Recent IELTS Writing Topics and Questions 2022

Recent IELTS Writing Topics and Questions 2022

Read here all the newest IELTS questions and topics from 2022.

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Date 3/12/2022

  • Task 1: The table below shows the consumption of three basic foods (wheat, maize, rice) by people in four different countries.:
  • Task 2: Some people believe that it is important to spend a lot of money on family celebrations. While others think it is a waste of money. Discuss both views .

Date 8/12/2022

  • Task 1: The charts below show the percentage of Australian men and women in three age groups who were employed in 1984, 2001 and 2014:
  • Task 2: In many countries, not enough students study science subjects. What are the causes ? What will be the effect on society?

Date 10/12/2022

  • Task 1: The line graph show changes of employment in the USA :
  • Task 2: Some people believe that success in sports depends on physical ability while others believe that there are more important factors involved success in sports. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Date 17/12/2022

  • Task 1: The bar chart illustrates the percentage of how parents in a country spent time taking care of their children in the evening in 2022.
  • Task 2: In many countries people increasingly talk about money (how much they earn or how much they pay for things in their daily conversations). Why? Is this a positive or negative development?

Date 22/12/2022

  • Task 1: The table below shows population figures for four countries for 2003 and projected figure for 2025 and 2050 (như hình )
  • Task 2: Some people believe that governments should pay full course fees for students who want to study in universities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Date 26/11/2022

  • Task 1: table chart và pie chart ( mixed chart)
  • Task 2: Many people think modern communication technology is having some negative effects on social relationships. Do you agree or disagree?

Date 19/11/2022

  • Task 1: The diagram below shows the production of olive oil:
  • Task 2: Some people think history has nothing or little to tell us, but others think that studying the past history can help us better understand the present. Discuss both views and give your opinion:

Date 10/11/2022

  • Task 1: The diagram shows a process of making a storage area from a material called concrete canvas:
  • Task 2: Some people believe women are better leaders than men. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Date 05/11/2022

Task 1: The barcharts below shows the number of visits to a community website in the first and second year of use.

Task 2: In many countries large amounts of foods are wasted. Why do you think people waste food in this way? What can be done to reduce the amount of food thrown away?

October 2022

Date 22/10/2022

Task 1: The chart below gives information about European people of different age group went to gym once a month or more between 1990 and 2010

Task 2: The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Date 13/10/2022

Task 1: The diagram below shows how oil is expected in use of production of perfume:

Task 2: Many people use written language in a less formal way and in a relaxed way than in the past. Why is that so? Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages? Link:

Date 08/10/2022

Task 1: The table below gives information about the population of New Zealand between 2011 and 2012:

Task 2: The most important function of music is that it helps people reduce stress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

September 2022

Date 24/09/2022

Task 1: Barchart

Task 2: Some people say we do not need printed paper newspaper anymore. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Date 17/09/2022

Task 1: Line graph

Task 2: Many parents these days work in other countries, taking their families with them. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?

Date 15/09/2022

Task 1: Pie+Barchart

Task 2: Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Date 10/09/2022

ielts new essay topics 2022

Task 1: The charts below give information about the price of tickets on one airline between Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, over a two-week period in 2013.

Task 2: Some people believe that technology causes more problems for modern society than it solves. Do agree or disagree.

Date 09/09/2022 Task 1: Bar Chart

Task 2: Some people believe that one of the best ways to solve environmental problem is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Date 05/09/2022

Task 1: Pie chart

Task 2: In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school but unable to find jobs. What problems do you think youth unemployment causes for individuals and the society? What measures should be taken to reduce the level of unemployment among youngsters?

Date 03/09/2022

Task 1: Table

Task 2: Some people believe that children that commit crimes should be punished. Others think the parents should be punished instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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ielts new essay topics 2022

IELTS Writing Task 2 - New IELTS Essay Tasks/Topics 2022

IELTS Writing Task 2 - New IELTS Essay Tasks/Topics 2022

Here are the essay tasks reported by students who have already taken IELTS this year.

The phrasing of the tasks might be different in the real exam, but it’s useful to know the topics.

We do NOT know the exact tasks and these are the questions reported by students from memory. So, the topic might be the same, but the words in the task might be different. UBI = Universal Basic Income The government should give each citizen a basic income so that they have enough money to live on, even if they are unemployed. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Robots/Technology Today different types of robots are being developed which can serve as friends, help at work and at home. Is this a positive or negative development? OR Information technology is changing many aspects of our lives and now dominates our home, leisure, and work activities. Do the advantages of information technology outweigh the drawbacks? Overweight Children In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that the government should be responsible for solving this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Social Media Social media enable people to keep in touch with each other and learn about the news. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Education Some people believe that the best way to succeed in life is to get higher education/a university degree, while others disagree and say that it is no longer true today. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students should be encouraged to question and offer criticisms on their teachers. Others think this will lead to a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Some people believe that schools should choose students according to their academic abilities. Others think that it is better to have students with different abilities studying together. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Crime Some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to educate prisoners so that they can find a job after they are released. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Safety More and more people do not feel safe when they leave home. Why is this? What could be done to address this issue? Philosophical Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always good. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Some people think that enjoying the present is more important than planning for the future. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

About The Elderly Some believe that younger family members should be legally responsible for supporting older family members when they become physically, mentally and financially unable to look after themselves. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Many doctors recommend that older people should exercise regularly, but most patients do not follow an exercise routine. Why do you think this happens? How can people be encouraged to exercise regularly? Modern World In the 20th century, contact between different parts of the world has developed rapidly thanks to air travel and telecommunications. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Family (or serious? Are you really asking me about this?) Today family members eat fewer meals together. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative trend?

How to master IELTS Writing: Task 1 & Task 2

  • How to write an answer to ANY type of Essay task
  • How to write an answer to ANY type of Graph task
  • How to structure your answer
  • What to write in each paragraph
  • What grammar to use
  • How to link your ideas
  • What vocabulary to use
  • What you should write to get a high score

Bonus: IELTS Punctuation PDF Guide Everything you want to know to have correct punctuation in your IELTS Writing for 7.0-9.0 Score (31 pages, .PDF)

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  • IELTS Academic and IELTS General: differences and similarities
  • Computer delivered IELTS
  • IELTS Band Scores and English levels comparison chart
  • IELTS Exam: Test structure and Format
  • Essay Structure
  • Detailed Analysis
  • Academic Task 1
  • Academic Task 2
  • IELTS Vocabulary
  • IELTS Listening
  • IELTS Reading
  • IELTS Speaking
  • IELTS Writing Course
  • Punctuation Guide
  • Teacher Training: How to Teach IELTS
  • Teacher Training: IELTS Writing for Teachers
  • IELTS Training Sessions for Teachers
  • Master IELTS General: Letters


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ielts essay questions for 2022

IELTS Essay Questions for 2022: Top IELTS Writing Topics for Preparation

The IELTS writing section is neither tough or easy. It all depends upon your practice of writing essays. If you master the writing part, you can easily score a good IELTS score. In this article, we have listed the most common IELTS essay questions for the 2022 IELTS exam. Take 1-2 topics a day to get better in the writing section. Now, let’s get started.

IELTS Essay Questions for 2022

Below you will find sets of IELTS essay topics for 2022 IELTS preparation:

IELTS Essay Questions for 2022 Set 1

It is not necessary for people to travel to another place to learn about the culture. We can learn as much from books, films, and the Internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree? As mass communication and transport continue to grow, societies are becoming more and more alike leading to a phenomenon known as globalisation. Some people fear that globalisation will inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural identity. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? In some countries, young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before. However, they are often less happy and more agitated in actions and behaviours. What do you think are the reasons for this and what can be done to help?

Also Read: IELTS Writing Task 2 Samples: Exam Questions & Answers to Target Minimum Band 8

IELTS Essay Questions for 2022 Set 2

Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion. In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in. Give a reason and how people can research it. Some people say that men are naturally more competitive than women, while others believe that there is no difference in the competitiveness of men and women. Discuss both points of view and give your opinion. Some people argue that globalisation has been a great benefit to people around the world, while others believe that it is the cause of many of the problems we see today. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.


IELTS Essay Questions for 2022 Set 3

Students perform better in school when they are rewarded rather than punished. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Discuss both views and give your own opinion. It is becoming increasingly popular for school leavers to take a year off (a gap year) before going to university. Do the advantages of this outweigh any disadvantages? Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation such as an unsatisfactory job for the shortage of money others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations discuss both these views and give your own opinion Being a celebrity, such as a famous film star or sports personality, brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems? It is often said that we live today in a “throwaway society” in which people buy things and soon after throw them away. What are the causes of the “throwaway society”? What problems could the “throwaway society” create?

IELTS Essay Questions for 2022 Set 4

Development in technology has brought various environmental problems. Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental issues. Others, however, believe technology is the best way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Some countries are considering imposing curfews in which teenagers will not be allowed outdoors at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this policy In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students in a classroom. Nowadays new technology is increasingly being used to teach students. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new approach in teaching? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country’s police force or military force, while others think women are suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your own opinion?

Also Read: IELTS Essay Topics 2021: Best Essay Writing Topics for IELTS Task 2

IELTS Essay Questions for 2022 Set 5

Lack of fresh water is becoming a global issue of increasing importance. What problems does this shortage cause? What measures could be taken to overcome these problems? Some people think that in this modern world people are getting dependent each other, while others think that this world makes them more independent of each other Discuss both views and give your own opinion Some people claim that the government should provide free healthcare. Others think that the government will not provide the most innovative methods of treatment and it’s better to invest those funds in education and culture. What is your opinion? The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the same as before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life. Discuss the possible causes for these changes and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future

We hope this post has been helpful in your IELTS preparation. If you take 1-2 topics from this post and practice daily, you will most likely score a higher band in this section.

By stepping onto the right platform, the dream can become a reality. The IELTS Ninja webpage is the best option for you because the specialists will help and guide you tremendously in all aspects of the IELTS exam.

Also Read: Does the IELTS Essay Question Repeat? Here’s all about the IELTS Writing Task 2


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About the Author

Madhurjya chowdhury.

Madhurjya Chowdhury, a web content writer in Ufaber EduTech has a very strong passion for writing and alluring the readers. You can find him writing articles for the betterment of exam aspirants and children. With immense interest in research-based content writing and copywriting, he likes to reach out to more and more people with his creative writing style. On the other side, he is an Electronics and Communication Engineer from LPU, Jalandhar. In his leisure time, he likes to play badminton or read about space discoveries. Apart from this, he is a pro gamer on PC, PS and Mobile gaming platforms.

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ielts new essay topics 2022

6 Real IELTS Essay Questions 2022

Hey! It’s time again for Nick and I to generate ideas for some recent IELTS essay questions. Today, we look at 6 real IELTS Essay Questions 2022, which were all taken from exams in July and August.

You are welcome to sit and passively enjoy the episode, but you will get a lot more out of the lesson if you actively take part.

So why not scroll down now and attempt to brainstorm ideas for each question BEFORE you listen, so that you compare your ideas to ours?

Remember, the questions we will cover today are just a small fraction of those featured in this blog post , which I update every month to include the 50 most recent IELTS essay questions 2022, so click if you want to find out what other topics are currently in use.

ielts new essay topics 2022

Below, you can find a summary of the episode, which includes all of the links to useful materials and the times of each part of the discussion (so you can go directly to the part you want to listen to)   🚀

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Real IELTS Essay Questions 2022

Remember, these questions have been reported by our students. Therefore, the wording may not be 100% the same as the real questions. If you have a similar question in your IELTS test, ALWAYS read the question carefully to make sure that you understand it and can address all of the elements well. Good luck!

Some people think that school children should have extra lessons after school, while others think they should spend their free time playing. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Employees should not work in jobs they don’t enjoy.  To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people believe that nuclear weapons benefit the world at large. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Young people today do not spend weekends or holidays on outdoor activities in the natural environment (e.g. hiking, climbing a mountain, etc.).  Why is this?   What can be done to solve this problem? 
More and more people are watching TV alone. Do the advantages of watching TV alone outweigh the disadvantages?
It was predicted that people in the 21st century would have much more free time than in the past. To what extent has this prediction come true?

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New 2022 IELTS writing questions and answers

New 2022 IELTS writing questions and answers

February 7, 2022 By Ben Worthington

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There are some common thoughts that may come to your mind when you see an IELTS writing task 2 question. You may be thinking:

“My mind is blank”

“I don’t know this topic”

“I don’t know where to start” 

In this tutorial, we are helping with this common challenge by answering new IELTS writing questions as seen in the exam in 2022.

Each sample answer aims to give you ideas on how to answer writing questions and create:

  • An introduction
  • A conclusion

Read the new questions below

  • Some people think that the best way to succeed in life is to get a university education, while others disagree and say that it is no longer true nowadays. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
  • Information technology is changing many aspects of our lives and now dominates our home, leisure and work activities. To what extent do the benefits of information technology outweigh the disadvantages?
  • Some people think that schools are no longer necessary because people can acquire information on the Internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • There is too much noise in many public places in cities. What are the causes of this problem? What can be done to solve the problem?

Join many other students who have achieved success with our   IELTS online course , click here to learn more.

Listen to the full tutorial for sample essay questions, answers and IELTS vocabulary:

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Ben Worthington

About Ben Worthington

As the founder of IELTSPodcast, Ben started his journey as an English educator in 2006. Ben and his team of teachers provide students with expert advice, twice a week to cover the writing, reading, listening and speaking sections of the IELTS exam.

Follow Ben Worthington on LinkedIn

ielts new essay topics 2022

IELTS Writing Topics May & June 2024

The collection of writing topics that were reported by IELTS student in 2024 . These questions could be repeated from previous months. Keep in mind that the provided questions are not predictions.

Pick one of the topics and improve your writing skills every day. If you can't come up with ideas for a topic just click the "Answers" button and you will see the different ideas.

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Latest 150+ IELTS Essay Topics For 2023

IELTS essay topics

  • Post author By admin
  • October 15, 2022

IELTS writing is considered the most challenging module of the IELTS exam. In IELTS writing, you must complete two tasks in 1 hour. 

  • IELTS writing task 1
  • IELTS writing task 2

For both IELTS academic and IELTS General training, test takers’ task 1 is different, but task 2 is the same.

In task 2, both the test takers’ are given a general question they must answer according to their knowledge. 

In this blog, we will provide the most common IELTS essay topics that students can face in the upcoming exams.

If you are planning to take the IELTS exam and want to get a good band score in IELTS writing, then you need to practice these IELTS essay topics properly. 

Let’s start with why it is important to know about the latest topics for IELTS essays.

Table of Contents

Why Is It Crucial To Know IELTS Essay Topics?

One of the main problems while doing IELTS writing task 2 is not having good ideas to complete the essay. However, it would help if you remembered that IELTS is a test of English, not your knowledge. The examiner wants you to know that you can write English. They don’t want you to be an expert in it.

There are two most essential things in IELTS:

  • Thinking of relevant ideas. 

Everyone has their own opinion on IELTS essay topics, but the examiner is not looking for the best ideas; they are looking for relevant ideas about it.

If we talk about vocabulary, 25% of your marks come from it, and it is directly connected to IELTS essay topics. One of the examiner’s main ways to judge your vocabulary is with” topic-specific vocabulary”. This means the more familiar you are with the topic. The higher your chances are of getting higher marks on your IELTS test.

Below are some of the most common and most recent IELTS essay topics. 

150+ Most Common IELTS Essay Topics That You Should Know In 2022 

Below are some common IELTS essay topics with related subtopics that will help you better understand the topics.

Communication & Personality

  • Technology and communication.
  • Family and communication.
  • Face-to-face vs long-distance communication.
  • Types of communication.
  • The development of character and personality.
  • Innate or developed.
  • Personalities.
  • Female/ male characters.

IELTS Essay Topics Related to Other Questions

Here is the sample question related to communication and personality,

Some argue that effective communication skills are more necessary than having a good personality to be successful in the workplace. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give suitable examples in your answer.

Here are some IELTS essay topics that are related to other questions you have asked me about:

The role of technology in society.

The importance of education.

The challenges of globalization.

The future of work.

The importance of diversity and inclusion.

The role of the media in society.

  • Children and education
  • Relevant subjects
  • Education and technology
  • Role of teachers
  • Discipline and rules in school
  • Educational aid to poorer

Here is the sample question related to education,

Some people argue that schools should focus on teaching skills that will be helpful in the workplace, while others say that schools should only teach more theoretical subjects. Give your opinion after discussing both views.


