher ratings on Rate My Professors (but make sure to read the actual reviews—and always take them with a grain of salt).

If you're looking at a big school, there's a good chance that a lot of your teachers will be graduate students. But that's not necessarily a bad thing: a lot of the best teachers I had in college were graduate students. Just take into consideration what kind of graduate program the school has. If there's a great creative writing MFA program, then the graduate students are likely to be better writers and more engaged teachers.

What Are the Alumni Doing Now?

If you have a sense of what you want to do after you graduate, see if any alumni of the program are pursuing that type of career. The stronger the alumni network is, the more connections you'll have when it comes time to get a job.

What About the Rest of the School?

Don't pick a school for which you like the creative writing program but dread everything else about it. Most of your time will be spent doing other things, whether hanging out in the dorms, exploring off campus, or fulfilling general education requirements.

Many schools require you to apply to the creative writing major, so make doubly sure you'll be happy with your choice even if you aren't accepted to the program.

What's Next?

Are you sure a creative writing major is the right fit for you? Read our post on the pros and cons of the major to help you decide what path to take in college.

For more general advice about choosing a college, check out our complete guide to finding the right school for you. Some major factors to consider include deciding whether you're interested in a small college or a big university , an in-state or out-of-state institution , and a public or private school .

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Alex is an experienced tutor and writer. Over the past five years, she has worked with almost a hundred students and written about pop culture for a wide range of publications. She graduated with honors from University of Chicago, receiving a BA in English and Anthropology, and then went on to earn an MA at NYU in Cultural Reporting and Criticism. In high school, she was a National Merit Scholar, took 12 AP tests and scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and ACT.

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Creative Writing and Literature Master’s Degree Program

Unlock your creative potential and hone your unique voice.

Online Courses

11 out of 12 total courses

On-Campus Experience

One 1- or 3-week residency in summer

$3,220 per course

Program Overview

Through the master’s degree in creative writing and literature, you’ll hone your skills as a storyteller — crafting publishable original scripts, novels, and stories.

In small, workshop-style classes, you’ll master key elements of narrative craft, including characterization, story and plot structure, point of view, dialogue, and description. And you’ll learn to approach literary works as both a writer and scholar by developing skills in critical analysis.

Program Benefits

Instructors who are published authors of drama, fiction, and nonfiction

A community of writers who support your growth in live online classes

Writer's residency with agent & editor networking opportunities

Personalized academic and career advising

Thesis or capstone options that lead to publishable creative work

Harvard Alumni Association membership upon graduation

Customizable Course Curriculum

As you work through the program’s courses, you’ll enhance your creative writing skills and knowledge of literary concepts and strategies. You’ll practice the art of revision to hone your voice as a writer in courses like Writing the Short Personal Essay and Writing Flash Fiction.

Within the creative writing and literature program, you will choose between a thesis or capstone track. You’ll also experience the convenience of online learning and the immersive benefits of learning in person.

11 Online Courses

  • Primarily synchronous
  • Fall, spring, January, and summer options

Writers’ Residency

A 1- or 3-week summer master class taught by a notable instructor, followed by an agents-and-editors weekend

Thesis or Capstone Track

  • Thesis: features a 9-month independent creative project with a faculty advisor
  • Capstone: includes crafting a fiction or nonfiction manuscript in a classroom community

The path to your degree begins before you apply to the program.

First, you’ll register for and complete 2 required courses, earning at least a B in each. These foundational courses are investments in your studies and count toward your degree, helping ensure success in the program.

Getting Started

We invite you to explore degree requirements, confirm your initial eligibility, and learn more about our unique “earn your way in” admissions process.

A Faculty of Creative Writing Experts

Studying at Harvard Extension School means learning from the world’s best. Our instructors are renowned academics in literary analysis, storytelling, manuscript writing, and more. They bring a genuine passion for teaching, with students giving our faculty an average rating of 4.7 out of 5.

Bryan Delaney

Playwright and Screenwriter

Talaya Adrienne Delaney

Lecturer in Extension, Harvard University

Elisabeth Sharp McKetta

Our community at a glance.

80% of our creative writing and literature students are enrolled in our master’s degree program for either personal enrichment or to make a career change. Most (74%) are employed full time while pursuing their degree and work across a variety of industries.

Download: Creative Writing & Literature Master's Degree Fact Sheet

Average Age

Course Taken Each Semester

Work Full Time

Would Recommend the Program

Professional Experience in the Field

Pursued for Personal Enrichment

Career Opportunities & Alumni Outcomes

Graduates of our Creative Writing and Literature Master’s Program have writing, research, and communication jobs in the fields of publishing, advertising/marketing, fundraising, secondary and higher education, and more.

Some alumni continue their educational journeys and pursue further studies in other nationally ranked degree programs, including those at Boston University, Brandeis University, University of Pennsylvania, and Cambridge University.