  • Protection of endangered species
  • Environmental problems
  • Saving the environment & solving problems
  • Government vs individual roles

Here is the sample question related to the environment,

Some say that individual actions, like recycling and reducing energy consumption, are important for protecting the environment. Others think that government policies and regulations are important in solving environmental issues. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

  • Censorship of art and artists.
  • Creativity.
  • Art at school.
  • The benefits of art for particular and society.

Here is the sample question related to art,

Some people say that art is an important part of our (human) life, while others believe that it is a luxury that only the rich can afford. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

Business & Money

  • Success in business.
  • Business and technology.
  • Small vs large business.
  • International business.
  • Family run business.
  • Management and leadership.
  • Skills vs knowledge for business.
  • Materialism and consumerism.

Here is the sample question related to business and money,

Some people believe that making a profit should be the first goal of businesses, while others argue that companies have a responsibility to consider the social and environmental impact of their actions. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

Crime and Punishment

  • Prisons vs rehabilitation
  • Capital punishment vs other types of punishment
  • Criminals- what makes a criminal
  • Major vs minor crime
  • Crime and technology
  • Teenagers and crime
  • Role of policemen
  • Men and women in law enforcement

Here is the sample question related to crime and punishment,

Some think harsh punishments, like long prison sentences or the death penalty, are the best way to decrease crime. Others argue that rehabilitation programs and education are more effective. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

  • Cash vs credit cards
  • Saving vs spending
  • Globalization and economy
  • World economic issues
  • Economic progress and success.

Here is the sample question related to economics,

Some people think economic growth is the key to improving quality of life, whereas others believe it can negatively affect the environment and social connection. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

Family & Children

  • Family roles
  • Family size
  • The generation gap
  • Role models
  • Family and education

Here is the sample question related to family and children,

Some people think the traditional family structure, with a married couple nurturing their biological children, is the best way to raise children. Others argue that other family structures, such as single-parent households or same-sex couples, can be just as effective. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

  • Health diets
  • Education of diet
  • Traditional vs modern diets
  • Children and diet

Here is the sample question related to food,

Some people believe that traditional cuisines and foods are important cultural heritage and should be preserved. Others argue that adopting a global diet that meets nutritional needs is more beneficial. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

  • Prevention vs cure.
  • Health and education.
  • Poor countries and rich.
  • Health aid.
  • Exercise and health.
  • Hospital and treatment.

Here is the sample question related to health,

Some people think individuals are responsible for maintaining their health through healthy lifestyle choices, like exercise and a balanced diet. Others argue that governments should play a greater role in promoting healthy lifestyles. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

  • Having only one language in the world
  • Methods of language learning
  • Travel and language
  • The disappearance of languages
  • Language and culture.

Here is the sample question related to language,

Some people believe everyone should learn a second language, while others argue that it is unnecessary and that people should focus on mastering their native language. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

Media & Advertising

  • Censorship, control and freedom of speech
  • Advertising methods
  • Children and advertising
  • Media and technology
  • News & reporting.

Here is the sample question related to media and advertising,

Some believe advertising is necessary for modern business and helps customers to make informed choices. Others argue that ads are manipulative and deceptive and should be regulated to protect consumers. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

  • Paper books vs ebooks
  • Children and reading
  • Books in education
  • Reading and leisure.

Here is the sample question related to reading,

Some people believe reading for pleasure is an essential leisure time activity that can improve mental health and well-being. Others argue that it wastes time that could be better spent on other activities. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

  • Controlling the internet
  • Socializing online
  • Children and technology
  • The change in society
  • Letter vs email
  • Storing data
  • Safety of personal information

Here is the sample question related to technology,

The development of technology has had a deep impact on society, from changing how we work and communicate to shaping our culture and values. Some people believe technology is a positive force for progress, while others argue that it has corrupted important social institutions and values. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

  • Development of infrastructure
  • Comparing forms of transport
  • Problems with modern forms of transport
  • Environmental issues 

Here is the sample question related to transport,

Some people think that governments should spend money on public transportation to reduce traffic congestion and pollution. Others argue that individuals should be responsible for reducing their carbon footprint by using alternative modes of transportation, such as walking or cycling. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

  • Culture and travel
  • Understanding people and travel
  • Living in a global world

Here is the sample question related to travel,

Some believe that travel broadens the mind and is important for personal growth and development. Others argue that it is an environmentally unsustainable luxury and promotes cultural appropriation. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

  • Overpopulation
  • Homeless people
  • Crime on the streets
  • Modern lifestyles
  • Budget spending
  • Public services

Here is the sample question related to society,

All societies have different music and art. In what way are music and art essential for society and the individual?

  • Professionals vs amateurs
  • Sport and learning
  • Sport as a school subject
  • Men vs women in sport
  • Types of Sport

Here is the sample question related to sports,

Some people believe that participating in sports is important for children’s physical and mental health, while others argue that it can be harmful if children are pushed too hard or if it detracts from their academic studies. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

  • Women in work
  • Types of jobs (blue collar /white collar)
  • Children and exploitation
  • Part-time work
  • Work and technology

Here is the sample question related to word,

Some people believe that job satisfaction is more important than job security, as it allows individuals to pursue their passions and achieve their full potential. Others argue that job security is a basic need that must be met before people can focus on other aspects of their lives. Give your opinion after discussing both views.

Other Recent IELTS Essay Topics

  • Space Exploration
  • Water and Oceans
  • Change or Moving vs Stability and Constancy

This is the end of the 150 most used IELTS essay topics that you should know if you want to score better in your IELTS writing task 2.

10 Sample IELTS Essay Topics

  • Many people judge success simply by money and material. However, success can be measured or achieved in other ways. Discuss. 
  • The best way to decode the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Most teenagers today own a smartphone. Provide your opinion to discuss the pros and cons.
  • The vast fluctuation of people from agricultural areas to cities searching for employment can lead to serious problems in both the sectors. What are the problems, and how can these problems be solved?
  • Advertising stops the creativity in people and makes them look the same and do the same. Do you agree or disagree with this?
  • It is always believed that globalisation has both pros as well as cons. State essential advantages as well as disadvantages as per your opinion
  • Many children around us are chubby and overweight. What, according to you, has led to this common health problem amongst the children? What action can be taken to fix this? 
  • People believe that certain criminals should be made to do community service instead of putting them behind bars. To what extent do you agree? 
  • Some people prefer to work in the same type of job throughout their lifetime while others like to change their job type. Discuss both the views and give your honest opinion.
  • Shopping used to be a domestic task in the past. But, today, it has become more of a hobby. Is this a positive trend?

Is It True That You Can Predict IELTS Essay Topics 

You will not predict the IELTS essay topics that will come up to you. There are just too many essay topics to cover, so as a result, you can’t predict it.

However, above are some topics that we cover earlier in this blog. You should focus on these first if you don’t have enough time before the exam. But the common IELTS essay topics are Education, Crime and Health.

What Are The Types Of IELTS Essays?

There are many types of IELTS essay topics, like:

ielts new essay topics 2022

  • Discussion Essays : In this type of IELTS essay, the candidate needs to put forward an explanation for or against any specific topic. 
  • Opinion Essays: In the case of an opinion essay, you need to discuss your opinion on the given topic. The best way to score good marks in that type of essay is to have prior knowledge of common issues that are popular in the IELTS exam. `  
  • Solution Essays : For Solution Essay, the candidate must provide a reasonable solution for the given topic. 
  • Advantage or Disadvantage Essays : In this type of essay, you have to write about the pros and cons of the given topic. Such essays test your argument skills and how well you can use English to put your point across as clearly as possible.  
  • Direct Question Essays : For this type of essay, the essay topics will be provided as a question that you have to answer based on your experience and thoughts.  

How Can You Answer IELTS Writing Task 2 in IELTS Section

IELTS writing has two sections: task 1 and task 2, and you should complete both in under 60 minutes. In task 1, you have to write 150 words about some visual information, which is usually in the form of a graph chart. On the other hand, in IELTS Writing task 2 candidates are required to write an essay of 250 words on the given topic provided by the examiner.  

The assessment of this task is done based on several criteria such as vocabulary, number of words used, grammar, and more.

Tips to enhance your answers in the IELTS essay writing section

  • Read and Understand the Question
  • Plan the Answer
  • Write a Solid Introduction 
  • Carefully Write the Main Body

Bonus Tip: Use 100% Rule

You should never use any phrase or word in an IELTS essay if you are not 100% sure. This means you are 100% sure about it:

  • Meaning 
  • Collocations

If you are not 100% sure about anything, do not use it in your essay because this will lower your IELTS grades.

Final Thoughts 

If you plan to prepare for the IELTS essay task in the Writing section, you can go through the sample questions discussed above. You can prepare for the essay task accordingly with the help of these essay topics. Thus, we hope that this blog on IELTS essay topics has now clarified your mind on what type of questions can be asked during the exam from you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. can i write more than the prescribed word limit of 250 words.

Yes, you can write more than 250 words in your IELTS essay. These are the minimum word limit that you can quickly write more than. But do not exceed more than 300 words.

Q2. How can I prepare for IELTS writing?

Below are some tips and tricks which you should follow in your IELTS writing task section: 1. Don’t study any new English!  2. Your English won’t improve in one week. 3. Read a lot of English. Read the papers. 4. Take 3-4 model tests. 5. Stay healthy and sleep well.

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Recent IELTS Writing Topics and Questions 2022

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Some feel that cities shold be designed to be beautiful while others feel their functionality is more important. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Read my Ebook on Patreon. Reported on IELTS April 10th
More and more people today are moving away from where their friends and family live. Related Articles Writing Task 2: Four Rules for Introduction April 25, 2024 Why to start with a topic sentence? April 8, 2024 Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? Read my sample here. Reported on IELTS April 7th
Some people say patriotism causes problems and is negative overall. Others feel that it is beneficial for society at large. Do the advantages of patriotism outweigh its disadvantages? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS March 26th
Educating young people is naturally important. However, some think governments ught to invest more education for adults in need. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my Ebook on Patreon. Reported on IELTS March 16th
The best curriculum is not one based on a static body of knowledge, but one which teaches students to cope with change. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS March 14th
Weddings are getting bigger and more expensive. What is the reason for this? Is it a positive or negative development? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS March 8th
Some people claim that too much focus and resources have been spent to protect wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS March 5th
In some places, old age is valued, while in other cultures youth is considered more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS March 3rd

February 2022

A rise in the standard of living in a country often only seems to benefit cities rather than rural areas. What problems can this cause? How might these problems be reduced? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS February 28th
Some believe that nuclear weapons benefit the world at large. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my essay on Patreon only. Reported on IELTS February 25th
Some people think that the government should strictly control the supply of fresh water, as it is a limited resource, while others it should not be regulated. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. Read my essay. Reported on IELTS February 23rd
Some people believe that engaging in an active pastime does more to develop childrens’ life skills than time spent reading. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS February 21st
In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of advertisements which try to persuade children to buy snacks, toys, and other goods. Parents often claim that these ads are unfair. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS February 16th
Some experts say for road safety cyclists should pass a test before being allowed on public roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS February 13th
Many supermarkets are selling more and more products that are imported from other countries instead of selling food that is locally sourced. What are the reasons for this? Is this a positive or negative development? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS February 10th
Some people believe that violent media directly results in violent behavior. To what extent do you agree or disagree? My Ebook for this topic is available only on Patreon. Reported on IELTS February 8th
Today, many young people spend too much of their free time at shopping malls. This can be considered negative for young people and society generally. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS February 7th
Today, TV channels broadcast men’s sports shows more than women’s sport shows. Why is this the case? Should TV channels give equal showtime for each? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS February 4th
Some people think the main purpose of school is to turn children into good citizens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS February 2nd

January 2022

In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that the government has the responsibility to solve this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS January 29th
Some believe that younger family members should be legally responsible for supporting older family members when they become physically, mentally and financially unable to look after themselves. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS January 26t
In the 20th century, contact between many different parts of the world has developed apidly through air travel and telecommunications. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Read my Ebook here on Reported on IELTS January 24th
Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students should be encouraged to question and offer criticisms on their teachers. Others think this will lead to a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS January 23rd
The governments should give each citizen a basic income so that they have enough money to live on, even if they are unemployed. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS January 17th
Many doctors recommend that older people exercise regularly, but most patients do not follow an exercise routine. Why do you think this happens? How can people be encouraged to exercise regularly? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS January 15th
Some people think that enjoying the present is more important than planning for the future for both countries and individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS January 12th
Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always good. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS January 10th
Today family members eat fewer meals together. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative trend? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS January 4th

December 2021

Some people believe that everyone has a right to have access to university education and that governments should make it free for all students no matter what financial background they have. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS December 31st
Many people today do not feel safe either at home or when they are out. What are the causes? What are the solutions? Read my essay for this topic by signing up on Patreon. Reported on IELTS December 22nd
Information technology is changing many aspects of our lives and now dominates our home, leisure and work activities. To what extent do the benefits of information technology outweigh the disadvantages? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS December 19th
Some think increasing business and cultural contact between nations is positive. Others think it leads to the disappearance of the national identity. Discuss both views and state your own opinion. Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS December 15th
Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities studying together. Discuss both views and state your own opinion. Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS December 8th
Many jobs require ongoing training and research to stay competitive in a world with rapidly evolving information and technology. Some believe that it is the responsibility of businesses to pay for this training for their staff while others feel it is up to the individual. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample here. Reported on IELTS December 7th
There is too much noise in many public places in cities. What are the causes of this problem? What can be done to solve the problem? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS December 2nd

November 2021

Nowadays, a lot of offices employ open-space designs instead of separate rooms for work. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS November 30th
Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS November 29th
Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age. Others think they should begin after 7 years of age. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS November 17th
Many believe that it is important to protect all wild animals, while others think that it is important to protect some, not all of them. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Read my sample here. Reported on IELTS November 9th
Recent research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison commit crimes after they are released. Why is this the case? What can be done to solve this problem? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS November 3rd
The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of areas such as fashion and consumer goods. To what extent do you agree? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS November 1st

October 2021

Many claim that the fast food industry had a negative effect on the environment, eating habits, and families. To what extend do you agree or disagree? Read my sample essay here. Reported on IELTS October 28th
Film stars and celebrities often share their views on public matters that have little to do with their profession. Is this a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS October 15th
Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree? Read my sample for this topic here. Reported on IELTS October 21st
Many young people today know more about international pop or movie stars than about famous people in the history of their own country. Why is this? What can be done to increase young people’s interest in famous people in the history of their country? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS October 18th
There are different methods businesses use to increase their sales. What are the different ways companies use to increase sales? Which one is the most effective? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS October 16th
Because many children are not able to learn foreign languages, schools should not force them to learn foreign languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample for this question here. Reported on IELTS October 11th
Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment. Do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS October 8th
Some claim that men are naturally more competitive than women. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my essay here. Reported on IELTS October 4th
Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn about current events. However, others believe that they can learn news better through other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Read my sample for this new question here. Reported on IELTS October 3rd

September 2021

Shopping habits depend more on your age group than anything else. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS September 30th
Smoking is a major cause of serious illness and death throughout the world today. In the interest of the public health, governments should ban cigarettes and other tobacco products. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS September 29th
The world should have only one government rather than a national government for each country. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS September 26th
Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Read my sample for this topic here. Reported on IELTS September 24th
Movies and computer games containing violence are popular. Some people say they have a negative effect on society and should be censored. Others say they are just harmless relaxation. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS September 23rd
Some people say that individuals who make a lot of money are the most successful. Others think that those who contribute to society like scientists and teachers are more successful. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this new question here. Reported on IELTS September 19th
In today’s world of advanced science and technology, many still greatly value artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can the arts tell us about life that science cannot? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS September 16th
In many countries, people now wear western-style dress such as suits and jeans rather than traditional clothing. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS September 11th
Many adults nowadays prefer spending their free time playing computer games. Why do they do this? Is this a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS September 6th
Some countries are considering imposing curfews in which teenagers will not be allowed outdoors at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this policy? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS September 4th
Crime rates will fall as advances in technology make it easier to detect and prevent crimes. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this new question here. Reported on IELTS September 2nd

August 202 1

In many situations, people who break the law should be warned instead of punished. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS August 30th
Some people think employers should not care about the way their employees dress, but the quality at work. To what extent you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS August 27th
Some people focus on news in their own country, while others think it is more important to be aware of international news. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 25
Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists such as painters and musicians. Others believe that artists should be funded by alternative sources. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this here. Reported on IELTS August 22nd
Some people think that because children find subjects such as mathematics and philosophy difficult, they ought to be optional instead of compulsory. To what extent do you agree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on August 17th
Some people think children should have the freedom to make mistakes, while other people believe that adults should prevent children from making mistakes. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 13th
Globalization is positive for economies but its negative sides should not be ignored. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 10th
Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news for the majority of people. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 7th
Some believe children should be taught to give speeches and presentations in school. Why is this? Should this be taught in schools? Read my sample answer for this IELTS question here. Reported on IELTS August 2nd
Many students find it difficult to focus or pay attention at school nowadays. What are the reasons for this? What can be done to solve this problem? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 1st
In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining. Why do you think this is happening? How can this issue be solved? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS July 29th
Some people think that individuals today are more dependent on each other. Others believe people have become more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS July 26th
Some people think that there should be a complete ban on all forms of advertising. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS July 24th
Some feel governments, rather than private companies, should be in charge of medical services. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS July 22nd
Large companies use sports events to promote their products. Some people think this has a negative impact on sports. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS July 18th
People these days watch TV, films and other programmes alone rather than with other people. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS July 13th
Some feel that schools should be mixed with both girls and boys attending while others feel the genders ought to be separated. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS July 11th
Some believe that people should make efforts to fight climate change while others think it is better to learn to live with it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS July 9th
It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos, etc.). There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening. Do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS July 5th
In many countries, crimes rates amongst younger people has been rising. Discuss the causes and solutions for this problem. Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS July 2nd
Convenience foods will become increasingly prevalent and eventually replace traditional foods and methods of preparation. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS June 30th
Some people think that sports play an important role in society. Others think they are nothing more than a leisure activity. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS June 27th
In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their products are new in some way. Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer for this topic here. New IELTS Cambridge 16 Past Tests Book
People nowadays tend to have children at older ages. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS on June 13th
Some people think that children under 18 years old should receive full-time education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 10th
Some people today prefer to get advice for medical problems and do not want to visit a doctor. Why is this? Is this a positive or a negative development? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 6th
Traditional ideas from older people about the way to live and behave are not helpful to young people and their futures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 3rd
Large companies should pay higher salaries to CEOs and executives compared to other workers. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 1st
In recent times, economic growth has helped many become richer, both in developed and developing countries. However, those in developed countries are not as happy as they were in the past. Why is this? What can be learned from this? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 30th
Some feel governments should invest in preserving minority languages, while others feel this is not a good use of resources. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for the new IELTS topic above here. Reported on IELTS May 28th
Many believe that living in a city offers greater benefits compared to life in the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Access the full Ebook for this topic by signing up to my Patreon here. Reported on IELTS May 25th
Some claim that studying abroad has great benefits for a student’s home country. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 23rd
Some countries have introduced laws to limit working hours for employees. Why are these laws introduced? Do you think they are a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 21st
If a product is good and meets customer needs, then people will buy it and advertising is unnecessary. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 18th
Competition for university study is becoming increasingly strong. Why are universities becoming more competitive? Is this a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS May 14th
Nowadays the differences between countries are becoming less evident because people follow the same media. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? Gain access to my exclusive Ebook for this question on my Patreon. Reported on IELTS May 13th
It is impossible to help all people around the world in need so governments should focus on people from their own country. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 11th
Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and riding motorbikes. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 9th
Childhood obesity has become a serious problem in recent years. What are the primary causes of this? What measures should be taken to reduce childhood obesity? Receive the exclusive Ebook for this topic here on my Patreon. Reported on IELTS May 6th
Museums and art galleries should show local history and culture instead of work from different countries. Discuss both views and give opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 5th
Nowadays more and more older people who need employment have to compete with younger people for the same jobs. What problems does this cause? What are the solutions? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 3rd

April 202 1

Today different types of robots are being developed which can serve as companions and workers to help at work and at home. Is this a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 28th
Despite the benefits for health, fewer people today than ever before exercise by walking. Why is this? What can be done to encourage more walking? Access the exclusive Ebook on my Patreon. Reported on IELTS April 27th
The growth of multinational companies and the resulting rise of globalization creates positive effects for all. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 26th
Many students find it difficult to pay attention at school. What are the reasons for this? What could be done to solve this problem? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 24th
It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as the South Pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? Read my sample answer for this essay here. Reported on IELTS April 19th
Some people think young people should follow the traditions of their society. Others think that they should be free to behave as individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 18th
Some people say it is more important to plant trees in the open spaces in towns and cities than to build more housing. To what extant do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 14th
Some people think that famous people can help international aid organizations to draw attention to important problems. Others believe that the celebrities can make the problems seem less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Sign up for my Patreon for the exclusive Ebook. Reported on IELTS April 9th
More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programmes to get their news and instead read online. Is this a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 7th
Some believe it is important for cities and towns to invest heavily in building large outdoor public spaces. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 1st

March 202 1

Many people put their personal information online (address, telephone number, and so on) for purposes such as signing up for social networks or online banking. Is this a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS March 22nd
Some people think that governments should spend more money on sports facilities for top athletes. others argue that this money should be spent for sports facilities for ordinary people. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Get my sample answer Ebook on Patreon here. Reported on IELTS March 16th
Some countries import a large amount of food from other parts of the world. To what extent is this a positive or negative trend? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS March 14th
Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, while others feel that crime is being tackled effectively now. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS March 2nd

February 202 1

Nowadays many people travel to foreign countries for pleasure. Some believe this travel has a negative impact on the countries travelled to. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer by signing up for Patreon here. Reported on IELTS February 17th
Some believe that the Olympic games help bring people from different nations together, while others claim that holding the Olympics wastes money which could be used for important issues. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS February 15th
Some people believe the purpose of education should be helping the individual to become useful for society, while others believe it should help individuals to achieve their ambitions. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. Get access to the full sample Ebook (and more!) here on my Patreon. Reported on IELTS February 8th
Some people think students should study the science of food and how to prepare it. Others think students should spend time on important subjects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS February 6th

January 202 1

Some people say that all popular TV entertainment programmes should aim to educate viewers about important social issues. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS January 29th
To succeed in a business, one needs to know maths. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS January 15th
Some feel that the effects of advertising are positive for individuals and businesses, while others think they are negative. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS January 6th

December 2020

Around the world more and more people today are living in urban areas. Why is this? What problems does this cause? Learn more about my Patreon here for full access to this Ebook and all my other exclusive resources. Reported on IELTS December 25th
In some countries, there are fewer young people who listen to or play classical music these days. Why is this? Should young people be encouraged to play or perform classical music? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS December 24th
Computer games are very popular for all ages and nationalities. Parents think this has little educational value and it will be harmful for children. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS December 15th
Some think that climate change reforms will negatively affect business. Others feel they are an opportunity for businesses. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS December 11th
The first man to walk on the moon claimed it was a step forward for mankind. However, it has made little difference in most people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS December 4th

November 2020

Many people living in cities these days do not get enough physical exercise. What are the causes of this? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS November 30th
One of the most important issues facing the world today is a shortage of food and some think genetically modified foods are a possible solution. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS November 24th
Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted to do. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS November 23rd
Some people think that the most important function of music is to help people relax. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS November 18th
Computers today can quickly and accurately translate languages, therefore, it is a waste of time to learn a foreign language. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Get access to my exclusive Ebook for this question for as little as $1 here!
Some think that it is more important for children to engage in outdoor activities instead of playing videogames. To what extent to you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS November 12th
Whether or not a person achieves their aims in life is mostly related to luck. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS November 10th
Some people think that it is a waste of time for high school students to study literature, such as novels and poems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS November 3rd

October 2020

Nowadays people live longer after they retire. How does this affect individuals and society? What can be done about this? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS October 30th
Parents should take courses in parenting in order to improve the lives of their children. To what extent do you agree? Sign up for my Patreon for access to my exclusive PDF for this question.
Many educational institutions give greater importance to subjects related to science and ignore subjects such as drama and literature. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative development? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS October 24th
The personal information of many individuals is held by large internet companies and organisations. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS October 22nd
Some think scientists should be allowed to send messages into space to communicate with other life forms while others believe this is too dangerous. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS October 20th
The amount of drinkable water for people is decreasing. Why is this? What can be done? Get access to my full PDF on this topic by signing up for Patreon here.
It is sometimes suggested that primary schoolchildren should learn how to grow vegetables and keep animals. Do you think that the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS October 16th
Some feel executives in large companies should receive high salaries while others think they are paid too much compared to ordinary workers. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS October 13th
Some people believe that the experiences children have before they go to school will have the greatest effect on their future life. Others argue that experiences gained when they are teenagers have a bigger influence. Discuss both views and give your own opinions. Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS October 11th
Studies show that crime rates are lower among those with educational degrees. Therefore, the best way to reduce the crime rate is to educate criminals while they are still in prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS October 7th
Some believe that advances in technology are increasing the gap between rich and poor while others think the opposite is happening. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Get access to my full PDF for this question on my Patreon here.
In the past, knowledge was contained in books. Nowadays, knowledge is uploaded to the internet. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS October 4th

September 2020

The internet means people do not need to travel to foreign countries to understand how others live. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS September 30th
In the past, most people worked for small businesses, while more people now work for large businesses. What are the advantages and disadvantages of working for large businesses? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS September 29th
Getting promotions are one of the biggest motivators for hard work in the modern workplace. Why are people so driven to receive promotions? What other factors motivate people to work hard? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS September 14th
Some countries invest in specialized sports facilities for top athletes but not for the average people. Is this a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS September 24th
In many countries, plastic containers have become more common than ever and are used by many food and drink companies. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS September 21st
Some think the current generation should take steps to protect the environment for the next generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS September 16th
In many workplaces, online communication is now more common than face-to-face meetings. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? Read my sample answer here. Reported on IELTS September 14th
In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by fast food. This has a negative impact on families, individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS September 10th
Some educators believe that every child should be taught how to play a musical instrument. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS September 9th
Some people believe that the government should spend more money putting in more works of art like paintings and statues in cities to make them better places to live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS September 5th
When a person spends most of his or her time working a job with little job satisfaction, their life loses meaning. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Get my exclusive PDF sample answer for this question on Patreon. Reported on IELTS September 3rd
Historical objects should be brought back to their country of origin. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on September 1st

August 2020

These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Is it a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 29th
Some people say that supermarkets and manufacturers have a responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging on products they sell. Others believe that it is the consumer’s responsibility to avoid buying products which have a lot of packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinions. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 25th
Many companies sponsor sports as a way of advertising themselves. Some people think this is good for the world of sport, while others think it is a negative. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 23rd
Some people believe that there should be a fixed punishment for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Get my sample answer for this essay by signing up for my Patreon here.
In some places, young people find it difficult to communicate with older people. Why is this? What are the solutions? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 19th
Many people think technological devices such as smart phones, tablets and mobile phones bring more disadvantages than advantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 18th
Many researchers believe that we can now study the behaviour of children to see if they will grow up to be criminals, while others disagree. To what extent do you think crime is determined by genetics? Is it possible to stop children from growing up to be criminals? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 16th
It is better for children if the whole family including aunts, uncles and so on are involved in a child’s upbringing, rather than just their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 14th
The government should lower the budget on the arts in order to allocate more money to education. To what extent do you agree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 13th
Some people think governments should care more about elderly while others think they should focus on investing in education for younger people. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 11th
Governments in many countries have recently introduced special taxes on foods and beverages with high levels of sugar. Some think these taxes are a good idea while others disagree. Discuss both views and give you own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 10th
The manufacturing and use of cars damages the environment but their popularity is increasing. Why is this? How could this be controlled? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 8th
In many countries, people throw away a lot of food from restaurants and shops. Why do you think people waste food in this way? What can be done to reduce the amount of food thrown away? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 6th
The global demand for oil and gas is increasing. Some believe that we should therefore encourage the exploitation of remote areas. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 5th
Many today feel that most urgent problems can only be solved by international cooperation. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 4th
In many countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and more widely available. Do the disadvantages of this outweigh the advantages? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS August 3rd
Nations should spend more money on skills and vocational training for practical work, rather than on university education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS July 24th
Some people believe that children that commit crimes should be punished. Others think the parents should be punished instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS July 22nd
Although families have influence on a children’s development, factors outside the home play a bigger part in their lives nowadays. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS July 20th
Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films while others feel this can have a negative impact on local culture. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS July 18th
Some scientists believe that in the future computers will be more intelligence than human beings. While some see this as a positive development others worry about the negative consequences. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS July 17th
It is better to learn the way people lived in the past through films and video records than written documents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS July 15th
Many people think that mobile phones should be banned in public places such as libraries, shops and public transport. Do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS July 10th
Some think that students must travel to another country in order to learn its language and customs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS July 10th
In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message? Read my sample answer for this question here. IELTS Cambridge 15 (July)
Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. IELTS Cambridge 15 (July)
In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Read my sample answer for this question here. IELTS Cambridge 15 (July)
In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation? Read my sample answer for this question here. IELTS Cambridge 15 (July)
Full-time university students spend a lot of time studying. Some say they should do other activities too. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 30th
Some people think that resources should be spent on protecting wild animals, while others think those would be better used for the human population. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 25th
Some cities create housing for growing populations by building taller buildings while other cities have opted to build on wider areas of land. Which solution is better? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 23rd
Some feel that countries should produce most of the food that is eaten in their country and import as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 19th
When cars and cyclists use the same roads, there are often problems. Why is this the case? What are the solutions? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 16th
Some old people today struggle with the use of modern technologies such as smartphones and computers. What is the cause of this? What are some possible solutions? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 11th
In the future, people may have to live on other planets. Some think that is therefore important to spend money researching other planets such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 8th
Research into medical treatments are essential to improve health and fight disease. Who do you think should fund this research: individuals, private companies or governments? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 6th
Even though doctors advise old people to get more exercise, many old people do not get enough. What are the reasons for this? What are some possible solutions for this? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 5th
Some educational systems make students study specialised subjects from the age of fifteen while others require students to study a wide range. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS June 2nd
Governments should spend more money on medical research and less on researching the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 30th
Many people think that zoos are cruel. Others think they are helpful in protecting rare animals. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this essay here. Reported on IELTS May 29th
Many parents today do not spend much time with their children. Why is this? Does this affect parents or children more? Read my sample answer for this essay here. Reported on IELTS May 27th
The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem? Read my sample answer for this essay here. Reported on EILTS May 22nd
After graduation many students take a year to travel. Some think that it would be more useful to work for a year. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 18th
Some believe that we should invent a new language for international communication. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 14th
Many people today are choosing to travel to other countries. Why is this happening? Is this a positive or negative development? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 11th
Some feel that it is a waste of time to plan for the future and it is more important to focus on the present. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 6th
Some think that quality art can be made by anyone while others think that it requires special talent and ability. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS May 5th
Some today argue that schools are no longer necessary because children can learn so much from the internet and be educated at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 29th
In many schools and universities today, women have a tendency to study the humanities (such as the arts and languages) while men more often major in science related subjects. Some believe this tendency should be changed. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 27th
Some believe that people will purchase a product based on their needs and advertising is not needed. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 21st
Many people believe that film is a less important art than other forms such as literature and painting. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my full sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 7th
There are severe social consequences to housing shortages in cities and only the government can solve these problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS April 3rd
Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS March 31st
Some people believe that smartphones are destroying social interaction today. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS March 29th
Throughout history, male leaders have led us into violence and conflict. If a society is governed by female leaders it will be more peaceful. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS March 19th
Some believe that history has little to teach us about today while others think that the study of the past helps us to understand the present. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS March 17th
More and more students at university today are not choosing to study science. Why is this happening? What are the effects of this? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS March 15th
Many people believe that music is just a form of entertainment, whilst others believe that music has a much larger impact on society today. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS March 12th
Some people argue that job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others believe that they cannot always expect job satisfaction and a permanent job is more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS March 7th
Watching TV shows and movies about crime is becoming more and more popular. Why is this? What effect does that have on society? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS March 4th
Some believe technology has made our lives too complex and the solution is to lead a simpler life without technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer this question here. Reported on IELTS March 3rd

February 2020

In the future it will become more difficult to live on Earth so more money should be spent researching how to live on other planets such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS February 28th
Some think that ambition is a good quality. Is it important to be ambitious? Is it a positive or negative characteristic? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS February 26th
Online shopping is becoming more common these days. What effect could this have on the environment and the types of jobs required? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS February 24th
Some think that governments should support retired people financially while others believe they should take care of themselves. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS February 23rd
Some believe that people are naturally born as leaders while others feel that leadership skills can develop. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS February 21st
Some think that governments should tax unhealthy foods to encourage people to eat healthier. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported on IELTS February 20th
Nowadays more tasks at home and work are being performed by robots. Is this a negative or positive development? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS February 18th
As well as making money, businesses also have a responsibility towards society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS February 16th
The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS February 10th
Some believe that tourism does more to create tension between countries rather than helping individuals better understand other cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS February 9th
Too much money is wasted on repairing old buildings that should be used to knock them down and build new ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported on IELTS February 7th
Plagiarism in academics has become a pressing problem in many countries today. What are the causes of this problem? What are some possible solutions? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported IELTS Exam on February 5th
Nowadays, entertainers get paid more than politicians. What are the reasons for this? Is this a negative or positive development? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported IELTS Exam on February 3rd
More and more people today are drinking sugar-based drinks. What are the reasons for this? What are the solutions? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported IELTS Exam on February 3rd
Many believe that the best way to ensure a happier society is to reduce the difference in income earnings between the rich and poor. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this topic here. Reported IELTS Exam on February 1st