Our alumni hold titles as:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Director of Publishing
  • Senior Research Writer

Our alumni work at a variety of leading organizations, including:

  • Little, Brown & Company
  • New York University (NYU)
  • Bentley Publishers

Career Advising and Mentorship

Whatever your career goals, we’re here to support you. Harvard’s Mignone Center for Career Success offers career advising, employment opportunities, Harvard alumni mentor connections, and career fairs like the annual on-campus Harvard Humanities, Media, Marketing, and Creative Careers Expo.

Your Harvard University Degree

Upon successful completion of the required curriculum, you will earn the Master of Liberal Arts (ALM) in Extension Studies, Field: Creative Writing and Literature.

Expand Your Connections: the Harvard Alumni Network

As a graduate, you’ll become a member of the worldwide Harvard Alumni Association (400,000+ members) and Harvard Extension Alumni Association (29,000+ members).

Harvard is closer than one might think. You can be anywhere and still be part of this world.

Tuition & Financial Aid

Affordability is core to our mission. When compared to our continuing education peers, it’s a fraction of the cost.

After admission, you may qualify for financial aid . Typically, eligible students receive grant funds to cover a portion of tuition costs each term, in addition to federal financial aid options.

What can you do with a master’s degree in creative writing and literature?

A master’s degree in creative writing and literature prepares you for a variety of career paths in writing, literature, and communication — it’s up to you to decide where your interests will take you.

You could become a professional writer, editor, literary agent, marketing copywriter, or communications specialist.

You could also go the academic route and bring your knowledge to the classroom to teach creative writing or literature courses.

Is a degree in creative writing and literature worth it?

The value you find in our Creative Writing and Literature Master’s Degree Program will depend on your unique goals, interests, and circumstances.

The curriculum provides a range of courses that allow you to graduate with knowledge and skills transferable to various industries and careers.

How long does completing the creative writing and literature graduate program take?

Program length is ordinarily anywhere between 2 and 5 years. It depends on your preferred pace and the number of courses you want to take each semester.

For an accelerated journey, we offer year round study, where you can take courses in fall, January, spring, and summer.

While we don’t require you to register for a certain number of courses each semester, you cannot take longer than 5 years to complete the degree.

What skills do you need prior to applying for the creative writing and literature degree program?

Harvard Extension School does not require any specific skills prior to applying, but in general, it’s helpful to have solid reading, writing, communication, and critical thinking skills if you are considering a creative writing and literature master’s degree.

Initial eligibility requirements can be found on our creative writing and literature master’s degree requirements page .

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Is a creative writing degree worth the money?

When the University of East Anglia offered the first British MA in creative writing almost 35 years ago, it caused academic scandal. According to Malcolm Bradbury, the writer who helped set it up, "some thought writing couldn't be taught. Some thought, if it could be, it shouldn't be."

Despite this opposition there are now hundreds of creative writing courses, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. So are they worth the money?

A search on the Ucas website shows seventy eight institutions offer creative writing as an undergraduate subject, and course options get even wider at post-graduate level, with even Oxbridge getting in on the act. But the Cambridge MA , will set you back £10,000; double that figure if you are an overseas student.

Many suspect that degree courses cash in on the hopes and dreams of aspiring writers, or that such an apparently woolly subject fails to prepare students for the world of employment. In practice, course prospectuses carefully avoid setting up false expectations, and emphasise the transferable skills you acquire as a student of writing.

Julia Bell, novelist and tutor in creative writing at Birkbeck, University of London, argues that graduates of its programme "should have the critical and rhetorical skills to get a job in the creative industries, in education, editing, copywriting and so on".

But do employers feel the same way? Ellie Pike, HR adviser at Penguin, is keen to stress that applications are assessed on an individual basis. She says: "For positions in marketing and publicity as well as to some extent, editorial, the skills that come from creative writing degrees can be very valuable".

Jon Elsom, executive creative director of Bray Leino, a marketing and advertising company, is himself a graduate of the MA at Birkbeck. Although Jon speaks highly of his course he, like Pike, places more emphasis on the individual applicant:

"Academic background is less important than evidence of creative flair in a portfolio. It's never been the case that your academic qualifications are as important. That's why creative departments are such melting pots, because they're full of people from all sorts of different backgrounds."

But what of the experience itself? And will it really make you a better writer? Actor Sophie Ward decided to diversify her career and has now graduated from the National Academy of Writing.

She says: "Taking a creative writing course absolutely improved my writing. Taking part in workshops and being critical of my writing helped me not only to write better but also to understand the process of editing and rewriting."

Charlotte Barnes, currently studying a creative writing MA at Birmingham University, says: "The course has encouraged me to write, whether I feel like it or not. I've got out of this cliché of 'waiting for a muse', so if nothing else it's helped me to become a more prolific writer and student.

"It's also improved the quality of my writing by pushing me to try new things, or perhaps write familiar things but in different and experimental ways."

The reality is that publishing success may only come to a minority of creative writing graduates, but the most noted writers do often come from MA writing programmes.

Ian McEwan, Kazuo Ishiguro and Nathan Filer, the latest Costa book prize winner, are just some examples. Maybe you don't need to do a degree or a master's to be a successful writer, but the training you'll get could help you on your way.

What do you think? Are you studying a creative writing degree? Share your experiences in the comment section below.

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