January 2020

In some countries, criminal trials are shown on television for the public. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Reported IELTS Exam on January 30th
Many believe that individuals can do little to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies can make a real difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Sign up here to get my exclusive PDF for this difficult question . Reported IELTS Exam on January 28th
Today single-use products are still very common. What are the problems associated with this? What are some possible solutions? Reported IELTS Exam on January 27th
People today generally have better lives than people in the past did. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Reported IELTS Exam on January 25th
Interviews have always been the most common way to choose among job candidates. Some people now think that there are better ways of finding the right person for a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Reported IELTS Exam on January 24th
Many people feel that students should learn from online materials while others feel that it is better to use printed materials. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported IELTS Exam on January 23rd
In order to be successful at a sport, some think you must be physically strong while others believe mental strength is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Reported IELTS Exam on January 22nd
People today increasingly use credit cards to make monthly purchases. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Reported IELTS Exam on January 21st
Scientific research should be primarily funded by governments instead of commercial companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for a very similar question here. Reported IELTS Exam on January 20th
Nowadays it is not only large studios that are able to make films. Digital filmmaking now enables anyone to make films. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported IELTS Exam on January 18th
Many people have suggested that young adults should undertake a period of unpaid work helping people in their local community. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? Reported IELTS Exam on January 17th
People today spend less and less time interacting with other people in their neighborhood and this has a negative impact on communities. What are the possible causes and solutions to this problem? Reported IELTS Exam on January 15th
Because most information about culture and history can be found on the internet today, museums are not necessary. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Reported IELTS Exam on January 14th
Many feel that happiness is mainly an individual responsibility while others feel that there are important external factors. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Reported IELTS Exam on January 10th
Some believe that spoken communication is always more powerful than written communication. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Reported IELTS Exam on January 10th
Some people think that paying taxes is their only responsibility towards society while others feel that everyone should do more. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my IELTS sample answer on this question here. Reported IELTS Exam on January 7th
Some people believe that education is the key to tackling hunger worldwide while others feel that the answer is in food aid. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my IELTS sample answer on hunger here. Reported IELTS Exam on January 3rd

December 2019

Some people think that countries should limit the amount of food that they import and mainly eat products from their own country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people believe that having access to the internet is necessary to live a full life today. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Most agree that we should be training children to recycle waste to preserve the Earth’s natural resources. However, some believe that it is parents who should teach their children to recycle waste while others feel schools are more responsible. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here.
Students should be primarily taught academic subjects so that they can pass exams, and practical skills such as cooking should not be taught. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this question here.
Despite clear warnings from climate scientists, few people are changing their habits. Why is this the case? What can be done to encourage people to protect the environment?
Many people think that interviews are not the best way to assess the suitability of a candidate for a position. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some believe that children should start school after the age of 7 while others think that school should begin from a very young age. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Read my sample answer for this question here.
Many feel that technology today is increasing the divide between the wealthy and the poor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that the news media has become much more influential in people’s lives today and it is a negative development. Do you agree or disagree? Here is the sample answer for this question on news media.
Many psychologists recommend that the best way to relieve stress is to do nothing at all for a period of time during the day. Do you agree or disagree? My sample answer on stress is here.
People today often use the internet to learn about the culture of other countries. This means that it is not that important to travel to those countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer about the internet and travel here.
The most common solution for criminal behaviour is prison but many believe education is a better method. To what extent do you agree or disagree? I wrote a sample answer for this question on crime here.

November 2019

Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages? Read my sample answer for this question here. Reported November 30th
People have historically attempted to achieve a perfect society. However, it is difficult to decide what an ideal society would be like. What would be the most important element of a perfect society? What can normal people do to make society more perfect? Read my full sample answer for this question here.
People today often use the internet to learn about the culture of other countries. This means that it is not that important to travel to other countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my full sample answer for this question here.
At many companies today, applicants are often rejected due to old age. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?
Many psychologists recommend that the best way to relieve stress is to do nothing at all for a period of time during the day. Do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer for this one here.
Many believe that success in life mainly depends on hard work and determination while others believe that factors like money and personal appearance are important.  Discuss both views and give your opinion.

October 2019

Many people believe that lecture halls have been replaced by online learning. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people think that museums will be replaced by technology as most information can be found free online. Others believe that museums are still important. Will museums no longer be needed in the future? Is this a positive development? Read my museums sample answer here.

September 2019

Some people believe that universities should only accept students with the highest marks while others believe that some students with low marks should have an opportunity. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think women should play an equal role in the police and military while others think women are less suitable for these roles. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Rapid population growth in cities has brought with it many problems. What are these problems? How can the quality of life of city residents be maintained? Read my sample answer about cities and overpopulation here.
Many scientists believe that seeking out life by sending messages into space is a good idea while others feel that it is dangerous. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

August 2019

Some people think that it is better to include more public parks and sports facilities in new towns rather than shopping malls. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Studies have shown that most criminals have low levels of education. Because of this many believe that the best way to reduce crime is to educate prisoners so they can get a job after being released. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Read my sample answer on crime and education here.
Governments should spend less money on restoring old buildings and more money for new housing and roads development.  To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In certain countries, unemployment is so high that some have suggested children should stop their education after primary school to learn skills necessary to join the workforce. Do you agree or disagree?
In many parts of the world, people look up their family history. Some people think that researching previous generations is a good idea but others think that it is better to be focused on the present and future generations. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Experts claim that if older people do more exercise they will be healthier and happier. However, many elderly people suffer from a lack of fitness. What are the causes of this and what are some possible solutions?
These days many people throw away damaged items rather than repairing them. Why has this change occurred? What are the effects of this change in attitude?
Some people think that living in a country is essential to learn that country’s language and culture.  To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Much of the food people eat gets transported from farms thousands of miles away. Some believe it would be better for the environment and economy if people only ate food from local farmers. Would the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
The qualities and skills that people require to be successful in today’s world cannot be learned at university or at other academic institutions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
These days, more and more business meetings and business training are taking place online. Do the advantages of this change outweigh the disadvantages?
Some believe that because everyone needs a place to live, governments should provide houses for those who are too poor to afford their own. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that sports are needed for society while others think they are just a simple form of recreation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Many believe that young people should spend more of their free time with their family instead of other entertainment.  Do you agree or disagree?
The media tends to focus on problems rather than positive developments. Some people think that this is harmful to individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many employers are looking for people with good social skills as well as good qualifications. Are social skills as important as qualifications? How could this be a problem?
Many developing countries are expanding their tourist industries. Why is this? Is this a positive development?
These days many parents pressure their children to be successful. What are the reasons for this? Is this a positive or negative development?
Some educators think international exchange programs would benefit teenagers in High School. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Earlier developments in technology brought more benefits to change the lives of ordinary people than recent ones do now. Do you agree or disagree?
More and more people today are buying and driving cars which has a positive impact for the economy but can hurt the environment. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Machines and robots are increasingly replacing workers in a number of industries. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
People from poor rural areas often have difficulty getting into good universities. Therefore, universities should make it easier for these people to be accepted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many famous sports players advertise sports products. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Many are of the opinion that schools should stop using books in favour of videos, films, and computers. To what extent do you agree?
In many countries, visitors to art galleries has been declining steadily. What are the reasons for this? What could be done to improve this development?
Universities should develop methods to support students who come from rural and disadvantageous backgrounds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that libraries are a waste of money and resources and computers can largely replace them. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
For people in many countries consumer goods have become an essential part of their lives. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
In many countries men and women both work full-time jobs and it is logical that they should share household tasks equally. Do you agree or disagree?
As international travel is becoming cheaper, more and more countries are allowing in more tourists. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
In many countries, people believe secondary schools should aim to provide a general education of a range of subjects. In other countries, students focus on subjects that will be useful for future careers. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Many believe that there should be few restrictions on the office buildings and homes that people can build in cities while others think the designs should be limited. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think that it is important to let ch ildren act independently and make their own decisions from an early age. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?
The amount of advertising that is around us all the time now has a negative impact on people’s quality of life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
People are now living in a “throwaway society” where things are used for a short period of time and then thrown away. What are the causes of this and what problems does it cause?
Shopping is now one of the most popular forms of leisure activities in many countries for young adults. Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?
These days many kids spend a lot of their time playing computer games instead of doing sports. What is the cause of this? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
Many people think that television is the best place to get your news while others believe there are better platforms. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some think that one of the best ways to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that the best way of combatting environmental problems is increasing the cost of fuel for cars and similar vehicles. Do you agree or disagree?
Many think that studying in a group is better than self-study. Others think that it is better to study by yourself. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Many shops today stay open later than in the past and this has an effect on shoppers and the community. Is this a positive or negative development?
Some people think that individuals should be responsible for planning for their retirement while others feel that it is the responsibility of governments to help them. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Many museums and historical sites are not visited by local people. What are the causes of this and what can be done about it?
Many say manufactures and supermarkets are responsible for reducing the amount of packaging of products they sell and others say it is the consumer’s responsibility to stop buying products with too much packaging. Discuss both views.
In many countries, people can buy a wider range of household goods, such as  microwaves, ovens and rice cookers than ever before. Is this a positive or negative change?
Many people claim that parents should place restrictions on the hours children spend watching TV and playing videogames and encourage them to spend more time reading books . To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people feel that all teenagers should have to do unpaid work during their free time to help the local community and for the benefit of society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many countries are struggling with increases in crime rates and some think that having more police on the streets is the best way to reduce these increasing levels of crime. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people think parents should supervise their children’s activities , while others believe children should be free to do what they want in their free time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Today, many people do not realise the importance of the natural world. Why is this? How can people be encouraged to learn more about how important the natural world is?
Some people believe that in order to reduce the amount of time people spend commuting ,  parks and gardens close to city centres should be replaced by apartment buildings. Others disagree with this idea. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people believe that it is the responsibility of individuals to take care of the environment while others think this is the responsibility of the government. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Government funding should be used to support sports and the arts in school rather than professional sports and arts for the general public. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
More and more people are becoming seriously overweight. Some people have suggested that governments should increase the cost of unhealthy foods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In the future there will be more older people than younger people in most countries. Is this a positive or negative development?
Some people believe that family has the greatest influence on children’s development while others think that other areas such as television and friends have greater influence. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Scientists have been warning for many years about environmental protection and how important it is to limit our personal energy consumption. What are the causes of overconsumption of electricity? How can people be encouraged to use less energy?
Many countries spend a lot of money on improved transport for urban areas while neglecting rural transport. What are the problems associated with this? What are some possible solutions?
Some people believe that teenagers should focus on all school subjects while others think that they should concentrate on the subjects where they do the best or find the most interesting. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The workplace is changing rapidly and many people can no longer rely on having one job their entire life. Describe the possible causes of this and suggest how this problem can be dealt with.
Some believe that older people make better leaders than young people in companies and organisations. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people believe that the increasing number of vehicles is one of the biggest problem facing cities, while others believe that cities have bigger challenges. Discuss both views and state your opinion.
Some people think that men are naturally more competitive than women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
These days, mobile phones and the internet are very important to the ways in which people relate to one another socially. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
Scientists believe that in order to protect the environment, people must use less energy in their daily lives. However, most people have not changed the way they live. Why do you think many people have not taken individual action? What could be done to encourage them to take action?
Films and computer games which contain violence are very popular. Some people believe they have a negative effect on society and so should be banned. Other people, however, say they are just harmless and help people to relax. Discuss both these points of view and give your own opinion.
Some people think that higher institutions should concentration more on academic subjects such as history and the physical sciences, while others think that they should concentrate more on practical subjects such as car mechanics and cookery, and so on. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

February 2019

Around the world, the rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming poorer. What is the cause of this? What solutions are there to tackle it?
Economic growth is the best way of ending global poverty but it can also have a negative effect on the environment. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
Many people want to look younger than their real age. What are the causes of this? Is this a positive or negative development?
Some think that testing new medicines on animals is necessary while others believe it is not right.  Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Some people prefer to buy international products rather than local ones.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
Films and games can be viewed and played at any time on mobile devices.  Do the advantages of such a development outweigh the disadvantages?
Some people think that the quality of a product drives its sales and advertising is an unnecessary form of entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many young people are leaving the countryside to live in cities leaving behind an elderly population. What are the problems associated with this? What can be done about it?
Some people think that the government is wasting money by funding the arts and this money could be better spent elsewhere. To what extent do you agree with this view?
Advances in computer technology allow young adults to work from home and children to study at home. Do you think this is a positive or negative change?
People today get less sleep than in the past. What is the cause of this?  What are the possible effects of this development?
Some people think that a good diet and exercise are not necessary to live a long and healthy life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that high-end technology can prevent and cut down the crime rate.  Do you agree or disagree?
Some people think that family is the most powerful influence on a child’s development while others feel that other factors such as television and friends play a greater role today. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
The main reason that people work hard is to make money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Over consumption of sugar is unhealthy. Some people think that governments should take the responsibility to control sugar intake while other thing it is the responsibility of individuals.  Discuss both views and give your opinion.

January 2019

An increasing number of people are buying what they need online. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?
People live longer today than in the past so they should stay in the workforce longer.  To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Money ought to be spent on new public buildings such as museums or town halls rather than renovating existing ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
All people in a company should be treated equally and provided with the same amount of vacation in a year. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people say that a person’s success is a result of the way they have been brought up by their parents. Do you agree or disagree?
Some parents claim that advertisements are misleading for children while others allege that they provide useful information. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Public celebrations (such as national days, festivals, etc.) are held in most countries. These are often quite expensive and some people say that governments should spend money on more useful things. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people say that young people should be encouraged to leave home when they become adults while others claim it would be better to remain with their family. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Some people think that a high salary is the most important factor when choosing a company to work for, while others think that a good working atmosphere is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Parents should take courses in parenting in order to improve the lives of their children. To what extent do you agree?
More and more people prefer to buy readymade food from restaurants or convenience stores instead of cooking for themselves. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
Some people think that the best way to get the news is through newspapers while others think it is through online media. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Employers should focus on personal qualities instead of qualifications and experience when choosing someone for a job.  To what extent do you agree?

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IELTS Essay Exam Questions 2022

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IELTS Essay Exam Questions

December 2022.

More and more people today are drinking sugar based drinks.

Why is this happening?

What measures can be taken to reverse this trend?

Some people say that to prevent illness and disease, governments should focus more on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on both individuals and society. 

Many people today would argue that cinemas are becoming irrelevant due to new streaming services.

Some people believe that it is important to spend a lot of money on family celebrations, while others think it is a waste of money.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that children of all ages should have extra responsibilities outside of their formal education, such as helping at home or at work. Others believe that, outside of school, children should be free to enjoy their lives. 

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

November 2022

Some people think that educational qualifications are important to success in life. Others believe that this is not the only way to become successful.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In recent decades wildlife populations and plant species have suffered a global decline.

What are the reasons for this?

What are some possible solutions?

Some people feel that punishment should focus more on rehabilitation instead of long prison terms. Others feel prison terms are important for social stability.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Nowadays many teenagers have a celebrity who they follow as a role model. Some people think this is not a good idea, because celebrities often set a bad example.

Do you agree or disagree?

Learning at university would be more effective if men and women were educated separately.

Many young people today like to copy the behaviour and clothes of famous people.

Why might this be the case? 

What problems can it cause?

October 2022

The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles.

Many people these days move to other countries to live. Some people feel these people should try to assimilate completely to the country where they have moved to, while others feel it is more important to preserve their native culture.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Many people use written language in a less formal and more relaxed way than in the past.

Why is this the case?

Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages?

Some people today argue that countries should interfere less in the affairs of other nations.

The noise level around us is constantly increasing and affecting the quality of our lives.

What causes the everyday noise that many people face?

What can be done about it?

The most important function of music is that it helps people reduce stress.

Advanced technology has brought many beneficial changes to the world. However, some old people today struggle with the use of technologies such as mobile phones and the Internet.

How can the elderly benefit from using advanced technologies?

How can the elderly be encouraged to use consumer electronics more often?

September 2022

Many first-year university students discover after they have started their course that their chosen subjects do not suit them.

Why does this happen?

What can be done to ensure that students can choose a suitable subject?

Some people think that robots are very important to human's future development, while others believe they are dangerous and negatively affect society.

Nowadays, distance-learning programs have gained in popularity, but some people argue that online courses can never be as good as those taken face-to-face at a college or university.

The managers of most organisations tend to be older people. However, some people argue that younger people make better managers.

Some people believe that one of the best ways to solve environmental problem is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles.

Some people believe that children that commit crimes should be punished. Others think that the children's parents should be punished instead.

Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by governments rather than private companies.

Many parents these days work in other countries and they take their families with them to live their

Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?

Some people believe that having car-free days in cities is an effective way to reduce air pollution. However, others argue that there are other ways that are more effective. 

August 2022

The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment.

Why does it cause damage?

What can be done to solve this problem?

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has a negative effect on young people's reading and writing skills.

In many countries, people now wear western clothes such as suits and jeans rather than traditional clothing.

Is this a positive or negative development?

Some people think visual images, such as photographs and videos, can most accurately inform people about a news story. Others believe they are not reliable sources of information.

Young people committing crimes should be treated the same as adults by the authorities.

These days, older people who have retired often choose to spend money on themselves (for example on holidays) rather than save money for their children .

Shops should not be allowed to sell any food or drinks that have been scientifically proven to be bad for people’s health.

Nowadays, an increasing number of people with health problems are using alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their normal doctor.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Some people think international events such as the Olympic Games are important and can bring nations together. Others, however, think that they are a waste of money as the money could be spent elsewhere on more important issues.

Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if they wish.

In today's world, people spend a lot of money on appearance because they want to look younger.

It is important for people to take risks, in both their professional lives and personal lives.

Do the advantages of taking these risks outweigh the disadvantages?

In most countries fast food is becoming cheaper and more available to everyone.

Do you think that advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

It is more important for school children to learn about their local history rather than world history. 

More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending time in communities in poorer countries doing unpaid work such as teaching or building houses. 

Why is this?

Who benefits more from this, the communities or these young people?

Nowadays many people prefer to buy famous brands of clothes, cars and other items.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Some people feel that equality between the genders has already been achieved while others feel there is considerable progress to be made.

Prison is the common way most countries try to solve the problem of crime. However, a more effective solution is to provide the public with a better education. 

Some people believe using modern technology (digital photographs, blogs) is the best way to record and remember important personal events. Others think the traditional method (making photo albums, writing diaries) is better.

As major cities around the world are growing, so are their problems. 

What are these problems for young people living in cities? 

What are possible solutions for these problems?

Some people believe that the experiences children have before they go to school will have the greatest effect on their future life. Others argue that experiences gained when they are teenagers have a bigger influence.

Discuss both views and give your own opinions.

Some people think it is a better to leave their home country to improve their work and living opportunities, while others think staying in their own country is a better choice.

Boxing is a blood sport which often results in physical injury. It is inappropriate for this sport to exist in the modern age.

In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of advertisements which try to persuade children to buy snacks, toys, and other goods. Some people claim this is unfair as parents feel under pressure to buy these kinds of things for their children.

In marriages today, some argue that it is the responsibility of both spouses to earn a living for the family. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree?  

Nowadays, more and more people from different cities are spending more time away from their families.

What are the possible reasons this this?

What could be the effects on the people themselves and their families?

February 2022

Farming is the backbone of every country but nowadays many youngsters hesitate to enter in this profession.

Why is this the case and what can be done to avoid it?

Some people claim that too much focus and resources have been spent to protect wild animals and birds.

Many supermarkets are selling more and more products that are imported from other countries instead of selling food that is locally sourced.

Some people believe that violence in the media, such as in television programs and films, directly results in violent behaviour.

Some people think the main purpose of school is to turn children into good citizens and workers, rather than to benefit them as individuals.

January 2022

Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students should be encouraged to question and offer criticisms to their teachers. Others think this will lead to a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. 

Many doctors recommend that older people exercise regularly, but most patients do not follow an exercise routine. 

Why do you think this happens? 

How can people be encouraged to exercise regularly?

Today family members eat fewer meals together.

Is this a positive or negative trend?

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always good.

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Latest IELTS Exam Essays 2022

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Essay Topic

If children behave badly their parents should take responsibility and also be punished?do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer

In this contemporary era, some people think that if kids’ behaviour is not good, then their parents should be held responsible and punished. While I argue to some extent that parents are responsible, I am not in solidarity with the view of punishing the parents for children’s misdeeds.

To commence with, the main reason why parents are responsible is that they do not focus on children’s moral education. To explain it, parents should teach their offspring about moral values for their child’s betterment. Also, parents should not be disrespectful and abusive to their children, as it significantly impacts individuals’ mindsets. For instance, there was a survey on “Times Now News Channel” parents who care about their kids and teach them moral values, their children behave well with others. As a result, parents must give their children moral and better life lessons because it is beneficial for them in the long term.

On the contrary, parents are not always responsible for the upbringing of their children. To explain, parents do not know about their children, what they do at school and outside their homes. Also, they need to get information about their children’s friend circle. For example, parents are usually busy with their work. They do not know what their child is doing when they are with their friends. Hence, punishing them is an imprudent approach.

In conclusion, although I agree to some extent that parents are responsible, parents are the best decision-makers for their offspring; therefore, the blame should not go to them constantly because they are not with all the time with their children.

People should keep all the money they earn and should not pay taxes to the state. Do you agree or disagree?

23 July 2022, IELTS Exam, Writing Task 2, Evening Slot, INDIA
23 July 2022, IELTS Exam, Writing Task 2, Morning Slot, INDIA
16th July 2022, IELTS Exam, Writing Task 2, Morning Slot, INDIA
16th July 2022, IELTS Exam, Writing Task 2, Evening Slot, INDIA

9 July 2022, IELTS Exam, Writing Task 2, Morning Slot, INDIA

July 2022, IELTS Exam, Writing Task 2, India

25 June 2022, IELTS Exam, Writing Task 2, Sri Lanka

25 June 2022, IELTS Exam, Writing Task 2, Evening Slot, INDIA

June 2022, IELTS Exam, Writing Task 2

Essay topic : (Reported on 23rd April)

Some people say that art subjects such as music, drama and creative writing are an essential part of education, and every school should include them in its syllabus.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.

Model Answer

A few people assert that art subjects such as music, drama, and creative writing are an essential part of education, and every school should include them in its syllabus. I agree with this statement. Art helps in the growth of the creative faculties of the brain, like the frontal cortex and hippocampus. Moreover, art helps children to destress after long hours of study.

Art subjects such as music, drama and creative writing are essential part of education. Many neurological studies were conducted on children to learn about the benefits of art education. Many scientists found that learning to play a new instrument helps the brain’s fostering, and the synapses of neurons get strengthened. Creative writing causes the parietal-temporal region of the brain to get activated, thus strengthening the frontal cortex. For example, many studies have depicted that students or children who participate in various creative subjects have more problem-solving capabilities than their counterparts. They try to solve problems with an optimistic viewpoint, and these children become more confident than others.

Moreover, art helps children to destress. Hours of analytical learning in schools like mathematics, science and social studies can cause tiredness of the brain. Children feel joyful, contented and happy while learning to play a new instrument or act in a drama or paint or write something creatively. The children feel relaxed and at ease while doing something from the art subject. A recent study has revealed that art decreases cortisol, a stress hormone in students. For example, those schools that have embedded art subjects in their syllabus have seen more productivity in their students. Students of such schools participate more actively in class and are more attentive. They even perform well while answering the questions of the teachers.

So, it is not wrong to say that art subjects such as creative writing, music and drama should be an integral part of the school curriculum.

Essay topic : (Reported on 21st April)

Some people say that dangerous sports should be banned since they are deadly and life-threatening.

Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?

A few individuals opine that dangerous physical activities such as sky diving and skiing are risky, and higher authorities must proscribe them. Even though violent sports help people keep fit, I completely agree that they should be prohibited because it has increased the death rate and is for mere thrill-seekers.

One of the primary reasons some people assert that individuals must refrain from participating in adrenaline-raising sports is the increased death toll for its partakers. When athletes take part in training sessions or competitions, they undergo rigorous exercises in an unfriendly environment, which may lead to serious health issues such as broken bones or muscular dystrophy. During treatment, most sports stars may become disabled for life or death. For example, according to National Geographic statistics, in 2017, in the US, more than 150 skiers were buried in avalanches, although most of them were highly skilled. Thus, adventurous sports cause the death of many enthusiasts who venture into them.

Furthermore, people who are involved in dangerous sports are mere thrill-seekers. In other words, professionals tend to exhibit exquisite talents and unique movements to thrill their audience and gain cheap popularity at the expense of their safety. As a result, sports stars get unmatched excitement for themselves from their performances, which are meaningless to society. For instance, a skydiver, James Owen, confessed in an interview with a national geographic reporter that he went into skydiving because of the profound feeling of excitement that he derives from it.

In conclusion, although partakers of extreme sports are keen on continuing, I am in solidarity with the view that there should be a ban on them because of the physical risk involved and the increased incidence of mortality.

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20 Common Essay Topics for IELTS Writing Task 2

Below is a list of the 20 most common IELTS essay topics that appear in writing task 2 with subtopics.  Although the essay questions change, the subject of the essays often remains the same. Each topic is divided into subtopics which you should prepare.

You should practice developing ideas for all common essay topics used by IELTS so that you can write your essay within the given time limit. Follow this link to get over 100 IELTS essay questions for the topics below.

Common Essay Topics with Subtopics

  • censorship of art and artists
  • art at school
  • the benefits of art for individuals and society
  • small vs large business
  • international business
  • family run business
  • management and leadership
  • success in business
  • business and technology
  • skills vs knowledge for business
  • materialism and consumerism
  • technology and communication
  • family and communication
  • face to face vs long distance communication
  • types of communication
  • the development of character and personality
  • innate or developed personalities
  • female / male characters
  • prisons vs rehabilitation
  • capital punishment vs other types of punishment
  • criminals – what makes a criminal
  • major vs minor crime
  • crime and technology
  • teenagers and crime
  • role of policemen
  • men and women in law enforcement
  • cash vs credit cards
  • saving vs spending
  • globalisation and economy
  • world economic issues
  • economic progress and success
  • children and education
  • relevant subjects
  • education and technology
  • role of teachers
  • discipline and rules in school
  • single-sex schools
  • educational aid to poorer countries
  • protection of endangered species
  • environmental problems
  • saving the environment & solving problems
  • government vs individual roles
  • family roles
  • family size
  • the generation gap
  • role models
  • family and education
  • health diets
  • education of diet
  • traditional vs modern diets
  • children and diet
  • prevention vs cure
  • health and education
  • poor countries and rich countries
  • dealing with global epidemics
  • hospitals and treatment
  • exercise and health
  • having only one language in the world
  • methods of language learning
  • travel and language
  • the disappearance of languages
  • language and culture
  • censorship, control and freedom of speech
  • advertising methods
  • children and advertising
  • media and technology
  • news & reporting
  • Space Exploration
  • Water and Oceans
  • Change or Moving vs Stability and Constancy
  • paper books vs ebooks
  • children and reading
  • books in education
  • reading and leisure
  • controlling the internet
  • socialising online
  • children and technology (safety)
  • the change in society
  • letter vs email
  • storing data
  • safety of personal information
  • development of infrastructure
  • comparing forms of transport
  • problems with modern forms of transport
  • environmental issues
  • culture and travel
  • understanding people and travel
  • living in a global world
  • overpopulation
  • homeless people
  • crime on the streets
  • modern life styles
  • budget spending
  • public services
  • professionals vs amateurs
  • sport and learning
  • sport as a school subject
  •  men vs women in sport
  • types of sport
  • women in work
  • types of jobs (blue collar / white collar)
  • children and exploitation
  • part time work
  • work and technology

IELTS Recent Exam Topics

To get a list of recent essay questions as well as recent topics and question from all other sections of the IELTS test, follow this link: Recent IELTS Exam Questions & Topics

IELTS Writing Task 2

Get model essays, tips, free video lessons and practice exercises for IELTS writing task 2: IELTS Writing Task 2

100 IELTS Essay Questions

Get over 100 IELTS essay questions for free. The essay questions are organised into topics and also into different types of essays: 100 IELTS essay questions

IELTS Vocabulary

Develop your vocabulary for some of the above topics: IELTS vocabulary page .

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Hi Liz.. I really appreciate your good work here and pray that God will give you more strength to continue this your great work to humanity..

My question is on writing task 2 about the way they use to ask their questions.. For example,In many countries, paying for things using mobile phone is becoming increasing common. Does this development have more advantages or disadvantages? My question now, should I just choose one and give my reasons or should I elaborate on both the advantages and disadvantages and conclude with the one that has more advantage?..

Secondly,some will ask you to what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Sounds like you need my advanced lessons which take you step by step through the different types of essays. This is a link to my store:

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Why are you not active in youtube. When can we see new video of yours there ?

This is due to a serious health problem that has prevented me from making videos for many years.

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Breaks my heart to here this. I’m sure everybody’s wish here is same as me and that we all hope you recover soon.

Thanks. That’s very kind. I hope that next year my health will be more stable and if so, I’ll try to make some new videos 🙂

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Hi Liz, Hope your great.

Just need your opinion about increasing overal writing from 6 to 7 or above. Even though how hard i tried my writing score is not increasing beyond 6. Would be happy if you could give your overal opinion on how to increase it. Thanks in advance

This is not a simple task to explain in just a short message on my website. For this reason, I created advanced writing task 2 lessons and e-books in my online store: . You can buy them individually so you can see if one of them helps you. If they do help, you can consider getting more.

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I need your help in understanding this question in Task 2- writing. Some people think educated people are more valuable than people who learned skills through experience. Do you think educated people are the most valuable to society? What kinds of skills can people through experience that can benefit society? In this question, does education mean Hard Skills or formal education such a degree/ certification and skills through experience means soft skills? Thanks for your support.

Education refers to formal educational. This is about education or skills – not about different types of skills.

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I’m new to this website, although reading the few comments here makes me feel secured. I hope to get the best from here. Thanks

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Hello Liz You have some great content. It is extremely helpful when preparing for IELTS. Recently I came across an essay topic for GT that seemed quite vague. ‘In some areas of the US, a curfew is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. What is your opinion about this?’ This is from a credible practice material. What is a good response to this?

Which sources did you get this from? IELTS essay questions do not relate to only one country. However, the topic of curfew is possible. With such a topic, you would write about freedom of movement, learning independence and learning about safety, against protecting children for various reasons.

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I love the way you answered a question. Thank you Liz for your tutoring. Tan from Vietnam

Nice to meet you, Tan from Vietnam

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Hi Liz, Is there any difference in essay topics that can appear for general and academic writing task 2? If yes, can you categorize them accordingly? Is there any difference in writing essay for academic and general ielts?

The topics are basically the same although it is unlikely GT candidates will get Space Exploration as a topic (but they could easily get this topic in the Speaking test part 3). For this reason, all candidates should prepare all topics. As for differences in the writing test, see this page:

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Your trainings are very useful. For those writing the general ielts test (Not Academic), are the essay topics limited to specific areas ? Would the topics be selected from the different essay types such as opinion essay, discussion essay, solution essay, direct questions etc ?

See this page: . If you use the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website, you’ll find links to all key pages on this site.

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Hi liz, I am a trainer of IELTS. Your lessons are much beneficial for me. But I have a question that while getting training I heard from trainers that we are not allowed to use personal words like we, us, he, she, him, her, our as well as words like etc. and too, too much as it effect our writing bands. So can you tell me that is it put any effect on our band of writing or not? Thank you

“etc” is an abbreviation of “et cetera”. When you give examples, choose the number of examples to give rather than use “etc”. When you explain something, be specific rather than using “etc”. It is completely fine to use pronouns, but some pronouns are used more than others. For example, the pronouns “we” and “us” are not commonly used. Also the pronouns “he/him” or she/her” are also not used a lot because we are mostly writing about people in general rather than specific people. The word “too” is used whenever it is needed. So, you see, there are no IELTS rules about this. It is just about what the likely to be used based on the aims of the essay. I have a chapter on Pronouns in the Grammar E-book which covers this.

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Task 2 academic topic: Date: August 6, 2020 Some people believe that old customs and traditions should be given up, as people do not use them now. To what extent you agree and disagree?

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Hi Liz,, I would like to thank you for the great effort put in this website,, really useful. Regarding writing task 2,, what should I do if I did not get the meaning of the essay topic?!!

If you can’t understand the meaning fully, hopefully you can understand the meaning partially. Of course, it will affect your score for Task Response, but not for the other marking criteria. However, most essay questions are written quite simply so you can understand. Also, your preparation should involve reviewing all common topics and over 100 essay questions.

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Hi Liz, I hope you’re doing well. I have encountered some problems in giving correct points in writing task 2. Here is the question of the task which I selected for your website. Some schools are very strict about their school uniforms and the appearance of their pupils, while other schools have a very relaxed dress code. May I know ‘strict about their school uniforms’ simply means having the same dress codes/school uniforms? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you so much

Strict implies that they follow the dress code precisely and have very specific dress codes. For example, they have very precise rules for the length of a girls skirt and they make sure these rules are followed. In South Korea, they are even strict about the length of a girls hair and if a teacher thinks the girls hair is longer than permitted, they get a pair of scissors and cut it. That is a very strict rule about appearance. However, in the school I went to, girls had to wear ties, but the ties could be tied in any way the girl wanted. There were also rules about how short a skirt could be. But, in fact, the girls often looked very sloppy with ties in a mess and skirt very short. So, my school had rules but didn’t enforce them properly. So, struct dress codes applies to both the rules and the enforcing of those rules.

Hi Liz, thank you for the very clear and informative explanation. I’ve bought your E-books and advanced lessons and I’ve noticed my improvement after following exactly what you mention in the books and the lessons. All in all, I’m more than happy that I found your website and I would highly recommend to anyone who wishes to score in IELTS follow every note and advise at your website. Thank you and stay safe.

I’m pleased you are improving 🙂

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Hello Liz, I have been reluctant to send you a comment since I don’t know if you would be free to reply. I am planning to take the GT exam whenever the quarantine is over but until then, I have been practicing the writing task. my questions is: Can you have a glance at my essays and just let me know if what I am doing is right or not? I just need to know if my answering steps are in place, if I am starting my essay in the correct way and how much will I approximately score if I continued practicing in this manner. Thank you in advance and stay safe!

Unfortunately I don’t offer a marking service at present. However, I suggest you get my Advanced Writing Task 2 Lessons which take you step by step through each paragraph and will ensure you use the right techniques. I’m running a discount from about May 5th on those lessons as well as for my new Grammar E-book which will released then. Wait for that time to purchase.

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Is there any important topics for GT essay? Could you please assume frequently asked essay?

There is no difference between GT essays and Academic essays except that the GT essays are easier with slightly easier essay questions, So, ALL the lessons and tips for writing task 2 on this site are for both GT and Academic Writing Task 2. If you want ideas for topics, get my Ideas for Topics E-book which you can find in my online store. Click here: Liz’s Online Store

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I just started ielts preparation so please share ielts materials.

This whole website contains hundreds of page of lessons, tips etc. Go to the HOME page and read how to access them.

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Hello Liz, I have a question to ask about agree or disagree essay. “In the future, it seems more difficult to live on the Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on researching other planets to live, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree?” My essay goes like this: 1. Intro: disagree, money should be spent on saving the Earth rather than doing researches on other planets 2. Body 1: no certainty about life on other planets => could waste money 3. Body 2: saving the Earth is more important => reasons 4. Conclusion Is it ok if I write like that? Thank you in advance!

You have the right approach. However, your third body paragraph is not needed. That forms part of body paragraph 1 = Earth is more important which is why more money should be spent on research.

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Dear Liz, do we have to practice all the subtopics to get a good band in writing? Or working on only one subtopic will be enough?

The more you prepare, the better your chances of getting a specific question you have prepared. You can use this page for questions: and this page is a link to my Ideas for Essay Topics E-book in my online store:

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Hi Liz, Thank you for your effort in providing excellent resources. I have a strange question. If I get a question which I dont know at all in task 2, can I write something general related to that.For instance, if they asked about the importance of preserving historic places, can i just talk about history and can still get good bands for the other three criteria except for task achievement. Secondly, If I dont talk about anything about history,and I completely write offtopic, do they still consider my answer by giving 0 for task achievement,but giving appropriate band scores for the other three criteria.Thank u

1. If you don’t write about history at all, you might get band 0 for a memorised answer. Don’t change the topic because you prefer a different one. 2. If your topic is obviously off topic because you chose that – the above might apply. 3. You should always stick as close to the topic as possible. Yes, being on or off topic, only affects Task Response score – unless the above applies. 4. If you got my e-book “Ideas for Essay Topics” this is an unlikely situation: . In fact, preserving old buildings and also the importance of history are both given in my e-book which actually covers over 150 common essay topics. I hope this helps 🙂

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Hey Liz, Greetings. Can I agree on the first half and express my disapproval on the second half for the same essay?

For the same point? You would say “I agree in free education” and then in the next paragraph you would say “I don’t agree with free education”? This means you have confused the reader. In an opinion essay, the requirement of a high score is that you maintain a clear position throughout – this means one position from start to finish. This is clearly stated in the band score descriptors that IELTS have published to the public.

I think what you are talking about it actually a partial agreement (a balanced approach) to an opinion essay. You should only try this if you have been trained. See my Advanced Writing Task 2 Lessons which you can purchase on this page: . Otherwise, stick to a one sided approach – it’s easier.

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it depends on the plan followed in an essay as well as question asked. for illustration, if you are asked to give only your views then you can,,or if you are asked to discuss both pros and cons of notion.In the case,you are discuss give only one side so you have to go on one side either in favour or not. MAY YOU FIND THIS HELPFUL

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Dear Liz Thanks a million for all the unconditional help and support you have given us during these years to improve our English. I have a question regarding Agree/Disagree essays. In the following essay question are we supposed to write about both positive and negative effects if we think there are more positive aspects? I mean in these types of questions we must explain both sides even if we think there are more advantages? Below is the question. In the last 20 years there have been significant development in the field of IT. However, these developments are likely to have more negative effects than positive in future. To what extent do you agree with this view? Best regards Mona

You need to look at how it is phrased: more X than Y. If you think there is more X, you will also think there is less Y. This means you will explain both from your point of view. Do you see what I mean?

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MAM A Huge Thanks for providing theses topics! I have almost gone through every topic in detail and now when i check latest questions from your website, i feel like i can write ay of those tasks easily.

I have just one doubt. While studying about poverty i found that every cause of it is totally related to other one, and in this situation it becomes difficult to write two separate reasons or body paragraphs about poverty. Overpopulation, for instance, is the reason of lack of resources or services that include education, but education can be a different reason. In the similar way unemployment is another cause of pooverty, and unemploymet is also due to overpopulation.

You have plenty of ideas and that’s great. Now it is your task to select and organise. You can’t put all your ideas in your essay – you need to decide which ones to use. If the essay is about poverty (lack of money), then resource depletion isn’t really relevant. However your point about limited education is a good point. You do not need to link lack of good education to overpopulation – that isn’t necessarily connected. So, one cause is – lack of good education which helps create professionals who will pull a country out of poverty. Your second point is lack of employment – this is a clearly connected to poverty and that is a another good cause. You can add as a supporting point that overpopulation leads to too much competition for jobs that are scarce in the first place. So, you see, you need to filter your ideas and cut out any point that isn’t directly related. IELTS essays are short – only 280 words on average – you can’t list everything. So, we have cut out “resource depletion” and we have decided that “overpopulation” is a supporting point which adds problems to the lack of employment. The two main causes will be: limited education and lack of jobs, which together cause poverty both for the country, for families and for individuals. Do you see how you need to plan more after you have brainstormed. Once you have ideas, sift through them to choose only two causes that you will use. This of course is advice for a cause/solution essay where you shouldn’t have more than two causes. I hope this helps.

Thanks for clearing my doubts mam You are so generous and humble. I can’t express my gratitude towards you in words.

I wish you healthy and happy life!!!

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Dear Lucia, Thank you so much. It took me about 2 month to improve my skills and to be honest, I spent most of my time reading different topics. Based on Topic’s complexity and range of questions, each topic took me between 1 to 4 days to study at first.

Hi Dear Liz, I didn’t know where to say my words so i Chose this page. I just wanted to extremely express my appreciation for your great website and your efforts to help people pass the IELTS exam. I have centered around my study time on your website and I went through all the 100 essay topics and latest speaking questions in all three parts. I have succeeded in the exam with L:8.5, R:8, S:7.5, W:7.5 while my previous scores were: L:8.5, R:8.5, S:6.5 W:6 and your website was the one main way that made my dream come through. I again want to thank you a lot and I am referring your website and your courses to all the people who ask about my success path here in Iran. I hope all people understand and appreciate your hard work and thanks for all the positive energies. Regards, Danial

I’m really pleased for you, Danial. It’s great to see your scores improving so much – well done 🙂

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hi liz there is no written topic about globalisation…. can u please provide

See the topic of society on this page:

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Hi Danial, I am also happy for you that you got that such a brilliant score.. Could you please share how you make it? I also following Liz’s website which is very helpful fo me.. But i wondering about how long did you prepare to get that much improvement?and how many topics of writing did you do everyday?

Thank you in advance

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Hi Danial, What exactly you did to improve your skill by this website?

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Dear Liz, I just want to know that in agree or disagree type of essay, the body paragraph should be based on one side either agree or disagree or it should be 80:20 ratio? Please guide me, I will be very thankful to you.

There are no such rules. No rules at all like that in IELTS. You decide your own personal opinion when you read the essay question.

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Are calculators allowed in the IELTS exam? Thanks!

IELTS requires no calculations and, therefore, you need no calculator.

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Hlo mam can u please provide last 3 months essay topics

See this page:

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Hello Liz, I had this question, I saw several times in videos that while question asks about “advantages and disadvantages”, tutors write one example of for each advantage and disadvantage. I was wondering, is it OK to do so on test day? thanks in advance!

It is your choice how you expand and explain your ideas. You can use or not use examples – it’s your choice.

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I had a question and would appreciate if you could kindly clarify. The below essay statement falls under which category? and Why? To me it looks like an opinion essay where we need to choose a side either positive or negative and then give points to support the view in 2 paragraphs. Is that right?

Essay Question: Some universities offer online courses for students. Do you think it is a positive or negative development for students?

The question is listed under sample essay questions on this website.

Thank you, Soumen

This is listed under the category of direct questions. It requires you to answer one question only and present your opinion. You can find a model for this on this page:

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Please give me last six months essay topics which came in a ielts exam..

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I’m Ali , from iran and I have to say THANK YOU ! May God bless you

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Advertisement reflects the power of renowned consumer products in which celebrities are act as a crowd puller by doing advertises on television screen. Youngsters attract easily due to their favourite film stars , singers advertisevent. However, it is true argument that reduces the substancial real needs of the society in which they sold their goods.

Throughout the years, the scenario has been changed due to development of technology worldwide that helps the advertise companies to launch their products efficiently. Although, there is no actual need of that goods but individual purchase it through online website for instance, / etcetera that leads to wastage of currency and also grown-ups foster their guardians for that unworthy things. Besides this, companies provide lot of benefit and offer on goods to influence the public but it might have palpable effect that create skin infection , elergy problems due to the usage of cosmetica, medicines or protein powders that are consumed to gain or lpose weight . So , generally unhealthy for people.

On the other hand, there are various aspects against this argument. It is a people’s choice to take decision to buy goods . Advertising may be not a cause of consumer’s buying habits .individuals have their own spending habits . If they have got enough disposable income then they have right to purchase that product . Before buying consumer goods they should evidently aware about it positives and negatives.

To conclude , it is quit inconvenient to say everyone is swayed by advertising. Compared with other product companies , the sensitive areas of business such as toys industries that should be curtail to advertise because children have not enough mature to judge about good or bad.

Sory I don’t comment on writing.

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Hi Liz, your website is very helpful,no doubt :). My ielts test day is 15th dec and i am really confused… i wanted to ask that what i ought to do if i have no knowledge about the question in writing task 2. waiting for your response.. Thanks.

You will have a problem if you have not prepared ideas for common topics in writing task 2. See this page for a list of more topics: . You can find ideas from model essays online and debate websites.

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hi Liz, today I have elaborately studied marking criteria of writing task 2. Could you please explain me these three things- 1)coherence 2)cohesion 3)referencing

looking forward to your reply thanks in advance 🙂

You can find detailed information about the writing task 2 band scores on this page: . Coherence is about your language being easy to understand with a logical flow of ideas. Cohesion is about how ideas connect to each other (ie linking). Referencing is about referring back in grammar by using “it” or “they”.

thank you : )

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I have been looking for site to know writing task 2 topics with sub-topics,thanks to ieltsliz because its made my task easy.

You can find more here:

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You might have no idea how MANY DOCTORS around the world are thankful for your help in learning English! On behalf of all white coat wearing people, THANK YOU!.

I read many FB med group chat’s comments and other social networks, where many who want to come to the UK to practice medicine get together , and many of them recommend watching your videos.

Thousands of them, mostly from developing countries, show their gratitude to you.

we need above 7.5 in total and above 7 in each.

Personally, I have given IELTS 5 times, in 6 years. Unfortunately, I have not received the required score yet. BUT, I have received in Speaking 8, reading 7, Listening 7.5, and most horrible part-writing 6.5

Those numbers were different in each time, I just compiled them in the best shape, to show the greatest achievement I could get in those hardest ever my exams. I never got any bad marks during my 8 years of medical exams. I graduated from medical school with Honors yet ENGLISH- is my weak point.

I am proactive and will try for the 6th time, I believe it will be my last time of giving IELTS, I will achieve the required and even more band.

I have never really practice writing exactly at it is given in your explanation. But this time I WILL.

from Central Asia.

Thanks so much for your comment. I’m aware of the issues doctors face hitting their required score and am glad my site helps 🙂 I have actually replied to you at length via email using the email address you have used to post this message. Take a look as I’ve given you some extra tips and a gift. Good luck 🙂

Thank you . You are not wise only, generous and have real concerns for your students.

Heavenly rewards for your tremendous work.

Advance Merry Christmas!

Many new adventures in coming year 2017!

Thank you!!!

Merry Xmas 🙂

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Thank you Liz for your help so much! I know you have probably heard it many times before but I really do appreciate your great work. In my case especially, your study materials are priceless. I am a mother of a 9 months old baby girl so you can only imagine how challenging for me is studying and taking care of her at the same time. Actually, now at the moment I am burning the midnight oil to study for my IELTS exam (Academic) which is coming in the beginning of December 2016. My English is far from being perfect and my dream is to get band 8+. I am full of doubts and totally bushed, worried about my final results but I know that I just simply cannot give up. I think many people are having the same thoughts and worries as I do. But you are here, for us and that’s amazing. I am sending my warmest greetings from Finland.

Coming soon 🙂

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Thank you very much for your stunning site and I really like and benifited from it.I am a student of IELTS. My asking to you, how can I guess Argumentative written or narrative written. Some time I make mistake it . May you give me any easy way to identify it. Thank you

See the free information video on this page which explain the five types of IELTS essays:

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4 in reading

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really love your website. It’s very interactive.

In my speaking test had to speak about the last story I had watched on TV, with whom I watched and what did I liked about it and why.

Thanks for sharing 🙂 I’m glad my site is useful.

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Hi, In most of the GT writing test part II in the introduction paragraph, its mentioned that “In this essay I will be describing or I explained about…..bla bla

Similarly, In conclusion part,”I/we discussed and explained so and so…….”

My question is that is it right to use I and We the way I used in the above example or generalised statement will be given more weightage.

None of the phrases you have listed are advisable to use. I suggest you see my advanced writing task 2 lessons:

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Hi Liz Thank you for your great and wonderful lessons and tips that is really valuable to us. i bought your Advanced IELTS Writing task2 for different types of essay questions and its amazing,v.thanks. “people should work a fixed number of hours per week,and employers should not ask anybody to work more than this” give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples. what is this type of essay?and how to deal with it?and if any advices you can give it to me regarding my question. thank you.

That question is not complete. Where did you find it?

Cambridge 10 general training test2


That’s so badly written for an IELTS question. It’s an opinion essay. You need to comment on the opinion given by giving your own opinion. You need to explain what you think of people working a fixed number of hours in a week.

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Hello mam, i done my best in ielts exam …i follow format similar trend which should be followed but unfortunately i overall got 5.5 band in writing ..Can u suggest me something I’m going for it again.

See my advanced lessons:

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I am going to give general ielts test and I need your advice before giving the test please give me some tips for general ielts test and which lessons is are good for general test from your lessons

All writing task 2 lessons are also for GT. On the writing task 1 page, you will find tips for letter writing.

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I am preparing for Ilets Academic exam, It is on 31st March, I have started my preparation on 19th March 🙁 My goal is to achieve 6.5 band in writing, i am doing quite well in other sections. But i am not feeling confident in writing, kindly give me some tips on writing

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Hey Liz, I know you are taking some time off. However, I have a question for you in regard to Task 1. When the question is asking you to write a letter to your friends and in your letter, thank them for the photos and for the holiday you spent overseas. Since, no names were given, how would you suggest addressing this letter ? Would you suggest simply using imaginary names? Thanks

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Thank you for sharing valuable information for IELTS exam.

After going through your tips, I am a bit confused about how to write an essay for the question ‘To what extent do you agree’?

For example, “Most artists receive low salaries and should therefore receive funding from the government in order for them to continue their work. To what extent do you agree?” – – Can I disagree with the statement or I have to agree only? As I can say here that government has other priorities as well. – In addition to funding, can I write something like additional unemployment benefits for artists etc to further help artists. – Furthermore, If I agree (partially or fully) or disagree, two body paragraphs which I make, I have to justify my statement given in introduction only or can I discuss other side as well (may be in second para)? – I am getting confused over this type of question (To what extent) so please provide me with some resources on it as I have my exam on 23rd Jan.

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Hi, Do you have any solve essay so that I can see all the method.

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What is your opinion on giving a Title to the Essay before we begin writing it. Will that have a positive or negative impact? Please advice.

Thanks, Vijay

You should not write a title. Liz

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hi madam I bit confuse about what I write in this topic some sports make use of steroids in order to boost their performance as it easy to obtain legal drugs through a medical prescription . suggest some possible measures to check such unethical practices ielts task 2 …Please reply me as soon as possible because my exam is on 7 November. .Thanks

This can be checked by regular urine and blood tests. It can also be dealt with by having harsher penalties for people using drugs to enhance their performance. This issue has been in the news a lot so you can read up on google. Good luck Liz

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I can’t remember where I found an essay question that really stressed me out. It was something along the lines of “Some people believe the government should spend more money on defense while others believe social benefits should be favored. Discuss both sides.” I really can’t remember what it was exactly, but it concerned defense and social benefits and I honestly had no idea what I could write about on that topic. Would you have tips?

Thank you so much,

This is a current issue in many countries. Should a country aim to protect itself or should it spend money on providing benefits for its citizens. Defense is essential in order to ensure the security of a country and its citizens. Without defense, a country would be open to attack from terrorists or other countries. It is in the interest of the citizens to provide strong defenses. However, if many of a country’s citizens are in poverty or sick, the government has a responsibility to provide benefits and extra money to support them. Without these benefits, they might end up living below the poverty line. I hope some of these ideas help. Feel free to share your views. Liz

Thank you so much for your answer !

Also, I read that each paragraph should have one controlling idea. However, on subjects such as “Some believe a good salary is more important, others believe an enjoyable job is more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion” (something along those lines, I shortened it of course). I’m struggling on two things :

1. Is it ok if I write two paragraphs, one about good salary and the other about enjoying the job but with more than one idea for both? (ie. I wouldn’t have one single controlling idea). 2. Do I have to give my opinion in the intro or can I give it in the conclusion?

Thank you for your time!

You must put your opinion in the introduction, body and conclusion. You could have two body paragraphs and join your opinion with one of them or you could put your opinion separately. Have a think about getting one of my advanced training lessons for essay writing – they are very detailed and will help a lot: All the best Liz

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i think you are right this will help us and our country and their would not be any problem.

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The writing task 2. I came across in my IELTS general exam was

Some people thinks that radio is much more interesting and entertaining than Tv. To what extent do you agree? Or disagree?. Discuss with relevent examples.

Thanks for sharing 🙂

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Hello there ! Liz, I tried writing this topic and I’m trying the For-and-Against approach, and my opinion stated at the last paragraph. However, I can’t come up with any ideas as to how is radio more entertaining? How is it more entertaining than TV? Could you please help me out?

I am not clear what topic you are referring to – you need to write it in full in your message. Also I don’t know what you mean about the “for-and-against” approach. Are you talking about the discussion essay? Liz

Oh, I’m sorry, I completely forgot to mention which essay I was talking about. I was referring to “Some people think that radio is much more interesting and entertaining than TV. To what extent do you agree/disagree?” And what I meant by “for-and-against” was that I handle those type of questions like a discussion essay. I would first write the reasons why some people think it IS better than TV, and in the next paragraph I would list the reasons why others think it IS NOT. At the end I give my own opinion. However, I couldn’t think of any ways in which radio is more interesting, so I thought I would ask you for some ideas.

Thank you for the fast reply!

It is ESSENTIAL that you follow the instructions. The instructions do not say “discuss both sides”. This is an opinion essay, you decide your opinion in the introduction and explain it in the body paragraph. Never add any information which is not your opinion. If you fail to follow instructions 100%, you will get a low mark. See my opinion essay lesson from my online course for detailed training: All the best Liz

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Do you teach online ?

At the moment, these are the only extra lessons I offer: All the best Liz

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Hi Liz, I found your blog very useful, I have my exam in a week time, I m looking to improve my scores in Reading and Writing Section of ielts, I m good enough in English I would say, What tips you would help me on this.

Listening: As I m from Asian, And you mentioned that on your video that most of the foreigners have issues when it comes to listening to Plurals. with S. any way i can differential or improve on identify it. if so

Reading for General: Ii have experienced issue with matching question type and matching of heading or where you have lists of headings to choice or pick from like for example ( i, ii, iv) or the case of matching with the paragraph ( A, B, D,H). one where of the problem i fixed was with use of Synonyms in passage vs question., with the crunch of time . Are the Any Traps.. to look out for or tips that can help me to do well with this kind of questions apart from skimming the text and identifying the main idea of the paragraph…

Writing: I have issue with sentence construction or paragraph building i have ideas or points in mind when i end up reading up a task question.

Speaking: I plan on using diverse vocabulary words. towards my topic, but how would be able to know when should i use , Could be/ Should be / Would be any differences on those, I m sure i m likely loose points on misuse of words in context or when it comes to pronounciation of words. is that the case

I don’t have time to give you all tips but here are some. For speaking, the issue you are talking about is not vocabulary, it is grammar. The use of the correct modals (should, could etc) and the use of conditional sentences all relates to your grammar accuracy and range. You will find a grammar website recommended on my useful website page in the IELTS Extra section. For writing, the key is preparing ideas for all common topics and also planning your essay so that each paragraph has a central point. If you mix your ideas up in paragraphs, you will not get a good mark for coherence and cohesion – so plan your ideas and then plan how to put them into paragraphs. After that, plan how to support them. All that should be done before you start writing. All the best Liz

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Would you recommend to have a balanced view? Or single sided view? If I will choose a balanced view, I think I still need to state clearly which side I preferred. Is that correct? Thanks

You can get a good score with either approach. A one sided approach choose one side (either agree or disagree). The balanced approach is a specific opinion which doesn’t fully agree or fully disagree. I’ll soon be releasing a video to buy which explains in detail how to do both approaches for the opinion essay. I’ll post a link when it’s ready. Liz

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IELTS Latest Questions 2024

Welcome to our new latest IELTS exam questions page! Here you will find the most recent IELTS questions that test takers remembered and shared, updated daily in real time .

Last updated: May 29, 2024

Test questions are organised by month when they were reported. Identical questions that appeared in two or more countries on the same day posted only once (no duplicates).

Click below to jump to recent IELTS questions from your country.

Latest IELTS questions from May 2024

  • IELTS Speaking questions from the USA – May 2024
  • New IELTS questions from Australia – May 2024 (Academic Module)
  • New IELTS Speaking questions from India and Iraq – May 2024
  • Latest IELTS Speaking questions from Australia – May 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Sri Lanka – May 2024 (Academic Module)
  • New IELTS Speaking questions from Australia – May 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Italy – May 2024 (Academic Module)
  • New IELTS Speaking questions from Canada – May 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Nigeria – May 2024 (Academic Module)
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  • IELTS test in Italy – May 2024 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from India – May 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from India – May 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Nigeria – May 2024

Latest IELTS questions from April 2024

  • IELTS test in India – April 2024 (General Training)
  • Fresh IELTS Speaking questions from India – April 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Sydney, Australia – April 2024 (Academic Module)
  • New IELTS Speaking questions from Sydney, Australia – April 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Australia – April 2024 (Academic Module)
  • Latest IELTS Speaking questions from Taiwan – April 2024
  • Latest IELTS Speaking questions from Australia – April 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Taiwan – April 2024 (Academic Module)
  • Latest IELTS Speaking questions from Oman – April 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from India – April 2024 (Academic Module)
  • Latest IELTS Speaking questions from Germany – April 2024
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Germany – April 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from the UAE – April 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS test in Pakistan – April 2024 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from the UAE – April 2024

Latest IELTS questions from March 2024

  • IELTS test in Kuwait – March 2024 (General Training)
  • Latest IELTS questions from Uzbekistan – March 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Taiwan – March 2024
  • IELTS test in Canada – March 2024 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Uzbekistan – March 2024
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Zimbabwe – March 2024
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Egypt – March 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Zimbabwe – March 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Nepal – March 2024
  • IELTS test in Turkey and Nigeria – March 2024 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Canada – March 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Sri Lanka – March 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Turkey – March 2024
  • New IELTS questions from Pakistan – March 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Pakistan – March 2024

Latest IELTS questions from February 2024

  • IELTS test in Uzbekistan – February 2024 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Uzbekistan- February 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Vietnam – February 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Vietnam – February 2024
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Australia – February 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Pakistan – February 2024 (Academic Module)
  • New IELTS questions from Australia – February 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Pakistan – February 2024
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Nepal – February 2024
  • IELTS test in Nepal – February 2024 (Academic Module)
  • Latest IELTS questions from Australia – February 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from the UK – February 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Algeria – February 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Taiwan – February 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Kazakhstan – February 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Italy – February 2024
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Canada – February 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Croatia – February 2024 (Academic Module)

ielts new essay topics 2022

Latest IELTS questions from January 2024

  • IELTS Speaking questions from India and Iraq – January 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from India – January 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS test in Canada – January 2024 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Saudi Arabia – January 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Sri Lanka – January 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS test in Saudi Arabia – January 2024 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Sri Lanka – January 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from the UK – January 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from the UK – January 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Oman – January 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Pakistan – January 2024
  • Latest IELTS questions from Bangladesh – January 2024 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from UK – January 2024
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Bangladesh – January 2024

Recent IELTS questions from December 2023

  • Latest IELTS test questions from Romania – December 2023 (Academic Module)
  • Latest IELTS test questions from India – December 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS test in Cameroon – December 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from India – December 2023
  • IELTS test questions from Australia – December 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Romania – December 2023
  • IELTS test questions from Sri Lanka – December 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Saudi Arabia – December 2023
  • IELTS test questions from the UAE – December 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS test in Turkey – December 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Australia – December 2023
  • IELTS test questions from Indonesia – December 2023 (Academic Module)

Recent IELTS questions from November 2023

  • IELTS Speaking questions from Dubai, UAE – November 2023
  • IELTS test questions from India – November 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Bangladesh – November 2023
  • IELTS test questions from Taiwan – November 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Talk about someone you know who has moved to a new accommodation
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Ghana – November 2023
  • New IELTS test questions – November 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Talk about a house you visited that would be perfect for you
  • IELTS Speaking questions from India – November 2023
  • IELTS test questions from Pakistan and Sri Lanka – November 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions from Malaysia – November 2023
  • IELTS test in Malaysia – November 2023 (General Training)

Recent IELTS questions from October 2023

  • IELTS test questions from Sri Lanka – October 2023 (Academic Module)
  • New IELTS Speaking questions from India – October 2023
  • IELTS test in India – October 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS test in Australia – October 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant
  • IELTS test in India – October 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS test in the UK and Ghana – October 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Canada – October 2023
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Describe an invention that changed people’s lives
  • IELTS Speaking test in Bangladesh – October 2023
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Describe an area of science you’re interested in
  • IELTS test in Ghana – October 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Describe a crowded place you have visited
  • IELTS Speaking test in India – October 2023
  • IELTS test in Japan – October 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS test in Bangladesh – October 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS test in Kenya – October 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Pakistan – October 2023

Recent IELTS questions from September 2023

  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Describe a job that you think is interesting
  • IELTS Speaking test in Saudi Arabia – September 2023
  • IELTS Speaking test in Sri Lanka – September 2023
  • IELTS test in Saudi Arabia – September 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Albania – September 2023
  • IELTS test in Liberia – September 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS test in Sri Lanka – September 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Australia – September 2023
  • IELTS test in India – September 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Nigeria – September 2023
  • IELTS test in Egypt – September 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking questions with model answers: Studies, T-shirts, Companies, Being Late & Time Management
  • IELTS test in Australia – September 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Nepal – September 2023
  • IELTS Speaking test in Zimbabwe – September 2023
  • IELTS test in Hungary – September 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in India – September 2023

Recent IELTS questions from August 2023

  • IELTS Speaking test in Canada – August 2023
  • IELTS test in Kuwait – August 2023 (Academic Module)
  • New IELTS test in Iran – August 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in India – August 2023
  • IELTS Speaking questions with model answers: Friends, Road Trips, Drivers and Self-driving Cars
  • New IELTS test in Bangladesh – August 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Bangladesh – August 2023
  • IELTS test in Nigeria – August 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Ghana – August 2023
  • IELTS test in Pakistan – August 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions with model answers: Your Studies, Bags, Expensive Gifts and Money
  • IELTS Speaking test in Türkiye (previously Turkey) – August 2023
  • IELTS test in Türkiye (previously Turkey) – August 2023, Academic Module
  • IELTS Speaking test in the UK – August 2023
  • IELTS test in England – August 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking questions with model answers: Job, Dream Home, House Types, Wild Animals and the Zoo

Recent IELTS questions from July 2023

  • New IELTS test in India – July 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Chandigarh, India – July 2023
  • IELTS Speaking test in Pakistan – July 2023
  • IELTS test in the UAE – July 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Saudi Arabia and Iran – July 2023
  • IELTS test in Egypt – July 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Canada – July 2023
  • IELTS test in India – July 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in India – July 2023
  • IELTS Speaking questions with model answers: Work, Weekends, Restaurants and Tourism
  • IELTS Speaking test in Oman – July 2023
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Good News)
  • IELTS test in Mongolia – July 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer (Describe a piece of good news that you heard from others)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Nigeria – July 2023

Recent IELTS questions from June 2023

  • IELTS test in Oman – June 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 1 questions with model answers (Hometown + Sharing)
  • IELTS Speaking test in the UK – June 2023
  • IELTS Speaking test in Iran – June 2023
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Sports and International Sporting Events)
  • IELTS test in Kuwait – June 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer (Describe a popular sports venue, such as a stadium, that you like)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 1 questions with model answers (Hometown + Housework)
  • IELTS test in Iran – June 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Uzbekistan – June 2023
  • IELTS test in India – June 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Georgia – June 2023
  • IELTS test in Georgia – June 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in India – June 2023
  • IELTS test in Kazakhstan – June 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Ghana – June 2023
  • IELTS test in Pakistan – June 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Kazakhstan – June 2023

Recent IELTS questions from May 2023

  • New IELTS Speaking test in Pakistan – May 2023
  • IELTS test in Uzbekistan – May 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Advertising and Ads)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer (Describe something special that you would like to buy in the future)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Pakistan – May 2023
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 1 questions with model answers (Studies + Swimming)
  • IELTS test in Kenya and Bangladesh – May 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Bangladesh – May 2023
  • IELTS test in Türkiye (previously Turkey) – May 2023, Academic Module
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Outdoor Activities)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Saudi Arabia – May 2023
  • IELTS Speaking test in Thailand – May 2023
  • IELTS test in Pakistan – May 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in India – May 2023
  • IELTS test in Canada – May 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer (Describe an outdoor activity that you took part in)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Canada – May 2023
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 1 questions with model answers (House Chores + Geography)
  • IELTS test in Thailand – May 2023 (Academic Module)

Recent IELTS questions from April 2023

  • IELTS Speaking test in Bangladesh – April 2023
  • IELTS test in Turkey – April 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS test in Dubai, UAE – April 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS test in Australia – April 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS test in Nigeria – April 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking test in India – April 2023
  • IELTS test in Sri Lanka – April 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Sri Lanka – April 2023
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Noise pollution)
  • Latest IELTS test in Pakistan – April 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer (Describe a noisy place you have been to)
  • IELTS test in India – April 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 1 questions with model answers (T-shirts)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Vietnam – April 2023
  • IELTS test in Vietnam – April 2023 (General Training)

Recent IELTS questions from March 2023

  • Latest IELTS test in India – March 2023 (Academic Module)
  • New IELTS test in Egypt – March 2023 (General Training)
  • New IELTS test in India – March 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Talking to strangers)
  • IELTS test in India – March 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer (Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger)
  • IELTS test in Canada – March 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS test in Bangladesh – March 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 1 questions with model answers (Hometown + Chocolate)
  • IELTS test in Sri Lanka and Nigeria – March 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Jammu, India – March 2023
  • IELTS test in Egypt – March 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Technology)
  • IELTS test in Saudi Arabia and Turkey – March 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer (Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use)
  • IELTS Speaking test in India – March 2023
  • IELTS test in India – March 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 1 questions with model answers (Work + Libraries)
  • IELTS test in Italy – March 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Saudi Arabia – March 2023

Recent IELTS questions from February 2023

  • IELTS test in Vietnam – February 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in India – February 2023
  • IELTS test in India – February 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Saudi Arabia – February 2023
  • IELTS test in Taiwan – February 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS One Skill Retake: why you should consider it
  • IELTS Speaking test in Azerbaijan – February 2023
  • IELTS test in India – February 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Canada – February 2023
  • IELTS test in Sri Lanka – February 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Losing things + Archaeological finds)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Ghana – February 2023
  • IELTS test in the UK – February 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer (Describe something that you lost and found)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Senegal – February 2023
  • IELTS test in Nigeria – February 2023 (Academic Module)

Recent IELTS questions from January 2023

  • IELTS test in Canada – January 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS test in Italy – January 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 1 questions with model answers (Sports + Skills)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Saudi Arabia – January 2023
  • IELTS test in Canada – January 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Learning a new language)
  • IELTS test in Nigeria – January 2023 (General Training Module)
  • IELTS test in Hong Kong – January 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS test in Thailand – January 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS Speaking test in Uzbekistan – January 2023
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer (Describe an English lesson you enjoyed)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 1 questions with model answers (Seasons + Weather)
  • IELTS test in Nigeria – January 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking test in India – January 2023
  • IELTS test in Japan – January 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Going out + Outdoor activities)
  • IELTS test in the UAE and Ghana – January 2023 (General Training)
  • IELTS test in Vietnam – January 2023 (Academic Module)
  • IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer (Describe an outdoor activity)
  • IELTS test in Pakistan and Iran – January 2023 (General Training)

Go here for the most comprehensive list of recent IELTS questions from 2022

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37 thoughts on “Recent IELTS Test Questions + Topics Worldwide, 2023 and 2024”

Thank you for your feedback, Numasha!

I really would like to know about recent ielts exam

This website is good

Thank you, Jahongir! I’m glad you like it 🙂

If you subscribe to our daily emails with the latest questions reported by real test takers, you will be on top of the latest trends in IELTS. Very often our students get the same Speaking questions and writing topics in their exams, and they keep saying how lucky they feel 🙂

Kindly update and send me ielts material I will be thankful to you

I need recent updates on IELTS question and answers

You’re in the right place! We’ve got all of that on

Hello, I have the exam on 30/09/2022 at 9:00pm in Spain plz I need the recnt updates.

Hi Simranjit, if you go here and subscribe to our daily emails with the latest questions reported by real test takers, you will be on top of the latest trends in IELTS.

Recent ielts question from India

Hi Bensia, the most recent questions from India are posted on this page. If you’d like to receive them to your email, all you need to do is go here and subscribe to our daily emails .

Please show me

Hi Abdullah, what would you like us to show you?

How to reach these questions?

I have been going through the website and I am glad I stumbled on the site, but I would like to have those for reading and listening too. I have subscribed to tips and emails.

Hi Franklin, you can access Reading and Listening tests on our IELTS Online Prep Platform here. Sign up for a free trial and you practice, practice, practice!

Go to ielts blog

I took my speaking test just yesterday and I’m willing to share the questions with other candidates.

Center: AnB Country: Cameroon Part 1: do you work or you study?

Have you always wanted to do this job?

Part 2: describe something that helps you to concentrate at work or on your studies. You should say what this thing is, how often you do it, if you always do the same thing, how you do it

Part 3: what can distract people at work? Does a lot of concerntration has a huge impact on your life?

Can the lack of concerntration results from domestic issues?

What can companies do in order to keep staff concentrated?

Should they always do this thing?

It seems very easy but as to my view, it’s pretty tricky because I was every time confusing between “what you do to be concentrated” and “what you do to be motivated”. Just hope that the examiner won’t mark me down for the serveral long digressions that I made.

Hi. I’ve got an ESL student who wants to have me ask these questions during our class. Would I allowed to do this, since I would be getting monetary gain by using your website? (I’m not the most versed in copyright law.) Thanks.

Hi Rick, you are welcome to use our IELTS questions during your classes, just let the students know that you got them on . Thank you for respecting our copyright, I wish there were more people like you!

Hello 👋 thanks so much for this been looking for aspects for Cameroon but couldn’t actually find something

We know that topics and questions repeat all over the world and especially in the countries in the same time zone, so Cameroon would have the same questions as Nigeria. We have quite a few IELTS updates from Nigeria, look them up instead.

Hi, I found some useful IELTS tools on your website. I’m an online teacher on another platform. Can I use the information on your website to teach my students.

Thanks for your time.

Kind regards Dirk Pretorius

Hi Dirk, thank you for the kind words! What sort of information would you like to use?

For Taiwan 2023 March 31 General exam

Essay topic What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in different places during childhood?

Letter topic Write a recommendation letter to a friend’s job application.

Reading – air pollution

Listening – volunteering

I’m glad you think so! Thanks, Ayaman.

Thank you so much, Tsan! Can you remember anything else?

i want to pass my ielts exams

Stick with us and you will! We post daily the most recent exam questions and model answers – go here to sign up, it’s free .

The blog’s emphasis on consistent practice and setting realistic goals was motivating. It reminded me that success in the IELTS exam requires dedication, perseverance, and regular practice.

Thanks , this has really helped me

Thankyou for this amazing information.

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The one-hour writing portion of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) consists of two tasks, task 1 and task 2, which evaluate your vocabulary, grammar, word count, collocations, and capacity to create complicated sentences sparingly and effectively.

It is crucial to realise that the IELTS Academic and General Training Tasks have different essay subjects. IELTS Academic Task 1 requires you to create a report using a graph, diagram, or chart; in contrast, IELTS General Training Task 1 requires you to write a letter. Essay writing is the second task in both the General and Academic modules. Although the themes for essays in each module may vary, the approach to producing essays is always the same.

To determine the Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2 scores, examiners consider the following factors: Task Achievement, Task Response, Coherence, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Lexical Resource.

Table of Content

Latest IELTS Essay Topics for 2024

Environment, personality, global consumerism and business., essay types for ielts, opinions essay, discussion essays, advantages and disadvantages question essays, direct questions essays, ielts writing task 2 preparation tips, how should the ielts writing section task 2 essays be answered, first, read and comprehend the question, arrange the answer, write a strong introduction in step three, carefully select the primary content.

Most IELTS essay topics center around current affairs and global events. The following listicles contain some IELTS essay writing topics. Additionally, practicing the sample essay questions is one of the best strategies to get ready to answer essays in the IELTS Writing section. Below are the topic categories and essay writing examples to assist students searching for the newest IELTS essay topics:

Students searching for the newest IELTS essay themes can find assistance with the following topic categories and essay writing samples:

Environmental Crisis: One of the most often asked IELTS topics is the environment essay (band 9). But since this is one of the most specialized topics and might cost you points, many students don’t think they need to prepare for it.

Global Warming: Questions about general conversation subjects like deforestation, global warming, the greenhouse effect, and climate change are frequently included in the speaking and writing areas of the IELTS exam.

Sustainable Energy: Writing an essay might be a difficult chore if you are not familiar with its structure and topics. Each sentence needs to make sense and be constructed such that it conveys information and a clear picture. If you write your essay off-topic, you can lose points. Nuclear power and sustainable energy are contentious issues, therefore being knowledgeable about them will set you apart from your peers.

Fossil Fuels: The topics for IELTS essays in writing assignment 2 typically revolve around subjects that are commonly discussed in the everyday lives of applicants. The substitution of renewable energy sources for nonrenewable fuels is one such issue.

Hobbies: “Hobbies” appears frequently in both the Speaking and Writing Task 2 sections of the IELTS exam. Examinees should find this to be a straightforward, mark-fetching topic with minimal obstacles.

First impressions matter a lot in terms of personality as IELTS examiners read hundreds of essays every day and have limited attention spans. Therefore, it is crucial that you start your IELTS essay correctly and give a strong first impression.

Fashion : Often featuring worldwide themes, fashion is one of the best subjects to hone your public speaking abilities.

Education: The IELTS Essay on Education is one of the hardest assignments, with erratic questions throughout the test. Education: The Significance of Extracurricular Activities and School Values. Opinion-driven, these education essay topics—such as the value of leisure activities—evaluate students’ capacity to articulate their knowledge and abilities in a meaningful way.

Government and Society: If you’re planning to take the IELTS exam, you should familiarize yourself with as many topics that are common to Writing Task 2. Government and society is one such frequent IELTS exam theme that you should be familiar with.

Ideal Society: To strengthen their writing and vocabulary skills and raise their overall band score, applicants should practice answering sample questions and practicing essay responses for the Ideal Society IELTS essay.

IELTS writing task 2 frequently features essays on social media. Keeping the word count within reason and being aware of several approaches to the topic are the easiest ways to tackle a social media IELTS essay band 9 or related topic.

Worldwide Trade: The IELTS exam has included global business as one of its themes over the years. In order to properly respond to a question on such a topic, your response must include all relevant details, arguments, justifications, opinions, and supporting proof.

The functions of management and leadership are crucial in any organization. You should always write an essay that answers the query while writing on such subjects.

Language Barriers and Foreign Culture : IELTS Writing Task 2 frequently addresses the themes of foreign languages and culture. Share your thoughts on these subjects.

Sports and kids: Sports are a recurrent motif throughout the essay, and the text should never stray from the major ideas.

Health Obesity: In IELTS writing task 2, essays about overweight people are frequently assigned. Overweight may also be discussed in relation to obesity, current trends in children’s and adults’ health, and other related subjects.

The themes for IELTS essays are typically divided into different sections.

Any of the following essay types may be seen on the IELTS exam:

You are required to provide your thoughts on the assigned topic in this essay genre. Naturally, having prior knowledge of frequent topics that are popular in the IELTS exam is the ideal method to score highly in such essays.

Examples of Questions

  • Nowadays, most teenagers have a smartphone. Give your thoughts so that we may talk about the benefits and drawbacks.
  • In recent years, crime novels and TV shows have gained a lot of popularity. What thoughts do you have regarding these criminal dramas?
  • Developing countries frequently need aid from other countries. While some think that guidance and practical support would be more helpful, many feel that financial assistance should be provided. Talk about your thoughts on both of these points of view.
  • While some people think industries are to blame, many people think cars are the main source of pollution in cities. Describe the opposing viewpoints and offer your own.
  • A common belief is that the government ought to provide financial assistance to those who engage in the arts. Others think they should look for different sources. Give your thoughts and discuss each point of view.
  • Some people think that perseverance, commitment, and drive are the keys to success in life. Many people, however, think that other crucial elements, such as wealth and good looks, determine success. Give your thoughts and discuss the two points of view.
  • Government funding of programs aimed at finding extraterrestrial life is a popular belief. But some think that governments ought to concentrate on global problems that still need to be solved. Talk about both points of view and offer your own.

In the context of discussion essays, candidates must present arguments in favor of or against each issue. These are the most typical essays that can be seen on the IELTS exam.

  • Many people think that living in a large city has more benefits than living in a rural area. Do you think this is correct or incorrect?
  • More than any other element, an individual’s age group determines their shopping behavior. Do you think this is correct or incorrect?
  • In industrialized nations, the number of overweight children and adolescents is rising. For most developed nations, this is a serious issue. Describe this issue’s causes and effects.
  • One fantastic invention that benefits everyone on the planet is the internet. However, there are a number of problems with regard to personal data control and security. Do you think this is correct or incorrect?
  • People who are exposed to advertising are less likely to be creative and more likely to act and appear alike. Do you think this is correct or incorrect?
  • Many times these days, parents plan extra classes for the weekends or even after school. Do you think this is even remotely helpful? Or are you of the opinion that the education offered in schools suffices?
  • There are others who think that abolishing the death penalty is a good idea. Do you think this is correct or incorrect?

Students are required to discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of a certain topic in this kind of essay. These essays assess your ability to create arguments and how well you can express yourself in English so that your opinions are as clear and consistent as possible.

  • Many places have benefited immensely from international tourism. Significant worries have been raised, though, regarding how it may affect the local population and ecology. Are there more drawbacks to foreign travel than advantages?
  • Recently, legislation restricting employees’ daily working hours have been passed in some countries. Describe the impact that this will have, if any, positive or negative.

The themes for this kind of essay will be given to the students as direct questions, to which they must respond with their own ideas and experiences.

  • In the past, going shopping was a common household chore. Today, though, it’s more of a pastime. Does this pattern seem promising?

Since they can communicate in English really well, many students think they don’t need to prepare much. It’s true that the IELTS test is difficult. Actually, the test could be challenging for native English speakers as well. Candidates should thus begin their preparation for this portion as soon as possible and should follow a strict and thorough approach.

  • Start studying for the IELTS at least six months in advance of the date you plan to take the test, and be sure to dedicate some time each day to each of the four components.
  • For both writing tasks—especially writing task 2—select writing themes and make an effort to write about them every day. Keep an eye on the clock; you have one hour to finish both assignments.
  • Allocate a substantial amount of time to acquire new words and review grammar. Structured thinking comes next, which enables you to express your ideas in a logical manner. Keep clarity, rationality, and lucidity in mind when you write.
  • Since any topic could be included in the second IELTS writing task, you should broaden your ideas. Examine all available materials, including books, magazines, and internet resources, to increase your vocabulary and level of understanding. Moreover, practice as many mock.

To successfully improve their essay-writing skills in the Writing portion, students might use the following strategies:

To succeed in assignment 2 essays, you must first thoroughly read and comprehend the question. Candidates typically respond to the question without fully comprehending what is asked of them. It is important for candidates to thoroughly examine the question, determine its type, and attempt to pinpoint its keywords. Lastly, before attempting to respond, they should comprehend the instructions completely.

Students must organize the format of their answers after they have a firm understanding of the question. This will enable candidates to arrange their thoughts and create a concise and coherent response.

The essay’s opening should provide a summary of the main points of the paper. Make sure your opening effectively summarizes the main points of the essay.

The crucial section of the essay is the main body, where you have to include all the information that is required. Make sure to support your ideas with relevant information, examples, and explanations. After finishing, a suitable conclusion must be provided

Also Read: IELTS Exam: 8 Weeks Study Plan IELTS Writing Task 2: Format, Sample, Tips IELTS Academic vs General Tests – What’s the Difference? IELTS Eligibility 2024: Check Minimum Age Limit, Qualification & Score Required

IELTS Essay Topics- FAQs

What is the best way to do well in ielts writing task 2.

Task Response, Cohesion & Coherence, Lexical Resource, and lastly Grammatical range and accuracy are the four primary performance criteria for IELTS Writing Task 2. Make sure you adhere to these four standards when preparing by using appropriate reference materials and practice questions.

Which are the most often requested questions in IELTS Writing Task 2?

In IELTS Writing Task 2, there are various question categories to choose from, such as: Problem/Causes, Opinion, Advantage/Disadvantage, and Discussion of Views.

Which major themes underlie the questions in IELTS Writing Task 2?

A few of the overarching topics are Crime & Punishment, Art, Business, Environment, Food, Health, and more. For question framing, concepts and subjects are grouped under these major themes.

Does the IELTS Writing component require the usage of complicated words?

A further benefit is having a strong vocabulary. However, it’s not appropriate to firmly insert challenging words into phrases. Your phrases should flow naturally and be appropriate for the meaning and situation you’re in.

How can one generate concepts for IELTS Writing Task 2 (2024)?

To come up with ideas for IELTS Writing Task 2, the simplest methods are to look at sample essays, search for ideas on Google, speak with experts, watch movies, ask yourself some questions about the subject, and come up with primary concepts from particular examples.

In IELTS Writing Task 2, how many errors are permitted?

If you write a strong essay overall, the examiner will ignore one or two faults. Nevertheless, committing more errors than that could result in a worse IELTS band score.

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